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People Say Venom Can't Have His Own Film

I thought it was pretty good. Just goes to show you with enough creative license a compelling Venom story *can* be told.
the mainstream doesnt want to see venom as a good guy.they made spideys movie number one,not us.
the mainstream doesnt want to see venom as a good guy.they made spideys movie number one,not us.

The fans could've fixed Spidey 3's flaws easily. I'm just pitching my idea. If Venom is going to be involved once more with Spidey, they should just call it Spider-Man 4/5/6. This isn't a Spidey sequel, though. It's a Venom spinoff. Being a misguided, blindsided antihero is the darkest he can be for a spinoff. In my idea, he kills the 'villain' (someone he should actually be able to relate to). That's dark enough. Going the Carnage way is cheesy.

Oh, and I'll see what I can do with the hospital piece. There really isn't any other possible way for Eddie to have survived the explosion. Being 'teleported' isn't going to cut it, and if he doesn't do the 'selective amnesia' thing, there won't be a reason for him to build up to the lust for the symbiote. He won't go through those stages where his addiction brings back the darker memories, and becomes the darker half of him that tries to persuade him to embrace it. Without forgetting certain things, he'll still hold revenge in his heart, the hate he held within. Without all of that, he wouldn't be battling his inner demon (which he wouldn't repulse), and he'd end up becoming mindless Eddie again. He would not learn to take control of his symbiote/his life, and the entire story (carrying the symbiote to survive, meeting another man who does what he does to survive, killing that man, making those vital decisions, and realizing he can not escape the symbiote's madness) would not be possible.

I've thought it all out to the fullest extent. I can definitely change the hospital portion, but the 'selective amnesia' bit will have to stay. The story has a moral, a plot, character development, intriguing ideas, internal battles, conflicts, romance, suspense (such as the choices he makes, etc, etc), action, and people you can really understand.
why are you so determined to convince people who are not in favor of it that it's a good idea?
I didn't read the first post. it was far too long.

What was the jist of the plot?
Whenever someone sees a story they dislike, they back away and say "I want Carnage". Carnage is a stupid creation. If we go into the 'offspring' idea, that would seem really stupid. "The goo had an offspring" makes for a stupid origin. If we're going to have villains, we need real villains, not cheesy ones. Spidey's not going to be fighting everyone. If someone can relate to Venom, it's Shocker. They both struggle to survive, and Shocker is tragically killed in the end by an ignorant Venom. I wanted to give Shocker more depth.

In the comics, he basically says 'you know what? I want to be evil'. That would make zero sense in a film. Therefore, I gave him a background, and made it canon to the Spidey movieverse. Harry's dead, Oscorp isn't doing too well, and the man who looked to his work to ease the pain of his life has lost everything. His ambitious efforts have left him with nothing.
Carnage is another Symbiote. He would defenitley work out better than shocker. In the comics, Venom and Carnage fought eachother in Maximum Carnage, etc. That means they should face eachother on Film in a Venom spin-off film. Thats just the way I see it though. After all, there could be a great storyline if Carnage is in a Venom spin-off film. Even if Shocker is different than He was in the Comics, I just don't think it would work best for a Venom spin-off Film. Now, I think that the off spring origin defenitley would be good. On the other and, Shocker isn't mean for a Venom film no matter what you do to Him. He's a Spidey Villian and a Spidey Villian only.
He's a Spidey Villian and a Spidey Villian only.

That's the same reason why Venom should stay in SM3. Leave Carnage in the comics. He's a terrible character anyway.

There's not much to do with Venom if he's not fighting Spider-Man. Hell, even when he IS fighting Parker, there's not much to do with him. That's why he was a secondary villain in SM3. Not even. Third villain.
(why did this need his own thread ?)

well seeing Shocker fighting Venom in a movie would be like Spidey fighting Apocalypse in Spidey 4, out of place. And as I said in the other thread, it could be the opportunity to bring Carnage to the big screen and making everyone happy. And maybe we can get the dark movie a lot of people hoped Spidey 3 might have been.
Venom can't have his own film because he doesn't need his own film.
I don't care how popular Venom is, without Spider-Man, he is irrevelant. It's like making a Doctor Doom film. Now Doc Doom is my favorite villain in all of comics, but that doesn't mean he needs one. I think that, along with Venom, falls in the category of a fanboy's dream.
why are you so determined to convince people who are not in favor of it that it's a good idea?

Because many of you have not read it, and that irritates me. Read the god damn post before making a comment about it. It has every element necessary to be a successful film. It deviates from the comic character enough to be given another dimension. I've added another layer to these otherwise 'static' characters.

When you think "Venom film", you think of a lame Venom vs Carnage thing. That's what everyone wants, that's how a fanboy thinks. It's a lame concept. "Venom vs Carnage" would not work out, and your dreams of that happening are going to destroy the possibility of this Venom spinoff. We want someone different, someone interesting, not some lame symbiote offspring.

