For those of you keeping score, Options 1 AND 2 in the ATTN! Potential Site Changes won by a landslide [216 to 73 and 294 339 respectively], so much so that I decided to close the thread a week early. But there seems to be a bit of a problem with the idea behind Option 1. A lot of you guys were really torn on it, because of the possibility that the posts in the Gameyard won't count. So, here's a new poll. Votes last one week.
EDIT---Keep in mind that Option 2 on the old thread was dealing with join dates also being a stipulation [sp?] to getting better rewards, like a bigger avatar.
EDIT---Keep in mind that Option 2 on the old thread was dealing with join dates also being a stipulation [sp?] to getting better rewards, like a bigger avatar.
1--Set up a "Game/Trivia thread" for stuff like "Last thing you ate/drank/wore on your head" or "Three Word Story" that's separate from actual community. Posts in this forum will NOT count towards your post count. This will eliminate all these kind of threads for community so that we can get back to discussing "you know, the important stuff". And by, discuss, I mean pages. Not, at most, 3 posts. There are people who have at least 40-75% of their one-word posts in spammy threads like "Last thing you ate/drank/peed/pooped/wore on your head", or something similar just because they want an avatar/sig/title. I'm all for chat-chat til you're hands fall off. Hell, if you look in Games, I'm in the top 10 in terms of chat thread posters. But there's a difference between chat and crap.
2--User Join Dates will actually contribute to earning an avatar and such, in addition to post count. This way, if you're banned under your regular name, you won't be able to go back to an old name and still have avatars and such. By doing this, I hope it makes a lot of the people who like to "sit on the fence" when it comes to getting in trouble think twice, because they'd lose everything, and it'd be harder to just spam them back. This will would very well with the above idea. To quote a good friend--"The idea behind those things is that they are "privileges" or "rewards" that are meant to be earned by being a contributing member of a community over a period of time." By combining length of membership and post count as prerequisites for benefits, only members who are both active and patient would be rewarded and there would be less benefit from spamming. Also, bans would become a lot more meaningful when you not only lose a few nights worth of spamming, but you can also lose up to 6 months of your life.
Something like this order--
Code:Signature--1 Week Custom Title--2 Weeks and 100 posts Small Avatar--1 Month and 300 posts Medium Avatar--3 Month and 1000 posts Large Avatar--6 Months and 2500 posts
With these ideas in mind, hopefully it would help keep Community feeling more like a Community rather than a collection of random people. Conversations will be able to mean more, there would be less spam to wade through, and everyone can have a little more fun. I know I'm being a little idealistic here, but that's what ideas are for--being idealistic.