Official Man of Steel Trailer(s) Thread - Part 4

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I understand your dislike bc that's how you feel but... Where was the fun and happiness in SR? That trailer was good back then but it showed nothing that was fun or happy. Unless you mean the airplane save which was the best part of the movie. The movie itself wasn't fun or happy. If you're saying from the trailer you think that the movie will be lacking that doesn't make sense using your reference of SR. It's trailer gave a false impression of the movie bc no one thought that the airplane scene was the going to be the only worthwhile save in the film. When I saw that trailer I thought the movie was going to be full of great scenes like that. I just want to understand what you want to see specifically that you could "take for a superman film".

The sr trailer i refer to is this.
It doesnt have the plane crash scene.
SR failed partly because it isnt a fun movie. Hope MOS wouldnt repete the same mistake.

I wanna see a scenes from bystanders perspective watching superman doing wonders n suddenly he smile to him before take off.

This trailer isnt engaging. It isnt connecting the audience. Just throwing out its base story. Take it or leave it.
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The whole sequence where we see Superman getting ready to takeoff, when you consider the music playing in the background to help elevate the scene, it really feels like at times that it's also symbolically means that Superman in general is getting ready to make a big comeback.
Most of the time we read too much. N cant just take the face value of it.
for those of you questioning what pa kent says about maybe letting the school kids die, you have to think outside of the box and look at the bigger picture. the context of the situation is that jonathan just found out that his son displayed his unique and alienating abilities to others and is now very worried and concerned about the consequences. he doesn't say "maybe" because he thinks they should have died but moreso because he's a father trying to cope with the situation who doesn't have a straightforward yes or no answer.

when one becomes a parent, a lot of things become less black and white when it comes to raising your kids. you can hear in his hesitation that it pains him to be having this talk with clark.

i, for one, welcome this change. it doesn't necessarily show a flawed jonathan kent. it shows a realistic one. which, i guess does mean he's flawed, which is ok because it's how the real world works. his concern for his own child outweighs his concern for other children.
for those of you questioning what pa kent says about maybe letting the school kids die, you have to think outside of the box and look at the bigger picture. the context of the situation is that jonathan just found out that his son displayed his unique and alienating abilities to others and is now very worried and concerned about the consequences. he doesn't say "maybe" because he thinks they should have died but moreso because he's a father trying to cope with the situation who doesn't have a straightforward yes or no answer.

when one becomes a parent, a lot of things become less black and white when it comes to raising your kids. you can hear in his hesitation that it pains him to be having this talk with clark.

i, for one, welcome this change. it doesn't necessarily show a flawed jonathan kent. it shows a realistic one. which, i guess does mean he's flawed, which is ok because it's how the real world works. his concern for his own child outweighs his concern for other children.

yes......and we don't know the full conversation, either.

what does he say before maybe. what does he say after.

from the brief clip of that scene, you can tell by the body language that this is difficult for both father and son.
This may have been brought up already - or not - but does the stuff floating behind him in the water at the beginning look like Kryptonite to anyone else? I swear I can see shards of green in the darkness...
My favorite part of the trailer is the scene with Superman and Lois. I so want to know the context behind that. Second fav scene is easily the walk through the snow followed by the most incredible takeoff ever.

My little niggles are: the shot of the CGI suit in the scene before Superman smashes into the vault. Seriously what is with that CGI suit? The child actors delivery also bothered me a bit. After repeated viewings I'm slowly warming to that though. Also Cavills delivery but this is because I've never seen him act before and don't even know what he sounds like. His dialogue just stuck out a bit, contrasting to the warm tones of say Costners voice. That last line sounded a bit crackly or robotic for some reason. It could be my dying headphones though.

I think I'm just putting this thing through micro-scrutiny though. For mainstream audiences this is perfect. I just wish they traded that CGI shot of the suit for the 1 where he's reaching out of the skeletons from the comic-con trailer.
My favorite part of the trailer is the scene with Superman and Lois. I so want to know the context behind that. S

I'm guessing that, assuming if NTF's description of this scene is accurate, this is before Faora arrives to take Superman as her hostage (along with Lois) and that both are under the assumption that they won't see each other again.
The sr trailer i refer to is this.
It doesnt have the plane crash scene.
SR failed partly because it isnt a fun movie. Hope MOS wouldnt repete the same mistake.

I wanna see a scenes from bystanders perspective watching superman doing wonders n suddenly he smile to him before take off.

This trailer isnt engaging. It isnt connecting the audience. Just throwing out its base story. Take it or leave it.