Carnage would have to be spawned from Venom. Once Carnage is dead, what then? Cheat, and spawn another symbiote? That would raise some unneeded questions about the symbiote's nature, and we don't want that. If we incorporate Shocker into the story, change some of his background, and mix it in with Venom's story, you've got yourself a good outline. Venom is chasing down a man who is doing exactly what he's trying to do; survive. Like I said, not everything has to stay the same. Shocker's background is given more depth (as was Doc Ock's in Spidey 2), Venom is given valid reason to contemplate his actions, and it all works out.
what if I said that they dont like it

Who's they? The Marvel executives? They'd like it for sure. It has everything they need; an open ending (for a possible sequel), character development, romance, internal conflict, everything needed for a successful film. Marketing this film would be fairly easy, and the story, if scripted properly, would be great.

Everyone thinks Venom vs Carnage. It's those lame thoughts that kill the idea of a Venom spinoff. That's why I've done this. I wanted to go for something different, something that would actually work.
no I mean they as in the fans. Lets face is the majority of movie goers did not like SM3 a Venom movie reminds them of that long 5 hours they spent watching it. Many fans might not like it and if you can't get the fans to like it what hope do you have in making it a successful film there would be only a little demographic to appeal to.
If you want people to actually read it before posting, you should definitely edit it down, get rid of all the "Sony says..." stuff and make it look more like a nice concise synopsis. It is stupid that everyone's just popping in here to drop their two cents without reading it, but then I can't blame them, that thing needs to be edited ASAP or no one's going to get past the first 20 lines.
no I mean they as in the fans. Lets face is the majority of movie goers did not like SM3 a Venom movie reminds them of that long 5 hours they spent watching it. Many fans might not like it and if you can't get the fans to like it what hope do you have in making it a successful film there would be only a little demographic to appeal to.

Roger Ebert gave the first Spider-Man a thumbs down. By the time the second one came around, he gave it 4 stars out of 4, calling it the best superhero flick since Superman.

The majority of critics gave Spider-Man 3 terrible reviews. If this gets plenty of good reviews from well-known critics, people will indeed check this out. Besides, it makes sense, Shocker fits well, and there's everything needed to fix Venom's reputation as a film character. Remember, the fans were able to correct every mistake they made with Spider-Man 3. I'm a fan. This outline works. :)
The census out there agree that SM3 just didn't cut it. Venom spin off reeks off milking all that they can from the milkless tit of spiderman
The census out there agree that SM3 just didn't cut it. Venom spin off reeks off milking all that they can from the milkless tit of spiderman

Which explains why my film is a valid way to have Venom grow his own... tit. :ninja:

Did you read the transcript?
I read it and I can't get past the amnesia and inconsistency that happened in SM3. I'll read again but please clean up your transcript if you want people to read it
I read it and I can't get past the amnesia and inconsistency that happened in SM3. I'll read again but please clean up your transcript if you want people to read it

I could rewrite it to say Venom was 'possessed' by the symbiote, and most pieces of the puzzle were seen by the symbiote, and not by Eddie's own eyes. Only remnants of his experience as Venom were actually embedded in his mind, and his lust for the symbiote reveals these memories?

How's that?
see when you start going down that path there is only so disbelief that people could suspend. I know what my friends would say when that happens "oh ook (sarcastically)"
Eddie still needs time to figure out what that suit could do but thats a SM3 flaw I won't get into.
see when you start going down that path there is only so disbelief that people could suspend. I know what my friends would say when that happens "oh ook (sarcastically)"
Eddie still needs time to figure out what that suit could do but thats a SM3 flaw I won't get into.

If Harry hadn't experienced amnesia in Spider-Man 3, all would've been fine with this story.
Well since it has been brought up I will just say how it should have went
SM3 is about Peter harry and sandman that conflict and end it right when eddie turns to venom

SM4 would show instead of a spiderman montage Eddie brock working out and learning to master Venom. Think that rocky with Mr. T working out like that kind of working out to beef up Topher. Next the villain in Sm4 as a joke is Mysterio he is just doing ridiculous crap like making fake clones of himself around the city using FX. This is when the movie introduces, that is when SM3 is looking and spots Venom not recognized think with a hoodie and jacket on. A web shoots from venom and grabs spiderman and spidey is wtf.

Then have some scenes of him kicking spidermans ass and using tha tmovie in marvel vs capcom where the symbiote moves against the ground like a shadow. Thats his ultimate weapon but in doing so it reveals Brock and exposing him. blah blah lets get to the end so Spiderman is screwed and Mysterio is doing some lame crap and spiderman captures him and gets an idea. Spidey lures out venom and they fight blah blah then venom uses his ultimate but working with Mysterio he makes a hologram exposing Eddie and it helps Spidey separate the two and blah blah

now that you have venom as a true villain is the time where you could make a spin off but SM3 left it so dead ended that it just didn't work

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