Justice League Should Warner do the opposite of Marvel re:JL?


Sep 7, 2004
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The Marvel movies all have the individual movies that led up to the Avengers. Everyone is saying DC/Warner should do the same.

But, why? Most people know the origin story of the main JL members. So why not have a JL movie be the springboard to individual movies?

Just a thought.
The Marvel movies all have the individual movies that led up to the Avengers. Everyone is saying DC/Warner should do the same.

But, why? Most people know the origin story of the main JL members. So why not have a JL movie be the springboard to individual movies?

Just a thought.

That's not true. The X-Men franchise did not have solo films before their team Up movie (and eventually spun off the Wolverine solo franchise) and they are makiing Guardians of the Galaxy without solo pics. I wouldn't say that DC is doing the opposite of Marvel since Marvel has done it both ways. This is a false equivalence.
Well actually most people do not know Wonder Woman's origin story, let alone what her whole deal is. Same with Flash.

And since they are making a MOS sequel (2015 presumably) before JL (2017 presumably), why not have a WW solo film before JL as well, for 2015/6.

That being said, I don't think entire solo movies are necessarily needed for JL to be a good movie, nor to be successful at the box office. The reason behind WW's and Flash's powers can be communicated in a quick scene or line. I imagine that GL's whole deal is going to be re-explained in a quick scene/line as well. The Avengers did the same thing, briefly reexplaining each character, despite having solo movies prior. They did this because a big chunk of the audience hadn't seen Cap or Thor or TIH.
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I don't know jack crap about who is even in the JLA, let alone their backstories. I know WW, Batman, and Superman, obviously, but I don't really know anything about WW. Same went for Marvel. Didn't know anything about a single one of the members of the Avengers until the movies. There are a ton of fanboys just like me. Outside of Batman and Superman, the general public is going to need some damn background on each and every last team member.
I don't think everyone needs solo movies before World's Finest/JLA. The only solos that are necessary imho are Flash and Wonder Woman.

-The Flash (if a script already exists) hopefully gets announced at Comic Con for a December 2014 release

-Wonder Woman hopefully gets announced at Comic Con for a March, April, or May 2015 (before the onslaught of Avengers 2, Star Wars, etc...

-Man of Steel 2 for December 2015 release

THEN a JLA movie with just 5 initial members can work (Supes, Bats, WW, Flash, and re-introduced GL in that movie - hopefully John Stewart) for May 2016 release
I would do 1 more film before Justice League. It just takes one more. Wonder Woman is the answer. Bats can make an appearance at the end of MOS 2, even as Bruce Wayne. It's not an issue.

Flash, Aquaman and Batman films can be set after JLA. With a third Superman movie in the works.
I don't know jack crap about who is even in the JLA, let alone their backstories. I know WW, Batman, and Superman, obviously, but I don't really know anything about WW. Same went for Marvel. Didn't know anything about a single one of the members of the Avengers until the movies. There are a ton of fanboys just like me. Outside of Batman and Superman, the general public is going to need some damn background on each and every last team member.

I'm curious. What is it about WW/Flash that you want to know beyond what their powers are and why they have them?
I'm curious. What is it about WW/Flash that you want to know beyond what their powers are and why they have them?

I don't know anything about the character histories, origins, any of that stuff. I know enough about Wonder Woman and Flash to fill out a Twitter post, that's about it. Don't know anything about any of the others.

The point is two-fold, though. The first is that these are second rate characters. The general audience doesn't know them, and it's pointless to try and have this thread without understanding that.

The second is that The Avengers worked so incredibly well as a series of movies more than just the ensemble piece. There was a lot of anticipation and fun watching each movie, then getting the tease of the next character's solo film after each end credits. The Avengers minted money because everyone got to come together and see all these solo franchises come together in a big way.

