BvS Should Justice League Be The Third Snyder/Goyer Film?

Credit where credit is due, the trailers for MoS were impressive. They promised a very different film from what we were given. They sold MoS as something on par with a Nolan film.

It was like a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Very true, a lot of us fell for it. It was Nolan-esque in its presentation. Its delivery however..... Affleck I feel is the right man for the JL job. In fact it wouldn't surprise me if it's in his contract that he takes on JL.
Terrio and Affleck co write. Affleck directs and stars in.
I don't trust a Snyder/Goyer team for JL. Nobody does and nobody should.

If Affleck and Terrio are involved like they are with Superman/Batman and we may get Affleck to write some of the screenplay, then I'm alright.

How about you try speaking for yourself for a change? :)
And..why the hell do some people here think that JL will be an Avengers "clone"? Tell me, when you're building a ROSTER of movies based on several DC COMICS characters, isn't it pretty INEVITABLE that the heroes eventually...(durr) MEET UP in a movie? Why does this idea sound so fudgin foreign to some of the arrogant fanboys on this forum? And also, if Man of Steel WAS the jump-start for a larger movie 'universe', what's with some of you fanboys on here who are quick to judge and compare to Marvel? Sorry, it's a little annoying, but DC is DC, and Marvel is Marvel. Two completely different monsters here. Maybe they ARE trying to mimmick Marvel's "connected universe", but, come on, it's not a BIG ****ing deal. Even an 8 year old could figure out that a JL movie would be coming eventually.

In essence, a bunch of fanboys complaining on a forum isn't going to influence or change any plans that WB/DC have for a movie universe. Crossovers between superheroes seem to attract people and if WB wants to take advantage of that; then go for it.
Eh, I'm still not convinced we're going to be getting an extended DC universe.
The only reason we're building towards JL, is Avengers.

After JLM fell apart and GL tanked, WB had abandoned plans for JL. They only started making statements about it during the summer of 2012 when Avengers broke worldwide records.

They aren't invested in this for creative purposes. They're invested in it to make money off their DC properties while the market for superheroes is hot.

..That doesn't exactly prove that a film studio that makes/has made money off of films such The Hobbit, 300, The Hangover, Gravity, and more is "greedy" to make "Avengers money". WB can survive without "Avengers money". The original point still stands.
..That doesn't exactly prove that a film studio that makes/has made money off of films such The Hobbit, 300, The Hangover, Gravity, and more is "greedy" to make "Avengers money". WB can survive without "Avengers money". The original point still stands.

Corporate greed is never satisfied. They have an opportunity to capitalize on the success of Avengers and ideally profit off of it, and they took it.

Remember this?

I still laugh at this. Right after Avengers proved to be a massive success, WB pulls in Will Bealls to write Justice League.
Oh who gives a flying **** who influenced who? Jesus christ.
Take your logic elsewhere good sir.

And for people saying there was no way that MOS was ever going to break a billion, I don't think you understand the type of buzz this movie had heading into it's release. There's a reason it opened as strong as it did and broke the record for June.

Had it delivered on expectations, I don't see why word of mouth couldn't have carried it to the billion dollar mark or somewhere close to it. Because up until the first few RT reviews started to poor out all signs pointed to MOS being a colossal hit.

I have no doubt that Batman was in their back of minds but not this quickly and not until we had gotten the ultimate "Dark Knight-esque" Superman/Lex movie.
One of the more reputable trades did report Affleck was courted for Batman as far back as Spring of '12, months before MOS was released. And I specifically recall Jim Lee and Geoff Johns (around that time) slyly hinting at a huge revelation for Comic Con. Even Goyer was saying "if this makes 600 million and up, you will see what we have in store".

Looking back at it, it does seem like they've had a Batman/Superman planned for awhile.

I'm gonna have to agree.

Make Affleck an offer he'd have to be insane to turn down.
Affleck did do an interview addressing the JL rumors (this was before he was involved with DC). To paraphrase, he's not against doing genre movies, he just wouldn't be comfortable doing them unless it had a very specific direction and vision that he would be confident in bringing to life. Daredevil was referenced as something which had put him off because of its lack of direction.