That's something I'd like to see as well. It's like us seeing a Superman in the city doing the unthinkable. But if Superman smiling at bystanders (and the like) is going to bring this film down for you I hope you can find something else to latch on to. There are tons more to Superman that WILL be in the film. This is could be the best movie for our hero ever. I'd hate for a fellow Superman fan not be able to enjoy it because of things like smiling at crowds and what not. But I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised. It will be better than SR at least... :cwink:

*btw I couldn't see your video.
has anyone figured out who the woman running next to Perry is?

it looks like he's grabbing onto her arm.

but it doesn't look like Lois.......
for those of you questioning what pa kent says about maybe letting the school kids die, you have to think outside of the box and look at the bigger picture. the context of the situation is that jonathan just found out that his son displayed his unique and alienating abilities to others and is now very worried and concerned about the consequences. he doesn't say "maybe" because he thinks they should have died but moreso because he's a father trying to cope with the situation who doesn't have a straightforward yes or no answer.

when one becomes a parent, a lot of things become less black and white when it comes to raising your kids. you can hear in his hesitation that it pains him to be having this talk with clark.

i, for one, welcome this change. it doesn't necessarily show a flawed jonathan kent. it shows a realistic one. which, i guess does mean he's flawed, which is ok because it's how the real world works. his concern for his own child outweighs his concern for other children.

I think it's great. As I said earlier, it reminds me of Birthright and it helps differentiate Jonathan and Jor-El (how I assume Jor-El will be). In the past I feel like the two just serve the same purpose and say the same things. This adds more depth to him and his relationship with Clark.
I agree. Too many people are jumping on this Jonathan Kent line, as if it's totally out of character for him. But it's worth remembering that when Clark asks him if he should have let the people die, he doesn't say "Yes" ..................... he says "maybe". It's obviously something he's grappling with, and that adds a level of realism and complexity to the very real scenario the Kents face : they have a superpowered alien for a son who has to pretend he's human.

Asides from Smallville, I don't recall Kents in any previous Superman movies/TV having to face the real problems such a situation would bring asides from the usual "don't let anyone see your powers being used, Clark". Did any of them ever have to tell an 8yr or 9yr old Clark to choose to let people live or die?
has anyone figured out who the woman running next to Perry is?

it looks like he's grabbing onto her arm.

but it doesn't look like Lois.......

Maybe Perry's just a nice guy and isn't a fan of people getting crushed. :oldrazz:
Russell Crowe really shows a lot more powerful emotions on his face in the shot of him and Lara with baby Kal-el than Marlon Brando did imho, which is a good thing. I actually want to see the actual heartbreak that these people are feeling in knowing that they'll never see their son again, let alone on how they're sending him to a world unknown, and by himself.
Pa Kent seems to say to his son that Clark have to put the reachable part of the world
and Ma Kent said the contrary, clark have to put the world within easy reach

(hope my english is good)
Well Marlon Brando refused to memorize most of his lines in advance. In the scene where he puts infant Kal-El into the escape pod, he was actually reading his lines from the diaper of the baby.
Well Marlon Brando refused to memorize most of his lines in advance. In the scene where he puts infant Kal-El into the escape pod, he was actually reading his lines from the diaper of the baby.

Yeah, I remember reading that or seeing some making of where they mention he did that. Kinda ticked me off. I'm glad that these exceptional actors are taking this material seriously. You can hear it in their delivery and in their expressions.

I totally agree about the picture of Crow.
If they wanna put superman in a darker world, that's fine. But it's integral to the character that the darkness not affect him, he needs to be the light to spread hope. He also needs to enjoy being superman. These are things I didn't see in the trailer. I hope they come through in the movie, but at the moment I'm skeptical.
I think the trailer was very optimistic. I don't see where these claims of darkness are coming from.
He can be complex. Have a light and troubled side, but overall have an optimistic outlook.
Anybody have a gif of Jor-El&Lara with baby Kal-El?,Too fast in the trailer!
i really hope the music during the take off of Supes is similar to what will be in the movie. It was perfect, the anticipation and liberation
The whole sequence where we see Superman getting ready to takeoff, when you consider the music playing in the background to help elevate the scene, it really feels like at times that it's also symbolically means that Superman in general is getting ready to make a big comeback.

Could be. It's a great iconic shot and the slo-mo really elevates it.

I'm looking forward to the whole build-up of that scene. Looks like it's going to be really powerful and defining. Superman is born. A future favorite scene I'm sure.
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