Official Man of Steel Trailer(s) Thread - Part 1

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Kind of early for this but it's on my mind a lot...

What are you guys hoping to see in our first official trailer?

I hope they go the route they went for with the first Batman Begins teaser. I hope they come up with something that would make a general audience think they are seeing one type of film and then be hit with a "reveal" and realize "OH SNAP! :wow:" this is a brand new Superman movie.

This is the scenario that plays out in my head:

A short vignette of Clark Kent abroad in some remote, poverty stricken area, reporting on a story... Compassionately interacting with some common people, writing down their stories, making video recordings, speaking in their native tongue perhaps. Restrained yet inspiring music plays. These graceful and hopeful moments are blindsided by an attack by paramilitaries, or a gang of thuggish types. Whatever makes sense for the story. They want a hostage. Maybe a young teenage daughter, or maybe a father of a household. They want to terrorize and cause trouble.

The family Clark is staying with is targeted. They are frightened beyond measure. They should have never allowed this Yankee in their home and now their deaths are all but certain. Clark steps outside their house, meeting with the armed gang. "Take me" he says, "American... Journalist... more money... leave this family alone, take me..." He implores them. He offers his wrists and hands. The Leader of the gang makes a snap decision. An ordered is barked out and they knock the journalist to his knees, throw a sack on his head, and bind his wrists. They grab his wallet, money, and ID and carry him to the back of their truck. Extra effort is needed to carry this man, and 3 or 4 men assemble to do the job.

The gang leader's right hand man asks his boss "What's the American's name?" A slow response in broken English comes as he reads the young journalist's ID card "....Clark ...Kent." The armed thugs heave and throw the bound American into their getaway truck. The doors to the truck shut closed, two armed guards keeping an eye on their hostage. It races away out of the town. Leaving the terror stricken family wracked with guilt and dread.

The screen goes dark..."Warner Bros. Pictures Present"

The truck makes its way to a fortified compound in a remote part of the city, away from the slums. The two guards sit on either side of the bound journalist, quiet on the floor of the truck. The guards have no idea that their every movement is being closely watched. The timing has to be absolutely right.

"In association with Legendary Pictures..."

A guard peers out the back window as they pass through the security check point, he returns his gaze to find the American on his feet, his right hand at the other guard's throat, holding him aloft like a stuffed animal, his uzi dropped to the floor. He is so taken aback he loses the gut instinct to fire, his whole being is overcome by fear, incredulity, and wonder... What the hell is this?? Before he knows what hits him, the journalist comes upon him and with one beautiful swift motion knocks him over and takes his weapon away from him. He disables the weapon and binds the the second guard with the same ropes they used on him. The first guard has since passed out from the shock. These moments happen quickly..

"And DC Entertainment"

The truck closes in on the main buildings where prisoners are held. Many people from the slums are taken here to be sold into slavery and human trafficking. A desperate corner of the world this surely is. The journalist removes the sack from his head and when the time is right he kicks open the back doors, and drops behind the truck flying level above the ground. The music is racing and swelling with strings and horns. The audience now realize who exactly they are seeing. His right hand grabs the back bumper and in one motion bounces it against the ground, throwing the rear end of the truck a few feet into the air. The driver and passenger up front are knocked out of their seats. With his left hand the flying journalist reaches underneath and grabs hold of the back axle. He gets his legs and feet underneath him and hits the ground running. His right arm follows and soon he is holding the truck over his head. This miraculous display of power culminates in one beautiful heave as the Man of Steel throws the truck sailing through the air, traveling 20 feet straight at the wall of the prison.

The paramilitaries are overwhelmed and in total chaos. Shots ring out. Prisoners, young and old, are risen to look through the bars of their windows. This tightly controlled world of misery is being upended.

The leader of this operation is on site, and being whisked away to safety by his elite guards. There is nowhere he can be safe. The journalist knows he is here and he has some questions for the story he is writing.

The truck has long since made a hole in the wall of the prison, prisoners who are freed run for their lives. Guards find themselves and their weapons overcome by a force of nature.

This vignette ends with the leader of the operation in the hands of Kent, his blue eyes squinting in a focused rage. He seems as if he could burst in flames. "Who funds your operation, and where can I find these people?"