It's interesting to view those statements, now, as he's deeply ingrained with the cinematic universe. I wouldn't at all be surprised if the reins were handed over to him.
I'm not sure the guy who directed smaller budget films like Gone Baby Gone, The Town, and Argo is so clearly the guy to direct a potentially $200+ million movie. I don't even think Affleck himself would think he's personally the man for the job. Maybe writing, yes. Add the fact that not only would he be directing it but he'd be starring in it as well?? Doesn't seem very plausible. He'd have gray hair within a week. Wearing the hat of director AND star for such a huge film you've never made before isn't very promising. I'd be more concerned with Affleck than with Snyder.

Now, the guy who could handle 300, Watchmen, Man of Steel? I would think that's more in his wheelhouse. Even Dawn of the Dead and Sucker Punch showed that he could handle massive films, even if they weren't box office gold. I just don't think the director of Gone Baby Gone is suddenly the guy who can do Justice League.

This is a very interesting time we're in. We've done a complete 180 in the faith of Zack Snyder. I mean, Nolan was God, who could do no wrong and there wasn't even a HINT, an OUNCE, a SMIDGEN of the hate I'm seeing on this board every single day. And yet we barely hear his name in regards to the fact that he wrote the story for Man of Steel. Not the script, the story. His fingerprints are all over that movie. And 99% of what David Goyer did with the Batman Begins script is indeed in the finished film.

I don't know... seems like we're making LOTS of excuses and trying to come up with easy, convenient ways to hate the living hell out of Zack Snyder, and I think it's unfair. The man is a good director, he directed a great movie, and the finished product is in part due to the involvement of Christopher Nolan and David Goyer, the same cats who gave us The Dark Knight Trilogy. I think this place needs to respect Snyder a little bit more.
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I'm not sure the guy who directed smaller budget films like Gone Baby Gone, The Town, and Argo is so clearly the guy to direct a potentially $200+ million movie. I don't even think Affleck himself would think he's personally the man for the job. Maybe writing, yes. Add the fact that not only would he be directing it but he'd be starring in it as well?? Doesn't seem very plausible. He'd have gray hair within a week. Wearing the hat of director AND star for such a huge film you've never made before isn't very promising. I'd be more concerned with Affleck than with Snyder.

Now, the guy who could handle 300, Watchmen, Man of Steel? I would think that's more in his wheelhouse. Even Dawn of the Dead and Sucker Punch showed that he could handle massive films, even if they weren't box office gold. I just don't think the director of Gone Baby Gone is suddenly the guy who can do Justice League.
Snyder has only shown to be more capable of big budgets and spectacle. But that's not truly a fair comparison, as Ben doesn't have one under his belt. Generally directors do fatler when transitioning to larger-scaled films, but someone talented as Affleck, I feel like he could pull a Nolan.

He arguably has far more reasons to make it work; he wouldn't be doing this as an obligation to fulfill a contract or raise his stock. It's because he has passion for it. And he wouldn't be doing it without experience, as he's already watched Bay tackle it, and is about to watch Snyder do the same.

JL more than anything needs to have a solid foundation in the writing. Since this wouldn't be a brainless action film that can get away with weak elements and can be solely carried by spectacular entertainment (see Transformers), they need an X-Factor they can rely on. Snyder is by no means terrible. He at least tries. But he's proven to be the director with a lot of misfires and films which divide crowds. Sorry, but that doesn't exactly provide much faith for what will undoubtedly be WBs biggest movie of this decade.

Affleck is their Golden Boy for a reason. He's batting 1.00 as a director, and has the backing of the entire industry at this point. Goodwill like that would be enough for any studio to potentially risk a billion dollar property on.

This is a very interesting time we're in. We've done a complete 180 in the faith of Zack Snyder. I mean, Nolan was God, who could do no wrong and there wasn't even a HINT, an OUNCE, a SMIDGEN of the hate I'm seeing on this board every single day. And yet we barely hear his name in regards to the fact that he wrote the story for Man of Steel. Not the script, the story. His fingerprints are all over that movie. And 99% of what David Goyer did with the Batman Begins script is indeed in the finished film.

