Sailor Moon: Which season is the best?


Mar 7, 2005
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Sailor Moon has five seasons, 3 movies, 2 specials, and a live action series wwith its own collection of specials, sequels and prequels.. We are focusing on seasons of the anime show. Which season is your favorite? By that, I'am asking which one is the one that is not only your favorite, but is the one that pops in your mind when the thought of the world "Sailor Moon" hits you.

P.S. Like R before it, Stars does have two storylines. But since Stars' storyline(s) has a connection that R, Stars has only one option.
I liked SM,SMR 2nd pt, and SMS

SMSupers didn't care for and Stars never saw
I guess Super S.
Or which ever season was the last season on Toonami with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

but a little the dark moon one

and Stars raped my mind...

"Women? Dressed as men? Or are they men dressed as women? Why is Michiru all hot and bothered by Haruka? Are they a couple? What is THIS?!?!:("

mind you I was still in elementary school when I saw stars
The starlights are women. They explain the reason why they are men was because they could easily find their princess.

And Haruka and Michiru are lovers, so they're lesbians.
Binker said:
The starlights are women. They explain the reason why they are men was because they could easily find their princess.
they are TRANNIES!!!!
They are women. Them being men is their disguise.
Sailor Moon R(Part 2) was the best, Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars was probably the darkest............Galaxia was the best villainess the show had

The Starlights were men who transformed into women...:( It's like a superhero sex change, they're male counter parts I beleive were their real forms. Unless they were lesbians because the head Starlight fell in love with Usagi(Serena)/Sailor Moon.
Sailor Moon R (both parts) and Sailor Stars were the two best seasons!

The sentai series Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon rocks too!
Binker said:
They're Still Women Though!
Dorian Gray said:


They are women that dress like men... that's a transexual if you ask me:down:mad:

and ****ing Seiya was inlove with Usagi.. I mean, wtf?!!?!?:(
Corinthian&#8482 said:
They are women that dress like men... that's a transexual if you ask me:down:mad:

and ****ing Seiya was inlove with Usagi.. I mean, wtf?!!?!?:(

They were men who transformed into women if I'm not mistaken.:(
In one of the episodes, one of the Starlights admits that they are actually girls.
Binker said:
In one of the episodes, one of the Starlights admits that they are actually girls.
girls that dress as boys... TRANNIES!
Ok, ok.

Can we move on from that now?

Question: I love Stars, now besides the TRANNIES and the fact it didn't come to the us, how come not that many have voted that?
Binker said:
Ok, ok.

Can we move on from that now?

Question: I love Stars, now besides the TRANNIES and the fact it didn't come to the us, how come not that many have voted that?
because of the freakiness of the TRANNIES:D

besides, the dark moon was one of the best ones
My favorites are S and Stars. I see those mostly than R, Super S or Classic.

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