Superman Returns One final Brandon physique thread... youtube swimming vid shows it was not padding

Jeeze dude. Stop making these threads. And no, he is not that big, definately not as big as Reeve





As opposed to all Bradon was allowed to get:


And it does show that it was the muscle suit. He got jipped. I have seen pics of him bigger when he was younger. We already know there was one. There is no debating that. It is fact. And he is not that big. He had been bigger previously in his early 20's, and I wish they had let him get that big again instead of relying on some stupid survey amoungst women on what type of body type do they think is sexy for Superman and just let him get big like Superman, as Reeve was allowed to. far as those Reeve pics go....ever heard the word, 'photoshop'?

You joking around again?
Pickle-El said: far as those Reeve pics go....ever heard the word, 'photoshop'?

You joking around again?
Yeah. I use photoshop all the time. And they are not maniped to make him bigger in any way. Go plop in the DVD. The two first pics are scren grabs from STM with a little color manipulation, but no manipulation in Reeve to make him bigger.

Pic 1 is from Track 34, 1:51:50.

Pic 2 is from Track 22, 1:16:39

The third is from a cut shot from STM when it was inserted into the ABC 1980 2 night special online. Here is the animated GIF of it:

The 4th shot is from Superman 2 Lester's version, but that is a shot directed by Donner. Trak 32, 1:51:19

There is no photoshop manipulation on that to make him look bigger either. Plop in the DVD's, go to the tracks and time and see. But you probably wont do it because it will show you that you are wrong..again. Why do you even post something so stupid when all anyone here has to do is plop in their DVD's of the movies, freeze frame and see they are exact screen grabs? What's the point of looking stupid like this? I don't get it. I mean, now you guys can are really desperate coming up with the B/S excuses you do, which, for some reason, are getting progessively dumber and dumber as time goes on. You know the only reason you posted at all is because it is to reply to a post I made. You are just doing a tit for tat post just because for some reason you have to post when I do.

You S**t face drunk and at your keyboard again? Or are you just being "stupid is as stupid does" again?

And I know what is going to happen. You are going to post that you were just joking around because you think I am serious. When in reality, you were trying to make a serious post and forgot that, since the frames are screen caps, they could be verified easily as genuine. And the joking around post is trying to be a cover up for not wanting to take responsibility for posting a stupid reply.
Actually, I'd take Routh's chiseled phsyique over the inconsistent physiqe Reeve displayed in the first two movies. I'm the biggest Reeve fan out there, but even Donner and Manck stated in the commentary piece of STM that Reeve's weight fluctuated by around thirty pounds during different points of filming. This is why in some scenes he looks very stout but slender and in others he looks bloated. I had no idea how bad the physique had gotten until I'd run across a makeup photo of Reeve with no shirt on and he was kind of tubby. It was also a bummer that Prowse listened to them and didn't have Reeve work his legs. This would've helped to keep his metabolism up and his bodyfat off. Reeve didn't have all of the benefits that Routh had when it came to technology and nutrition science, but what's onscreen is onscreen. Strangely enough to some, I actually prefer Reeve's look in Superman IV the best of the original films because he remains consistent throughout the picture and doesn't look too jacked up (or bloated) for my personal taste.
KaptainKrypton said:
Actually, I'd take Routh's chiseled phsyique over the inconsistent physiqe Reeve displayed in the first two movies. I'm the biggest Reeve fan out there, but even Donner and Manck stated in the commentary piece of STM that Reeve's weight fluctuated by around thirty pounds during different points of filming. This is why in some scenes he looks very stout but slender and in others he looks bloated. I had no idea how bad the physique had gotten until I'd run across a makeup photo of Reeve with no shirt on and he was kind of tubby. It was also a bummer that Prowse listened to them and didn't have Reeve work his legs. This would've helped to keep his metabolism up and his bodyfat off. Reeve didn't have all of the benefits that Routh had when it came to technology and nutrition science, but what's onscreen is onscreen. Strangely enough to some, I actually prefer Reeve's look in Superman IV the best of the original films because he remains consistent throughout the picture and doesn't look too jacked up (or bloated) for my personal taste.
Well that is mostly because films are shot out of sequence and the stuff shot on location in New York was close to the begining of the schedule and Reeve was busting ass to put on the weight, where as Zoptic shots, or the shots of him landing the chopper on the top of the Dailey Planet and on the boat mock up where done 6 months later on sets in England, so he was a lot bigger then when those shots were taken. Had he been cast a lot earlier, he would have had more time to bulk up and so he would have been bigger and more consistent throughout the shoot. And he was on a high protein, low carb diet. He lifter weights for two hours, swam for an hour, and also spent an hour or two on the trampoline every day to get in shape for STM and Donner S2. He talks about it on the making of that was broadcast the night before the 1980 ABC 2 night broadcast.
buggs0268 said:
Well that is mostly because films are shot out of sequence and the stuff shot on location in New York was close to the begining of the schedule and Reeve was busting ass to put on the weight, where as Zoptic shots, or the shots of him landing the chopper on the top of the Dailey Planet and on the boat mock up where done 6 months later on sets in England, so he was a lot bigger then when those shots were taken. Had he been cast a lot earlier, he would have had more time to bulk up and so he would have been bigger and more consistent throughout the shoot.
Definitely. During some shots he looks absolutely perfect, and in others you can see the puffiness around his neck and face. It usually doesn't bother me, but by the third and fourth movies, it was completely a non-issue. Kind of sad that out of all things, the sequels finally get the physique dialed in. Too bad everything else wasn't too...