I don't know... seems like we're making LOTS of excuses and trying to come up with easy, convenient ways to hate the living hell out of Zack Snyder, and I think it's unfair. The man is a good director, he directed a great movie, and the finished product is in part due to the involvement of Christopher Nolan and David Goyer, the same cats who gave us The Dark Knight Trilogy. I think this place needs to respect Snyder a little bit more.
If people had the same opinion of Zack and his films as you do, that would be automatic. Considering how so consistently often people are split on Zack, how could you possibly ask them to give their respect, without earning it? Do you believe Zack to be an unlucky man who people randomly pick on?
If people had the same opinion of Zack and his films as you do, that would be automatic. Considering how so consistently often people are split on Zack, how could you possibly ask them to give their respect, without earning it? Do you believe Zack to be an unlucky man who people randomly pick on?

You know what, I kinda do, lol. If that sounds crazy, so be it. I thought Man of Steel was phenomenal. If I were the only one on the planet who felt that way, I'd think the entire world was crazy. Maybe I'm delusional. I'm not really sure where the misfires were that you couldn't find similar examples of in The Avengers or Nolan's Trilogy.

I think if you're subconsciously thinking "The guy who directed Sucker Punch, the guy who directed Sucker Punch, the guy who directed Sucker Punch," you're going to be watching a movie made by the guy who directed Sucker Punch.

You know what I think about sometimes? What if Heath Ledger never died? Of course, the guy could still be with his daughter and that would be more important... but how many people on SHH would say that he completely missed the mark and was wrong for the role, gave a dreadful performance, etc.? In my opinion, it's one of the greatest, most important, most iconic performances of all-time, and I'm glad it's largely considered as such... But, I don't know. Take away one little element like, "He died", and, *shrugs*, most of the SHH crowd is jumping out of bushes with scythes and pitchforks.
You know what, I kinda do, lol. If that sounds crazy, so be it. I thought Man of Steel was phenomenal. If I were the only one on the planet who felt that way, I'd think the entire world was crazy. Maybe I'm delusional. I'm not really sure where the misfires were that you couldn't find similar examples of in The Avengers or Nolan's Trilogy.

I think if you're subconsciously thinking "The guy who directed Sucker Punch, the guy who directed Sucker Punch, the guy who directed Sucker Punch," you're going to be watching a movie made by the guy who directed Sucker Punch.
I'm consciously thinking "the guy who directed the vastly entertaining Dawn of the Dead and 300, and who stumbles when he tries to take on heavy material". That's really all there is to it, I think for most people.

Many genuinely don't think he's all that far off from someone like Bay, in spite of him having far more preparation and attempts at extending his reach. If this were high school, I'd say Bay was the high school jock who was only a star at gym, and Snyder was his equivalent who tried branching out into Chemistry and Algebra and occasionally flunked. A+ for effort, but... :o

You know what I think about sometimes? What if Heath Ledger never died? Of course, the guy could still be with his daughter and that would be more important... but how many people on SHH would say that he completely missed the mark and was wrong for the role, gave a dreadful performance, etc.? In my opinion, it's one of the greatest, most important, most iconic performances of all-time, and I'm glad it's largely considered as such... But, I don't know. Take away one little element like, "He died", and, *shrugs*, most of the SHH crowd is jumping out of bushes with scythes and pitchforks.
We already got a taste of public reaction once the prologue was released. I was there for one of the screenings (prior to its attachment with I Am Legend). People were abuzz coming out the theater. Heath garnered universal acclaim off seconds of screentime. This was a month before he passed. So no, I don't think his survival would've made a significant impact at all. His death only amplified feelings which were already surfacing; this was the performance of a lifetime.

I didn't think you were too crazy about Snyder until this last comparison. I'm sorry to say if Snyder passed tomorrow people will not do a complete 180 on their feelings for his films.
most of the SHH crowd is jumping out of bushes with scythes and pitchforks.

Sometimes I find myself scrutizing certain things in movies that I never did and then I have to smack myself and say....No dang it, I like Iron Man 2, etc. :woot:
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I mean, I'm not much of a Snyder fan, to be honest. I think Watchmen is his best movie. Man of Steel comes second. I don't think he holds a candle to Nolan in any way, shape or form, but I do think he's better than Bay. And I do think Man of Steel was the best superhero movie of 2013, likely of 2014 too (lol).

I'm actually one of those hardcore cinephiles who probably annoys the hell out of a lot of people. Give me Kubrick, Hitchcock, Malick, and Scorsese any day over Snyder. My favorite directors of all-time are (in order): Kubrick, Hitchcock, Malick, Scorsese, Fincher, Nolan, Aronofsky, P.T. Anderson, Spielberg, and Darabont.

