Official Robots in Disguise Season I Application:
Character you would like to play/Faction they belong to:
Starscream, Decepticon Lieutenant
Type of vehicle/alternate mode: F-22 Raptor
Brief Explaination of character's history (two sentences): Starscream followed Megatron during the formation of the Decepticons. He obeyed his valiant leader, listening to his every command. But despite his seeming loyalty, Starscream's true colors began to show. When he was tasked with finding Megatron after he went MIA searching for the cube, Starscream took the oportunity to take command of the Decepticons and lead them in his way. When Megatron was reactivated, he showed mercy on the coward, thinking this action would lead Starscream to become more loyal through intimidation and fear. But Starscream's hate and pride only grew, seeing the action Megatron took as a weakness. After the Decepticon defeat in the battle for the Allspark, Starscream left Earth and returned to the Cybertron where he rallied more troops to start his own faction of the Decepticons, one under his command. Upon Megatron's second return, Starscream immediately returned power to his leader, explaining his actions to seem loyal instead of underhanded and sneaky. Megatron accepted the excuse, but didn't necessarily believe it.
- Insert Full ROTF Story here -
How many times do you plan on posting per week?: Enough.
Do you know how to post pictures on Hype?: Yes.
Please write a small sample post. (Must have two lines of dialogue and be 4 sentences minimum):
How? A figure asks. How could this happen?
Starscream's jets burn, sending a cool fusion of liquid fire into his burners and sending him screeching through the sky. His sleek form is now scarred, marred with the Cybertronian characters burned and scrapped into his body. He made each mark, carefully formed and written. He chose them carefully, choosing to make himself unique, no longer vying for the aspect of disguise.
"This is ridiculous." The Decepticon speaks to himself. "Prime can't die and come back to life. That's impossible. I watched him die myself. I watched the piece of slag die!" Starscream vears left and turns upward, causing a sonic boom in his wake. Despite his feelings, he always gains clarity during flight. A sense of peace, or whatever he would call peace, comes over him. Soothing him, letting him think.
Suddenly, the transformer laughs, his cackle echoing throughout the airspace like a haunting radio transmission from the dead. "Ah, that is true," he snickers. "Prime killed the Fallen. A task we knew only a Prime could accomplish. Myself, I had no chance of killing him. I could never fully take control of the Decepticons, no. Not with him in the way. But it's just me and Megatron. Our...fearless leader. Ha! Fearless. Sometimes I see more fear in him than any of us. I can see it somewhere, the sensation of nostalgia drifting in his eyes. He fears whats to come...he fears his men...he even fears me."
Starscream laughs once more, sending himself into a barrel role as he cackles aloud. As a thin stream of white smoke is left in his wake, he suddenly recieves a transmission on his radio frequency.
"Starscream," I low and monotone voice begins. "Megatron requests your presence at Decepticon headquarters."
"Does he..." he says, less than thrilled. "What is it now, Soundwave?" He asks in an irritated tone.
"Autobot space pods have been detected less than fourty five klicks from Earth."
"More of them?" He growls.
"Megatron has a plan on how to deal with them."
"Death?" Starscream asks excitedly.
"No," Soundwave says with a slight upward inflection. "Something better."
" have my interest. Tell our wise and admirable leader I'll be there in two klicks."
"Message recieved. Soundwave out."
The radio frequency goes dead, the conversation ending just as soon as it started. Starscream slows his speed, turning his body and using it as a sail. As his speed decreases, he transforms, changing from his vehicle to a more comfortable form. His pieces shift and the gears and pistons churn. Though it takes only seconds, the strange phenomenon seems like a lifetime.