Who am I kidding? I'm still buying the 14 disc set. I'll probably pre-order it.
KaptainKrypton said:
Definitely. During some shots he looks absolutely perfect, and in others you can see the puffiness around his neck and face. It usually doesn't bother me, but by the third and fourth movies, it was completely a non-issue. Kind of sad that out of all things, the sequels finally get the physique dialed in. Too bad everything else wasn't too...

Who am I kidding? I'm still buying the 14 disc set. I'll probably pre-order it.
Yeah. Well it was amazing what he acomplished from going from where he was on the test shoot to where he got. And after the STM and S2 shoot (where Arnold trained him for the Lester shoots, and Arnold just got mass on him) he was staying in shape so he didn't have to do much when the next film came around, which he knew it would. S4 he was riding bike a lot then (the shot of him in the ghostbusters video was just him tooling around New York on his bike and he happened upon the video shoot, and knew Bill Murray and DAn Akroyd from when he was on SNL, so they told him to jump in it. But he was smaller then as he didn't think he was going to do any more Superman films. He had to train to get bulk on again for S4, but from a Skinnier physique, and not the one he maintained in between S2 lester shoots and S3.
Routh was in consistently better shape with a more sculpted physique (and better made suit to emphasise it).

Reeve's physique varied but his overall frame (i.e. his skeleton) was bigger/broader than Brandon's. If Reeve had been in the kind of shape Brandon was in and had the same sort of suit, he'd have been bigger looking than Brandon because of his wider frame. End of story.

Routh can put on more muscle than before but his skeleton will never change shape so he'll never look quite as good it's possible for a Superman to look, IMO. He'll always be lankier than Reeve.
buggs0268 said:
Yeah. Well it was amazing what he acomplished from going from where he was on the test shoot to where he got. And after the STM and S2 shoot (where Arnold trained him for the Lester shoots, and Arnold just got mass on him) he was staying in shape so he didn't have to do much when the next film came around, which he knew it would. S4 he was riding bike a lot then (the shot of him in the ghostbusters video was just him tooling around New York on his bike and he happened upon the video shoot, and knew Bill Murray and DAn Akroyd from when he was on SNL, so they told him to jump in it. But he was smaller then as he didn't think he was going to do any more Superman films. He had to train to get bulk on again for S4, but from a Skinnier physique, and not the one he maintained in between S2 lester shoots and S3.
I heard Reeve also had a nagging back injury during the filming of IV that forced him to change up his workout regimen, which is why he's noticeably slender in the role. Man, I just watched Ghostbusters the other night...and I wish there was a third one.
Maybe this excerpt from Superman Returns: The Movie Guide will clarify:

"The suit is made from milliskin, a synthetic material that is thin but extremely tight. Routh compared wearing the skintight costume to wearing a rubber band. Mingenbach arranged for Routh to wear subtle muscle padding beneath the costume to restore the muscular definition that had been squeezed out by the milliskin."

Further proof that Routh did wear padding - not to ADD muscle, but to enhance what was already there.
LL2K2 said:
Maybe this excerpt from Superman Returns: The Movie Guide will clarify:

"The suit is made from milliskin, a synthetic material that is thin but extremely tight. Routh compared wearing the skintight costume to wearing a rubber band. Mingenbach arranged for Routh to wear subtle muscle padding beneath the costume to restore the muscular definition that had been squeezed out by the milliskin."

