Official Thor Casting Thread

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Verily. Karl is cool, but not very big. Thor NEEDS to be bulked up.
Karl is 6'2". I agree he's not big. He was dwarfed by a couple guys in Doom. Thor is one of those characters where an unknown wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. There aren't any 'name' actors that I believe fit the bill.
6'2 is too short now? You guys are bonkers.
GL1 said:
6'2 is too short now? You guys are bonkers.
I think maybe they were implying that the height was kinda right, but perhaps not the body mass.
Correct, Mad Bull. I was trying to say the mass isn't there. Urban isn't as muscular as Thor should be, Urban has a more athletic build.
Yeah, I wouldn't want a Thor that would look slight standing next to Routh's Superman!
I think this role may, in fact, call for a nameless.
i can't think of anyone who is that big, and is a strong actor. they should just go with someone who can play the role,rather than with someone who just looks the part
well maybe he can bulk up for the role
Sorry, but the look is a MAJOR part of Thor. Say you got someone who could play the role. How would he be massed out?
Hey everyone! :)

Okay, I saw a soap opera called Home & Away on television today. Its been going here for years (I am sure everyone from the UK and Australia are familiar with it), anyway I caught an episode of it today and there was a guy on it who I think has Thor potential.

His name is Chris Hemsworth, hes currently 23 according to imdb (which means he would be about 27 when filming the first movie, 30 for the second and 33 for the 3rd of a trilogy.

According to imdb he is 6'3 1/2". He looks pretty tall onscreen.

Build wise I would say he is currently athletic, so he would need to put on some muscle, but thats easily done.

I'm not really sure how to link images on these forums but here is a website that a google image check turned up.

So someone with the necessary skills feel free to post up the image. Or if you find a better picture of him somewhere then post that.

What do the rest of you think?
Eh... He's got a ways to go in the muscle department before he's worthy of the winged helmet.
Upper_Krust said:
Hey everyone! :)

Okay, I saw a soap opera called Home & Away on television today. Its been going here for years (I am sure everyone from the UK and Australia are familiar with it), anyway I caught an episode of it today and there was a guy on it who I think has Thor potential.

His name is Chris Hemsworth, hes currently 23 according to imdb (which means he would be about 27 when filming the first movie, 30 for the second and 33 for the 3rd of a trilogy.

According to imdb he is 6'3 1/2". He looks pretty tall onscreen.

Build wise I would say he is currently athletic, so he would need to put on some muscle, but thats easily done.

I'm not really sure how to link images on these forums but here is a website that a google image check turned up.

So someone with the necessary skills feel free to post up the image. Or if you find a better picture of him somewhere then post that.

What do the rest of you think?

He does actually look like an early Jack Kirby Thor.
Hi Mad Bull! :)

Mad Bull said:
Eh... He's got a ways to go in the muscle department before he's worthy of the winged helmet.

I wouldn't say he has 'that' far to go, when I saw him on the show he was certainly in good shape (he was in the sort of shape Routh was when he played Supes). I'd say 2-3 months training with heavy weights and he would be pretty much good to go.

Personally I don't think Thor should be a 'roid-er', for two reasons. Firstly, I think it would make him look less handsome, and I think attracting the female audience would be beneficial to the box office. Secondly, the villains need to at least physically look capable of going toe-to-toe with Thor and the bigger you make Thor the more difficult casting the villains becomes, which is another reason why I think 6'3" to 6'4" is perfect.
Hey Kevin! :)

Kevin Roegele said:
He does actually look like an early Jack Kirby Thor.

On television his hair was fractionally longer than in that picture, but what struck me other than his general stature was his jawline and gaze (almost an Eastwood style squint). He definately has the classic Thor face.

Are the people from Marvel listening I wonder?


His look is favorable to a Kirby/Frenz type of Thor. I wonder if that's the look Marvel wants though? Or do they want a more grizzled Thunder God?

Since you've seen him act, Upper_Krust, does he have the chops? Not to disparage soaps in general, but not everyone on them can act.


As far as his muscle, he would have to work on his neck,it's kinda scrawny. Not saying he should be Roland Kickinger or Lee Haney (world class bodybuilders), but he needs a little more bulk. He's got a swimmer's build. I think Thor should be bigger muscle wise than Supes, because he's a warrior.
Hey tamron! :)

...and thanks for posting up the pictures mate. ;)

tamron said:
His look is favorable to a Kirby/Frenz type of Thor. I wonder if that's the look Marvel wants though? Or do they want a more grizzled Thunder God?

