Official Young Avengers Discussion Thread

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MyPokerShirt said:
Hopefully the Young Avengers will last for years and some will become full Avengers and we can see them grow like Nova and Spider-Man. Now that'd be cool. I think Hulkling will end up being a major player in future marvel cosmic events.

Heck - ronan, super skrull, hulking mini-series after annihalation anyone? :p

Lucy in the Sky from Runaways too ;)
Some spoliers but not too many...

Young Avengers is not a Teen Titans rip-off. I like both titles, they're two of my top picks every month. The problem is since Teen Titans was the original teenage/sidekick team book, every other teen team book that has ever been created since then is compared to it. So what if they're both teen team books? I don't care as long as that's the only similarity. Now if say, it turned out Patriot was the clone of Cap and Baron Zemo and he went crazy and tore apart his whole team...then I'd say yeah it's a ripoff. But as long as the books have different storylines, different characters, and different events...then I'm okay with two teen team books.

Now as for the gay debate. I, personally, have no problem with homosexual people at all. Nor do I have a problem with two comic book characters in a homosexual relationship. People against this say that these books are aimed mainly at younger audiences and that this subject matter is inappropriate for that age level. Meanwhile people in this exact same MTV's Real World and Road Rules, both of which often feature homosexual cast members. The way I see it homosexuality is a part of our global culture, some people may not like it but it is the truth.

Now as for the issue itself. Number twelve, the final issue of the "first season," has been an issue I've been anticipating for a while now, because of the bi-monthly schedule. Also because, going into this I knew this would be my last issue of Young Avengers, since I'm moving a way to Syracuse University in less than two months. To way I was not dissapointed would be an understatement. This last issue contained just the right balance of action and non-action. The first half of the book consisted of a series of unbelievable splash pages and battle scenes, beautifully rendered by my favorite artist, Jimmy Cheung. And kudos to Allan Heinberg who gives his characters a chance to shine by putting each Young Avenger side by side with a New Avenger. Stature and Spider-Man. The newly dubbed Hawkeye and Spider-Woman. Tommy Shepherd and Wolverine. Wiccan and Captain America, who also has a nice moment with Patriot too. Vision and Iron Man. Hulkling and Cage. One concern of mine is the characterization of the Super-Skrull. In the beginning of this arc he commited what seemed like the unforgiveable act of killing Hulkling's "mother." However from then on it seems Hulkling and the Super-Skrull have no problem with each other and are more than willing to cooperate with each other. In fact it's this ability to cooperate that puts a stop to the action in a very clever fashion. Then it's off to the hospital to check on Eli. Well, we all knew it would happen once he got shot at the end of last issue so this little "plot twist" was no real big shocker, but that doesn't make it any less of a good development in the story. Later a very poingant moment between Wiccan and Hulkling in the ruins of Avengers Mansion. And finally a great reveal for the final fate of Tommy Shepherd. Like the codename, Speed. Short, simple, to the point. Like the costume, nice shout out to Quicksilver's oldschool costume. And of course there's the obligatory final splash page of the team bravely charging forward into action, once again beautifully rendered by Jimmy Cheung.

My only comment to Marvel is somebody please get a hold on all the crazy Skrull action going down in the MU. You've got a renewed Kree/Skrull War, a Kree/Skrull hybrid, and the Super-Skrull in Young Avengers. Super-Skrull has his own mini for Annhilation. There's Titanus over in Marvel Teamup. And then there's the hot lesbian Skrull over in Runaways. I've even heard rumors of a new Skrull Kill Krew title.

So long Young Avengers. I'll miss you but I enjoyed the time we had together.
Spectre722 said:
Now as for the gay debate. I, personally, have no problem with homosexual people at all. Nor do I have a problem with two comic book characters in a homosexual relationship. People against this say that these books are aimed mainly at younger audiences and that this subject matter is inappropriate for that age level. Meanwhile people in this exact same MTV's Real World and Road Rules, both of which often feature homosexual cast members. The way I see it homosexuality is a part of our global culture, some people may not like it but it is the truth.

1. :up::up:

2. I forget that Teddy and Billy are gay sometimes so it can't be that big of a focal point in the book.

3. The sooner kids realize that gay people exist in the world, the better IMO.

Spectre722 said:
Now as for the issue itself. Number twelve, the final issue of the "first season," has been an issue I've been anticipating for a while now, because of the bi-monthly schedule. Also because, going into this I knew this would be my last issue of Young Avengers, since I'm moving a way to Syracuse University in less than two months.

Not gonna be able to afford comics when you get on campus?
The gay thang:all they do is flirt and have flirty arguments and flirtily act like best friends!! not exactly hardcore. i think the book knew its boundaries and i think its totally cool that they went the way they did in the first place. it adds some good comic elements. when they wanted to "come out" as heroes, having to change his name from Asguardian (i didnt even realise the pun. i struggled to find it. seriously.) to Wiccan. :up: Just adds more brilliance to the book
Yeah, the Asguardian thing took me way too long to get but I got a hell of a chuckle out of it.
Not gonna be able to afford comics when you get on campus?

