Sharing is NOT caring

Colossal Spoons

Paper boi
Nov 24, 2004
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Is there anything you greedy Hypesters hate to share? Whether it be the comforter at night with your sig. other, money, electronic appliances, etc...

For me, it's def that first bite of food. The last bite sucks to share too, but I'll kill a man for that very first bite. :cmad:
Food. I paid for it so I don't want you to eat all my ****ing fries when I get up to go to the bathroom. :cmad:
The toilet... leave the lid DOWN when you're done. Please!!!
^You've fallen in before haven't you? :(

Food. I paid for it so I don't want you to eat all my ****ing fries when I get up to go to the bathroom. :cmad:

My little sister sneezes in her food when she first gets it, to discourage that sort of thing form happening haha.
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I don't like sharing my drinks . Everytime I say ok , I wind up regretting it. Get your own damn drink and leave mine alone.
Food. I paid for it so I don't want you to eat all my ****ing fries when I get up to go to the bathroom. :cmad:

Amen. I don't know how many times I've said, "Iwill buy you your own full serving, dear."
Smokes, I guess, even though I barely smoke now.
Candy, I guess.
Tv remote.
my computer. it's like sharing a toothbrush. both are horrible.
Hmm, this is a tough one. Haha, I just thought of a big one, though. My man. WILL NOT SHARE, EVER.
It won't be so heartwarming if another chick thinks I'd be willing to share him :o
I'm also very particular regarding who I'll share food with, now. It makes me shudder to think of how openly my friends and I shared food and drinks when I was younger. Germs!
My me time. I'll gladly help folks out, but if I have a designated time to relax, I get pretty pissed off if I'm needed. Unless it's, like, an emergency or something. This also applies to work. Unless I need the money badly, I hate to be called into work. I think I punched a hole into the wall one time due to it. Let me have my me time! :cmad:
My me time. I'll gladly help folks out, but if I have a designated time to relax, I get pretty pissed off if I'm needed. Unless it's, like, an emergency or something. This also applies to work. Unless I'm I need the money badly, I hate to be called into work. I think I punched a hole into the wall one time due to it. Let me have my me time! :cmad:

Oooo, good one. For me, if I'm deeply settled into relaxing and reading a book, I get really pissed if I'm interrupted by anyone but Spoons or something important that's going on with a friend. I get very absorbed and I hate being snapped out of it by an irritating request.
Oh, my movie time.

If I am watching a ****ing movie, go away and don't talk to me. Period.
I don't even have to be doing something relaxing. On my day off, I take comfort in knowing that I can do anything I wanna do and detest somebody asking/making me do anything.

I get into certain moods where I want to be by myself and do something extremely girlie. I purposely wait until very late at night when I know I can't be interrupted. For the longest, it was going through Sex and the City the entire way through while drinking a yummy cocktail or a beer.
I get into certain moods where I want to be by myself and do something extremely girlie. I purposely wait until very late at night when I know I can't be interrupted. For the longest, it was going through Sex and the City the entire way through while drinking a yummy cocktail or a beer.

HAHAHA...I want to be by myself all the time then:ninja:
My Gamecube controller. It's an original orange one which is rare so I don't want anyone else having their sweaty hands on it, wearing out the c-stick. :mad:
A lot of, my personal space, my alone time, Slurpees, clothing, tooth brush (I refuse to put it in my mouth if someone else has ever used it), razors...

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