Sentinels a secret? Um, hello, where have you been? Something isn't a secret when people are talking about them being in there left and right. And again, a director CANNOT change anything willly-nilly like adding a character to the film without the writers knowing about it. Your proof is right there in the words of the poeple who
wrote the damn film. And the only one acting like any kind of martyr around here is you, pretending like you're fighting some big battle trying to prove one little character is in the film. You keep taking Ratner's word for things, when we know he's said things in the past that he later retracted, like him saying this is the last film, then saying that he wants to make more and there's stuff in the film to lead to more. And again, if Penn couldn't talk about it, he would have just gone on to say it was a spoiler again, not flat out deny it. Who are you going to trust? Someone who has a history of giving out false information, jokes or not, or someone who has gone out of his way to talk directly to the fans and has direct connections to knowing who is and isn't in the film and has given us true information in the past? Yeah, that sounds like a real hard choice.