I don't even think Snyder hits my Top 50. And truth be told, I was never really a Superman fan. This movie changed that for me.

So, just from my perspective, maybe I'm trying to "call it like I see it"? I don't love the guy, but I don't think some of the hate is really warranted, either.
Sometimes I find myself scrutizing certain things in movies that I never did and then I have to smack myself and say....No dang it, I like Iron Man 2, etc. :woot:

This is an excellent point. The TRUTH is, I watch all of the Marvel movies on a regular basis. I absolutely LOVE what Marvel Studios is doing.

And then I come on SHH, and all of these Marvel fanboys make me suddenly want to hate Marvel. Suddenly I'm writing posts I don't even know if I agree with. There are people on this site who really, really invoke hatred, and it's insanely unfortunate. This is such an amazingly awesome time. A time we'll probably never get again. We're getting literally everything, and if everything's not enough - BAM! - here's Ant-Man. Like, that's AWESOME.

To me, a true fan should just love everything, good times and bad. Get excited for Marvel movies, get excited for DC movies. I'm personally EXTREMELY excited for The Amazing Spider-Man 2, yet some of the posts that are yanked from my fingertips in a rage would imply otherwise.

I think a LOT of people here are like that.
I wish I was excited for Marvel movies :(

I'm more excited for Flash and Gotham than any of the 2014 CBMs.

Here's hoping the Guardians trailer changes things! Hopefully it doesn't give me the same Space channel vibes as the post-credits scene in Thor TDW.
I wish I was excited for Marvel movies :(

I'm more excited for Flash and Gotham than any of the 2014 CBMs.

Here's hoping the Guardians trailer changes things! Hopefully it doesn't give me the same Space channel vibes as the post-credits scene in Thor TDW.

I'm more excited for just about anything Marvel more than DC at the moment...except maybe Superman/Batman and The Flash but just because I really love those characters and it's more seeing them in live action than the project as a whole that has me jazzed.
This is an excellent point. The TRUTH is, I watch all of the Marvel movies on a regular basis. I absolutely LOVE what Marvel Studios is doing.

And then I come on SHH, and all of these Marvel fanboys make me suddenly want to hate Marvel. Suddenly I'm writing posts I don't even know if I agree with. There are people on this site who really, really invoke hatred, and it's insanely unfortunate. This is such an amazingly awesome time. A time we'll probably never get again. We're getting literally everything, and if everything's not enough - BAM! - here's Ant-Man. Like, that's AWESOME.

To me, a true fan should just love everything, good times and bad. Get excited for Marvel movies, get excited for DC movies. I'm personally EXTREMELY excited for The Amazing Spider-Man 2, yet some of the posts that are yanked from my fingertips in a rage would imply otherwise.

I think a LOT of people here are like that.

A true fans calls out mistakes when they are made.
Except that mistakes are in the eye of the beholder. I was really disappointed in THE DARK WORLD. Epically disappointed. Has not stop it from making money or being praised be many a Marvel Studios fan. I wish my opinion carried the day... but such is life.
Except that mistakes are in the eye of the beholder. I was really disappointed in THE DARK WORLD. Epically disappointed. Has not stop it from making money or being praised be many a Marvel Studios fan. I wish my opinion carried the day... but such is life.


I was disappointed with T:TDW too. Surely I must've missed something, but it felt too slapsticky and boring. Phase II in general was just disappointing compared to (what I think) the marvellous Phase I.

Having said that, I've been a fan of Snyder's work thus far (except for Sucker Punch, mainly because I haven't seen it), and I think he has the potential to be a much better director once he's used to dealing with the source material over time. If Terrio's work ends up being leaps and bounds better than Goyer's original copy...I think Snyder will prevail.
Credit where credit is due, the trailers for MoS were impressive. They promised a very different film from what we were given. They sold MoS as something on par with a Nolan film.

It was like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

I would argue a movie that matched the tone and implied structure of trailer 3 would be the best solo superhero movie of ALL time, combining the character aspect of Begins with a fully realized superhero genre.

I'd even go as far to say if the final product was near as good as capturing the emotions demonstrated in that trailer, it would be one of the truly GREAT films, period.

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