The Teaser ends with a quick flash of clips from Metropolis. Kent in his business suit making his way into downtown on an elevated train, Lois Lane smiling with a pen and pad in hand, Lex at a press conference, etc.. quick and succinct. A new Superman film is on the way. Christmas 2012 :awesome:

So these are my thoughts.. Please feel free to critique or add, or come up with your very own ideas for what you want to see in a Teaser for this film. Cheers!
I wonder if the music simply suited the trailer or whether Zimmer's stuff might be similar to Thin Red Line.
Has it been confirmed that there is not MoS teaser with TDKR in Real IMAX theaters?
I hope it's worth it. Judging from the leaked SDCC footage, it was pretty good... but a bit too Nolan-y for Superman.
I hope it's worth it. Judging from the leaked SDCC footage, it was pretty good... but a bit too Nolan-y for Superman.
Just fyi, the footage that was shown at Comic Con is not the trailer that will be shown in front of TDKR. Although, it will probably have some of the footage.
Just fyi, the footage that was shown at Comic Con is not the trailer that will be shown in front of TDKR. Although, it will probably have some of the footage.

Oh good... it'll be nice to get something new that close post-SDCC. Getting spoiled here lol
but i do recall that Real IMAX theatres do play trailers sometimes
dont see how it was too nolany lol

yes the footage was dramatic and serious but not really doom and gloom gritty

but it was also uplifting wih young clark playing in the yard with a make shift cape

him saving a bus full of kids from drowning

and even pa kent giving him that inspirational speech
Well it's possible that it will be a shorter version of the Comic Con footage. It's also possible that it will be some of that footage and maybe something new. Who knows. The only reason I know that it won't be the exact same trailer is because of the runtime. The Comic Con footage was around 3 minutes long, and the teaser trailer showing before TDKR will be 1 minute 27 seconds. Either way, I can't wait to see it this weekend!
Do we have confirmation that teaser will be released online sometime before Friday?
Do we have confirmation that teaser will be released online sometime before Friday?
If it follows TDKR's marketing, it'll be released on Monday. ;)
Well it's possible that it will be a shorter version of the Comic Con footage. It's also possible that it will be some of that footage and maybe something new. Who knows. The only reason I know that it won't be the exact same trailer is because of the runtime. The Comic Con footage was around 3 minutes long, and the teaser trailer showing before TDKR will be 1 minute 27 seconds. Either way, I can't wait to see it this weekend!

I hope it's a shorter version of the comic-con footage because it was SO good. It was no longer than 2:10. So maybe they just cut out some of the lingering shots of trees, and cut down the dialogue a little bit. Im hoping that it's similar to the Dark Knight Rises 5 minute sizzle reel they showed before trailer 3 debuted. They ended up compiling pretty much the best shots from the reel and threw it into the trailer.

I would have been excited for a batman begins esque first teaser with a little footage and a voiceover but now id be dissapointed cuz i want everyone to see all those epic shots of Clark on fire, Superman with skulls around him, Zod, Lois, Jor-El, the great winter shots, etc. MAN IM EXCITED FOR THIS MOVIE
I have a question: I'am seeing TDKR this Thursday at midnight (my fourth midnight movie this year :D), am'I assuming that when I go see that film at that time, I will see the trailer too, right?

PS: Sad news to report; if you're living in Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere and want to see the trailer to MOS, before the nothern hemisphere does, during the screenings of TDKR this Thursday; you won't. You will only be able to see it in front of TDKR until 2pm Friday, as WB wants the trailer to be seen worldwide in conjunction with the USA release.
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If you're in the southern hemisphere, you can't til 2pm Friday.
Yeah, I forget where that information came from, but I'm pretty sure it's been confirmed.

Do true IMAX theatres not have trailers?

Weird, but I'd be surprised in this case... The trailer's 'attached' to the print of TDKR, not edited onto it.
I have a question: I'am seeing TDKR this Thursday at midnight (my fourth midnight movie this year :D), am'I assuming that when I go see that film at that time, I will see the trailer too, right?

When they say a trailer is 'attached' to the print, it means every showing will have it right before TDKR starts: so, yes.
I have a question: I'am seeing TDKR this Thursday at midnight (my fourth midnight movie this year :D), am'I assuming that when I go see that film at that time, I will see the trailer too, right?

PS: Sad news to report; if you're living in Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere and want to see the trailer to MOS, before the nothern hemisphere does, during the screenings of TDKR this Thursday; you won't. You will only be able to see it in front of TDKR until 2pm Friday, as WB wants the trailer to be seen worldwide in conjunction with the USA release.

In fairness, there are no midnight releases over here in the UK, I already discovered that. Something about them not wanting us to spoil it online.

So I wouldn't be seeing it before 2pm Friday realistically anyway.

And there had best be a damn MOS teaser. I'll be pretty dissapointed if not.
When they say a trailer is 'attached' to the print, it means every showing will have it right before TDKR starts: so, yes.
Unfortunately, that's not always the case.
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