I think the reason it needs a younger, better looking Thor is to court the female audience. I'm not suggesting go the whole hog and make it a melodrama like Superman Returns - that would be a waste. But I definately think you need to give girls a reason to go see the movie, otherwise you are reducing your potential box office before you start.

I'd like to see Thor do about $275 million worldwide gross on the back of maybe a $110 million production budget. I think those should be the target figures to aim for. Anything grossing double the production budget would be a success.

tamron said:
Since you've seen him act, Upper_Krust, does he have the chops? Not to disparage soaps in general, but not everyone on them can act.

To be honest I have only seen him in the one episode, I don't watch the show in question, so I can't really pronounce judgement on him one way or the other. However, on a seperate (but related) note, his voice sounded fairly deep.

I'll try and check out a few episodes next week and see if I can better guage his acting.

tamron said:
As far as his muscle, he would have to work on his neck,it's kinda scrawny. Not saying he should be Roland Kickinger or Lee Haney (world class bodybuilders), but he needs a little more bulk. He's got a swimmer's build.

I agree with you on the build, one of the websites I saw mentioned he liked surfing, so he does indeed have a surfer/swimmer type build. But due to that he does seem to have a pretty broad shoulders (may not look it in your pic because hes hunched over while sitting down). So I definately think hes got the basic frame to build upon.

tamron said:
I think Thor should be bigger muscle wise than Supes, because he's a warrior.

Totally agree. But I would stop short of having the actor do 'roids', for three reasons, firstly because I don't think its a great message for kids and secondly I think it will make him look less attractive to the female audience. Lastly, I think you need to make the villains bigger, to pose a credible threat. Those villains that engage Thor in hand to hand that is. So you don't want the actor playing Thor to be too big, just big enough.

With regards Supes, we know they had Routh do weights, but also a lot of cardio. So I think all they need to do is have Chris do some heavy weights for 2-3 months and do very little cardio. That way he should be in great shape but not have the freakish 'roid' physique.
How about the guy who played Sabertooth in X-Men 1 i think he would be big enough but maybe not pretty enough for some. There is a movie coming up called Pathfinder and Karl is fighting Viking in it. Maybe that movie would convince a few that maybe way big may not be nessasary.
I think first and farmost they need to pick someone who can act a little. Just throwing a bodybuilder in the part cause thor is big,wont make the film any better. I think its easier to put on muscle mass than teach someoen to act better..
Though I'm not a big Thor fan, I would see the movie anyways just for simple fact I like these type of movies..Karl Urban is good,he's been getting some decent parts since LOTR. I don't know if he could handle role,though hes a decent actor, he just would need to bulk up some...
I have nothing against Karl Urban, i really don´t, but i fail to say why so many want him to play the God of Thunder :confused:
He doesn´t look one bit as Thor, and i mean, not one bit.
So, he was in LOTR, with a long what??

As to who to play Thor?
I don´t have a clue, but i can´t picture Karl Urban as him.
My best unknown
I could see it now:

"I am Thor..uhh...and verily...uhh...yee...knaves will fall..uhh..for Asgard...uhh...for glory...uhh!"

Triple H rarely cuts good promos, he's not a good actor, and he'd suck as Thor. He might make a good villian like say, Ulik.

But just because HHH is in good shape, has blond hair and has a penchant for hammers, doesn't mean he'd be a good Thor.
Karl Urban? Forgive me if I'm not keeping up with the fans, but are people freakin' serious? He was one of the worst parts in LOTR, I was extremely glad he was hardly in it. As for his other so called "films," has anyone even seen them? His scenes in Riddick lowered the movie to a point that makes it an embarassment- it was so odd to have a fun entertaining film in scenes with Riddick and the Bounty Hunter guy to having a film on the level with Uwe Boll in terms of acting in scenes with Karl urban. And Doom? When I heard he was cast in it I wondered if he was the main demon or something. But no, he's the guy with the heart. At least The Rock realizes his status is a joke and does films like Be Cool and Doom.. Urban, clearly, does not.

And have you seen the trailer for his Pathfinder movie coming out? I got all excited because the one sheet for it is one of the coolest images ever- and then I saw a minute's worth of footage. Dear God, how does this guy have a career?
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