Pretty Much New here


Jan 3, 2012
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Hi SHH community, i registered a couple of months a go but overall i'm pretty new here. i haven't been on here for two months.. if it's ok i just wanted to tell a little about myself

i'm 22, born in MA, now live in NY. I'm in the military, right now in the Army Reserve. I've been on two tours, once in Iraq in 2009-2010 and recently from 2011-2012. i returned in February, I love superheroes, comics and movies alike. I just saw TDKR and I thought it was amazing. I love professional sports. And I love to video edit. That keeps me calm.

I love this website, its so informative and I'm sorry I'm rambling. Great to be here.
Welcome! Just the fact that you're in the military earns my respect. I could never do that. If I was ever drafted, I would die. Hope you enjoy your stay, man. :up:
Thanks for serving and welcome to the Hype. Don't listen to Kane, btw... he's a bad influence.
Hi SHH community, i registered a couple of months a go but overall i'm pretty new here. i haven't been on here for two months.. if it's ok i just wanted to tell a little about myself

i'm 22, born in MA, now live in NY. I'm in the military, right now in the Army Reserve. I've been on two tours, once in Iraq in 2009-2010 and recently from 2011-2012. i returned in February, I love superheroes, comics and movies alike. I just saw TDKR and I thought it was amazing. I love professional sports. And I love to video edit. That keeps me calm.

I love this website, its so informative and I'm sorry I'm rambling. Great to be here.
Thanks for your service and glad you're back in the States. Welcome to the Hype!
Welcome! Thank you for your service and enjoy your time here.
Thanks for your service & welcome to the Hype. :yay:
Welcome in to the Hype. It's not too dangerous a place :D
welcome to the hype man, and thanks for the service. who's your favorite comic character? are a marvel or d.c kind of guy?
Thanks for your service. Avoid the Bat forums, if you value your sanity.
Welcome to the hype. :up:

I'm new here too.
I don't give a **** about you. Once you get to know me, you'll realize this is an ultimate compliment. Welcome or get the **** out, whatever man.
Is there such a thing as an unpatriotic cowboy?
Welcome! Don't listen to anyone who posted before me or who posts after me. They're all lying savages.

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