He hovers above the ground thousands of feet below him. As he levitates he looks up, staring into the cool blue sky and out into space. A slight frown comes over his face, a look of displeasure and malice. "Where do you keep coming from?" He questions. "This war has raged for so long, and yet, our forces seem to still be even." A grin comes at the corners of his mouth, forming slowly, but growning quickly to a horrifying smile. "No matter. We're going to have fun with you Autobots. Oh, yes, we're going to have a lot of fun with you..." His voice trails off into a loud laugh, his terrifying cackle returning. His body transforms back to his jet form, the change occuring in the blink of an eye. As the last piece slips into place, he fuels his jets with the familiar liquid and screams off toward his destination.
For centuries Starscream has yearned to lead. His insatiable appetite for power has led him down dark paths most Decepticons would never dream of going down. What was once the spark of a loyal explorations officer has changed and become the twisted construct of a cold hard killer. His love for expeditions has changed into a desire for the warm feeling of oil and fluid dripping down his sharp metallic fingers. His audio receptors now only care for the sound of a spark just before it fades. No longer is there an Autobot left under the decieving, coniving form. He is something more, now. Something worse.
Character you would like to play/Faction they belong to: Optimus Prime/Autobot Leader
Type of vehicle/alternate mode: 379 Petebilt Semi Truck
Brief Explaination of character's history (two sentences): Optimus with his brother Megatron were tasked with guarding the allspark and leading their Autobot brethren. One day, Megatron's greed grew and his lust for power drove him to rebel against his brother and begin a centuries long war, fighting for the allspark and power over Cybertron.
In order to protect the Autobots and their homeworld, a select few of Autobots threw the cube into space, hoping Megatron would never find it. Megatron soon chased after the cube, leaving his war torn homeworld behind as he continued his rampage in space.
Optimus left Cybertron, chasing after Megatron, and hoping to find the cube first. His hunt led him to Earth. On this new planet, Optimus and his crew found a young boy, Sam Witwicky, who could help them find the cube. In the end, the cube was destroyed except for a small fragment, but Optimus decided to stay with his team and the young boy. He sent out a message to all Autobots to come to Earth, and join him in keeping the planet safe from the likes of Megatron.
How many times do you plan on posting per week?: Enough.
Do you know how to post pictures on Hype? Yes.
Please write a small sample post. (Must have two lines of dialogue and be 4 sentences minimum):
"Peace. An abstract construct meaning the end to hostillities and war. For Millenia the Primes have worked hard to keep this idea a reality, stopping rebellion and destroying evil where it be found. For centuries the Primes have worked to keep Cybertron a free world, a safe world - a world at peace. I was the first Prime to fail.
A battle still wages on our homeworld, my brothers and friends still struggling to hold onto what's left of our now dying world. They fight eachother, killing and slaughtering, continuing a war without either of their leaders by their side. My spark goes out to those brave few, those with the courage enough to protect their home, those with the honor to fight for what is right. I hope they live through this war. They deserve survival more than even me.
Without the cube the energy is now dwindling, as are the lives of those left behind. The cube was what preserved us. It could heal any wound, stop any disease...and even bring the dead back to life. But without it, every Transformer's day is numbered. Our battle continues, each of us knowing that the next fight may be our last.
Over the past few years my message has reached many stars and galaxies. My Autobot brothers have heard my call and come to meet me here on our new base; Earth. We came here seeking the cube, hoping to save it from Megatron. But the cube was destroyed, and the remains of it are all but gone. We brought the cube to this planet. We knew the risk of sending it into space. Though the cube is gone, we cannot leave - not yet. We brought the war to this planet, our war. The decepticons hide in the shadows, watching in plain sight and seeking their revenge. They hope to gain something from their evil, some kind of vengeance for their kind. I cannot in all good conscience leave this world. Even if I am the last to stay, I will not leave until I know it is safe from Megatron and his feral followers.
I am Optimus Prime, and I send this log out to all of my remaining Autobot forces in space. You are not forgotten. Your battles and losses are not meaningless. Continue the fight, protect the innocent. Do not rest until we are the only ones left standing on the battlefield. Remember why we fight, remember our principals and morals. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings, and it must never be sacraficed."