DC needs to take the same care and time to build the JLA. There do need to be differing approaches within the solo films, but the solo films need to exist. Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman are all a must. Maybe even Flash. If needed, some of the other members can have an appearance in those. You just can't do it all in a few movies.
Hmm. I'm curious how you're going to feel about Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch then, who aren't getting solo films before Avengers 2.
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Secondary characters don't always need it. If you do only MOS2, or that and a new Batman, it becomes World's Finest and Friends. You need to build up enough of the team to make people yearn for the team up. Marvel did it beautifully.
That's not true. The X-Men franchise did not have solo films before their team Up movie (and eventually spun off the Wolverine solo franchise) and they are makiing Guardians of the Galaxy without solo pics. I wouldn't say that DC is doing the opposite of Marvel since Marvel has done it both ways. This is a false equivalence.

I would suggest that comparing the X-Men franchise and Guardians of the Galaxy to the Avengers is a false equivalent. The X-Men and Guardians are not "team-up" films in the traditional sense. They are not meeting and joining forces. It is much, much easier to put together a superhero team when the members have a common origin and live together like the FF and the X-Men. Though the Guardians are more of a challenge, the rumors surrounding the film also have the team living and working together and the characters with complex powers appear to have been left out of the first movie.

To put together a group of superheroes onscreen without providing some background as to why they are dressed so oddly, how they obtained their fantastic abilities or motivated them to behave heroically, in my opinion, would be a disaster.
The Marvel movies all have the individual movies that led up to the Avengers. Everyone is saying DC/Warner should do the same.

But, why? Most people know the origin story of the main JL members. So why not have a JL movie be the springboard to individual movies?

Just a thought.

This can work well. I'm in the minority here that wants JL before everything else in 2015. Man of Steel is clearly getting the needed momentum from the fans, and Snyder and Goyer have heard what the critics said(although most of it was bullcrap) and would plan to use the opinions to make a better sequel, for example the fleshing out of the classic Lois/Clark relationship. Hopefully the momentum will continue and people will like MOS 2 and would do better than the first.

Green Lantern, with no momentum behind it as well as bad writers and directors sucked bad. By doing JL in 2015 especially before other characters and after Man of Steel 2, what you are doing is introducing a movie that is getting some traction and momentum from the last Man of Steel movies and would effectively come to a head with JL in 2015 as it competes with Star Wars +Avengers 2, then from every year onwards other DC Characters would get the attention they want stemming from JL's momentum.

To sum it up we REALLY need a Super-Sequel if we want Justice League to do well. Good momentum is the key here.
You cant do a JL in 2015 after MOS 2. It's impossible in every way. You must not understand the process of drafting a script, completing it, casting, pre-production, shooting, post-production, effects work, marketing and release date....and all the time that is needed to do so.

Setting MOS 2 about a year after the events of the first movie. Scaling it down a bit from the first film, so when you launch into JL you're building the scope back up and not just doing alien invasion after alien invasion.

Justice League should happen when both Superman and Batman are close to their "Year Two" phase.

The team-up won't see the light of day until 2017 the earliest. 2018 is also possible but a year before would work better so they don't risk losing the interest.
You cant do a JL in 2015 after MOS 2. It's impossible in every way. You must not understand the process of drafting a script, completing it, casting, pre-production, shooting, post-production, effects work, marketing and release date....and all the time that is needed to do so.

Setting MOS 2 about a year after the events of the first movie. Scaling it down a bit from the first film, so when you launch into JL you're building the scope back up and not just doing alien invasion after alien invasion.

Justice League should happen when both Superman and Batman are close to their "Year Two" phase.