Further proof that Routh did wear padding - not to ADD muscle, but to enhance what was already there.
Right. But the problem was that he wasn't big enough in the first place, and the studio had done a survey to find out what body style women found attractive for Superman, and then had the suits made to that body type on a body model before Routh was cast. Routh was under contract to only get so big, and he had to stay at that size and body type. And the person who made the suit had told others that it was to give Routh a bigger build in the suit, and the studio was adamant about using it as they had 100 or some such number of the body suits made.
KaptainKrypton said:
I heard Reeve also had a nagging back injury during the filming of IV that forced him to change up his workout regimen, which is why he's noticeably slender in the role. Man, I just watched Ghostbusters the other night...and I wish there was a third one.
Ahh that could be it too. I just know that he had no intention of playing Supes again after 3, and therefor got back to being skinny again in between films. When Warner's aproached him to do S4, he passed and they kept setting up meetings and only after he was promised he could make that mean streets film.
I guess this whole thing comes down to the preference of what kind of Superman physique you like the best. I've always preferred the defined look over the more barrel-chested Ross version. I just think it looks more convincing when he's dressed as Kent to not have him look like he could play linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys. It's hard enough for me to swallow the "glasses as disguise" stuff. All my Marvel buddies rank on me about it. So did the movie "Mystery Men." To those who preferred the more massive version of Superman on screen, then of course they'd see Routh as being too small.
KaptainKrypton said:
I guess this whole thing comes down to the preference of what kind of Superman physique you like the best. I've always preferred the defined look over the more barrel-chested Ross version. I just think it looks more convincing when he's dressed as Kent to not have him look like he could play linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys. It's hard enough for me to swallow the "glasses as disguise" stuff. All my Marvel buddies rank on me about it. So did the movie "Mystery Men." To those who preferred the more massive version of Superman on screen, then of course they'd see Routh as being too small.
Well I don't like the massive linebacker guy either. The Rock did a skit on Saturday Night Live where he comes into the Daily Planet as Clark Kent trying to deny he is Superman, but he is so huge that Lois and everyone else is cracking up, but going along with the gag, knowing he is Superman, and chracking jokes at his expense as to how stupid they think he is.

But Reeve looked huge in the suit, but he didn't look big in the Clark Kent get up. He also did all the ohter things that Superman does in the comics pre-crisis-haunch down from 6'4" to 6'0", part his hair different sides, talk nasally, and be mousey, and the hat. Reeve actually makes you believe he could be two people. It is what I hated about post-crisis. The difference between Clark and Superman is truly just a pair of glasses.
i agree there was no padding. first i couldnt belive that this was brandons body.
he has a really funny and strange body. as specialy when you look at th this pic.

this is before filming


he was already big but he got even more biger.

you can see that here. the definition is better and the muscles look very hard. what i dont understand is how is it possible that he has that kind of skin? looks funny.
there WAS padding... you see it in the "making of"... even Louise SHOWS you part of the padding... but it was only there to define the muscles since the suit itself made him look smaller.
there WAS padding... you see it in the "making of"... even Louise SHOWS you part of the padding... but it was only there to define the muscles since the suit itself made him look smaller.
i need screencaps where loise shows the padding suit because i can not belive that there was padding under hes suit. i mena isnt it obvious that this is hes real body? :o:whatever:

p.s. kakarot069 i know that you know from the beginning that there was padding. this jokes are not meant to you but to all people who were really thinking that there is no padding under the blue suit.
I saw it, there was padding on the suit but its really thin. It was only needed because the suit covered all the definition of the actor because of the material.

Routh and his trainer even joked that no one will be able to see his real physique in the suit.
These were the caps of his build from the DVD




See, to me I think Brandon looks bigger than Reeve did. I just don't see Chris looking that big without a shirt. Just my opinion though, I know Chris technically weighed more.
i need screencaps where loise shows the padding suit because i can not belive that there was padding under hes suit. i mena isnt it obvious that this is hes real body? :o:whatever:

p.s. kakarot069 i know that you know from the beginning that there was padding. this jokes are not meant to you but to all people who were really thinking that there is no padding under the blue suit.
it's in part 2 of Requiem
for god sake..he had a muscle suit..only to show his definition..but he was at an amazing size,

the material constricted his muscle size.
for god sake..he had a muscle suit..only to show his definition..but he was at an amazing size,

the material constricted his muscle size.
that's what I said... it even says that in The Art of Superman Returns.

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