That and I just think it's a good time to move on and start over.
I dont like Kate taking the name Hawkeye
especially cause im pretty sure the Mystery DD in DD is hawkeye
so tommy's staying? YES! YES! OH GOD YES!!
Today is Allen Heinberg's birthday, according to his Myspace.
MyPokerShirt said:
The gay thang:all they do is flirt and have flirty arguments and flirtily act like best friends!! not exactly hardcore. i think the book knew its boundaries and i think its totally cool that they went the way they did in the first place. it adds some good comic elements. when they wanted to "come out" as heroes, having to change his name from Asguardian (i didnt even realise the pun. i struggled to find it. seriously.) to Wiccan. :up: Just adds more brilliance to the book
I agree with this. To me, it only added to the appeal that they were different and have to deal with this aspect of their lives as well as being mutants/alien progeny. I really enjoy this book, I think it's a little bit better than New X-men which I also like (except when they killed off my faves...). But as a teen group goes, I find this book delightful, even though I am a much older reader.
WildCard said:
especially cause im pretty sure the Mystery DD in DD is hawkeye
If only this was true. Nothing would please me more. :) But I'm not that optimistic.
Great series, but the delays really hampered it for me. TPB might be the way to go for it.
I didn't like how Eli's transformation was rushed.He's in the bed getting a transfusion from grandpoppa,then in the next scene,he's alive and well carrying a statue.Kind of rushed,I was hoping for a nice moment between Eli and Isaiah,but Heinberg barely gets a complaint from me,so I'll let it slide.
Yeah it was rushed, but it's better than anything New Avengers can muster.
does anyone else think noone can get spider-man right? it annoyed me that he struggled with 3-4 skrulls but yet hawkeye was kicking their butts. if it was the super skrull i could understand but cmon.. spider-man can press like 20tonnes.redic.
Eros said:
i wish i could go along with this, but i think Young avengers is basically a vastly less interesting rip off of the more popular Teen Titans from DC.

Young Avengers feels more like Young Justice than Teen Titans.

Patriot, Stature, Iron Lad, Wiccan, Hulkling, the Vision, Speed, and Hawkeye may be inspired by their Avengers counterparts but they are their own heroes on their own part.

Robin, Wonder Girl, Superboy, Kid Flash, Speedy, Kid Devil, and Ravenger are mostly sidekicks that receive a lot of mentoring from their Justice League counterparts.
deemar325 said:
Spidey is level 10 tons Strength.

nope, the queen (some spider-queen lady [didnt read it, myself], not the queen of britain :)) boosted it. plus there's the other. but he's at least 15tonnes and most fans seem to think 20? something like that. there's no official word after his recent upgrades. tho im sure he'll be back down to 10 by next year :( And anyway, he can still take on 3-4 skrulls easy, imo. but whatever, spidey sucks as an avenger
MyPokerShirt said:
nope, the queen (some spider-queen lady [didnt read it, myself], not the queen of britain :)) boosted it. plus there's the other. but he's at least 15tonnes and most fans seem to think 20? something like that. there's no official word after his recent upgrades. tho im sure he'll be back down to 10 by next year :( And anyway, he can still take on 3-4 skrulls easy, imo. but whatever, spidey sucks as an avenger
The SPIDER-MAN 2005 Handbook seems to state that after his meeting with The Queen in 2004, his strength was in the 15 ton level. After THE OTHER, most fans presume 20 tons. Not that you'd know it from a lot of the stories, though. How often has he even used a lot of his new powers, even the ones JMS himself gave him?

BTW, YA #12 was incredible. Anyone who wants massive spoilers can read the BOUGHT/THOUGHT. Its a great comic that I'll miss terribly on its 9 month haitus. So few Marvel comics offer honest legacy heroes, and honest superheroics without feeling the need to apologize for 'em.
ok, being a total noob here (maybe im just not geek enough). what's a legacy hero? put simply enough i woulda thought its someone who has a history in the superhero world. eg/ teddy's dad being captain marvel and him being conceived somewhere within the story of avengers vol1 #94.thort i shud check tho..
MyPokerShirt said:
ok, being a total noob here (maybe im just not geek enough). what's a legacy hero? put simply enough i woulda thought its someone who has a history in the superhero world. eg/ teddy's dad being captain marvel and him being conceived somewhere within the story of avengers vol1 #94.thort i shud check tho..
A "legacy hero" is a hero who is taking on the superhero mantle from a previous barer. Usually when this happens, the previous hero was a family relation, but not always. DC is usually the company that has more of them, especially with Flash and Green Lantern. Marvel has very few of them because they're hesitant to have any teenage heroes grow up and become bonafide superheroes, as DC has done to a few incarnations of Teen Titans.

And for those who feel that "legacy heroes" somehow don't fit or "aren't realistic", note that many of us choose our professions based on what a parent or relative did, especially with fire-fighters, cops, and soldiers. Most of them had someone in their family tree who was a fireman, a cop, or a soldier. But it goes to other professions, like doctor, lawyers, etc. So why not superheroes?
^yeah and it makes more sense than someone random picking up the mantle. it does possibly not work well with grabbing new fans, however.if theres a whole history but based on someone else's exploits, then i can c why someone would fear getting confused. luckily enough this series was very well written and despite not being an avengers fan at all, all the kang, super soldier, kree/skrull stuff was easy to pick up on armed with just my general knowledge of the marvel universe :up: Great series
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