The team-up won't see the light of day until 2017 the earliest. 2018 is also possible but a year before would work better so they don't risk losing the interest.
Unless WB have actually planned ahead and have taken the time to do pre-production and all the other paperwork and that they've kept it a secret this whole time. I mean aren't studios allowed to have secrets regarding their projects without nosy fans like us wanting to know everything? Are we not allowed to be surprised by twists like this? I mean nobody knew about the Mandarin in Iron Man 3 until it premiered.
I seriously doubt that. The script will be done this year but I don't see them filming until 2014. Even if it's early in the year, it's going to get a summer 2015 release date.
DC is cool in having team-ups built in. World's Finest. Brave and the Bold. Themyscira vs Atlantis. Give everyone an intro film (two for Superman), have them team up, then bridge that into Justice League. Would be awesome.
I would suggest that comparing the X-Men franchise and Guardians of the Galaxy to the Avengers is a false equivalent. The X-Men and Guardians are not "team-up" films in the traditional sense. They are not meeting and joining forces. It is much, much easier to put together a superhero team when the members have a common origin and live together like the FF and the X-Men. Though the Guardians are more of a challenge, the rumors surrounding the film also have the team living and working together and the characters with complex powers appear to have been left out of the first movie.

To put together a group of superheroes onscreen without providing some background as to why they are dressed so oddly, how they obtained their fantastic abilities or motivated them to behave heroically, in my opinion, would be a disaster.

No, they aren't a false equivalence. All of those films are (in the traditional sense) superhero team pics under the comic book genre. Just because Marvel's "Avengers" was a big success, doesn't mean that it is not equivalent to an "X-Men" (a billion dollar franchise) or the up coming "Guardians of the Galaxy" franchise. They do join forces and work towards a common goal (that is the definition of a team and each individual member has a choice not to join -- Lord knows Logan did). Let's not try to find subtle differences just to excuse what has happened. Marvel has proven that you could go the solo route, and spin off characters form an ensemble film, which means that using the solo film approach in the run up to a team film is just a matter of style more than necessity. End of story.
You cant do a JL in 2015 after MOS 2. It's impossible in every way. You must not understand the process of drafting a script, completing it, casting, pre-production, shooting, post-production, effects work, marketing and release date....and all the time that is needed to do so.

Setting MOS 2 about a year after the events of the first movie. Scaling it down a bit from the first film, so when you launch into JL you're building the scope back up and not just doing alien invasion after alien invasion.

Justice League should happen when both Superman and Batman are close to their "Year Two" phase.

The team-up won't see the light of day until 2017 the earliest. 2018 is also possible but a year before would work better so they don't risk losing the interest.

There's no guranatee that there will be a "Man of Steel 2" either. Remember right after the opening weekend of "Green Lantern" they had announced that there was a "Green Lantern 2". Obviously that never happened. What we do know is that there is a film option and copyright for a Justice League film as well as a script. That project has a better chance of getting a release in the 2015 time-frame than any other DC project.
You can't compare. GL lost money. It was a major flop. MOS is a huge hit. Their test screenings were incredibly positive. It's a done deal. Snyder, Goyer, Cavill, Adams (at the very least) are all returning for a sequel. And expect it out in 2015.

There is NO script for JL.
I think at this rate I'd rather they go separate universes for each franchise.
I wouldn't mind that but im too excited to see Bats and Supes on screen together.
well Batman and Superman would still be on screen together, just not Christian Bale (and later, his eventual replacement) with Henry Cavill.
I think that the reason a reverse team up would work is because yes, the JL characters are iconic enough for the GA to approve. Flash, Wonder Woman and Batman don't necessarily need solo introductions.

I, for one, would pay money to see if it does work. And I'd be thrilled if it did.

So I'm open to either route.
well Batman and Superman would still be on screen together, just not Christian Bale (and later, his eventual replacement) with Henry Cavill.
Yeah but I now want to see Joe Manganiello (he feels like a Conroy, Arkham Batman to me) and Cavill together on screen. Sometime this decade.
I seriously doubt that. The script will be done this year but I don't see them filming until 2014. Even if it's early in the year, it's going to get a summer 2015 release date.

Well one upon a time I doubted that they would ever make an Avengers movie or superhero films that would be taken seriously and beloved by audiences or even more Star Wars movies this time last year.

So now I'm willing to believe anything that comes my way like the reports of MOS 2 next year and JL the year after.

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