Pickle-El said:
Wow....as far as those Reeve pics go....ever heard the word, 'photoshop'?
You joking around again?
Yeah. I use photoshop all the time. And they are not maniped to make him bigger in any way. Go plop in the DVD. The two first pics are scren grabs from STM with a little color manipulation, but no manipulation in Reeve to make him bigger.
Pic 1 is from Track 34, 1:51:50.
Pic 2 is from Track 22, 1:16:39
The third is from a cut shot from STM when it was inserted into the ABC 1980 2 night special online. Here is the animated GIF of it:
The 4th shot is from Superman 2 Lester's version, but that is a shot directed by Donner. Trak 32, 1:51:19
There is no photoshop manipulation on that to make him look bigger either. Plop in the DVD's, go to the tracks and time and see. But you probably wont do it because it will show you that you are wrong..again. Why do you even post something so stupid when all anyone here has to do is plop in their DVD's of the movies, freeze frame and see they are exact screen grabs? What's the point of looking stupid like this? I don't get it. I mean, now you guys can are really desperate coming up with the B/S excuses you do, which, for some reason, are getting progessively dumber and dumber as time goes on. You know the only reason you posted at all is because it is to reply to a post I made. You are just doing a tit for tat post just because for some reason you have to post when I do.
You S**t face drunk and at your keyboard again? Or are you just being "stupid is as stupid does" again?
And I know what is going to happen. You are going to post that you were just joking around because you think I am serious. When in reality, you were trying to make a serious post and forgot that, since the frames are screen caps, they could be verified easily as genuine. And the joking around post is trying to be a cover up for not wanting to take responsibility for posting a stupid reply.