Beast and Storm have had much more development then Cyclops... so i'll give you him. We at least got to see much more of there opinions.. and there's still many more movies to add more to theres as well as cykes, I really hope the magneto movie shows Xavier recieve his first student... scott.
I can't believe you just said that. WTH Jean was Xavier's first student. That's one of the reasons we saw the house scene, to farther infuse the realationship between Xavier and Jean. And you accused me of not paying attention. If Scott was the first student, where is the proof, or the bond he would have formed with Magneto or Xavier, please.
Storm was much much more fleshed out in X3... she had depth, and both her and beast had explanation and interaction as well as emotional explanation.. Scott also had emotional explination.. the explanation is the events of what happened in X2.
She had words in X3, but no reason for them. We saw her be angry about the very idea of the cure, but we have no idea why. That's because we know nothing about her past (in the movie-verse). That conversation between she and Beast just proves my point. Anger with no reason. The conversation with Kurt in X2 also proves my point. Anger with no real reason. WHY IS SHE ANGRY? What happened to her that makes her feel that way. I really want to know.
Scott loved Jean. That explains alot. He never got over her first depth, and he lost himself in the downward spiral of depression. More emtional explaination. People can relate to that. That's a given.
you musn't have payed much attention.. cyclops imo was the only character hard to relate too...
See my explaination above. If you can't see how Scott never was shown going through the stages of grief properly it would explain why he shut himself off. Completly.
Storm: Has problems dealing with leadership, she was always a shadow, and
doesnt think she's good enough, and Xavier chose her to lead she's
the compassionate team member.. and rules with her heart
WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THIS FROM? Seriously I want to know. Storm has never had problems being a leader. The conversation with Xavier actually said that. Did you even watch the movie? Xavier gave her the job as leader because she's was currently the default choice. Cyke was no good, Logan is too immature to lead a team and not very dependable, Jean was dead and even if she wasn't she wouldn't be leading the team she works as a Mutant Activist and a doctor not alot of time for tacticle stuff, and Beast didn't even work in the mansion. Where did you get the idea that she thinks she is in the shadow? WTF, because we know nothing about her,we don't know what she thinks about herself, or anything outside of her hatred for humans or the cure. Watch the series again. Talk about grasping for straws, good lord. Lol. I thought we Rolo'ers were bad.
Beast/Nightcralwer/Mystique: They all deal with the issue of being physically
different one uses his brains to work his way
up the social ladder breaking the stereo type
along the way, another uses his faith while
beliving even in those who are doing wrong,
and the other is fueled by her hatred.
That's all great and good. But you kinda missed a point that I was trying to prove. How did Beast become blue between X2 (with a normal looking cameo and he was a doctor) and X3 where he was a politician? Who's gave birth to Nightcrawler, and why didn't she stick around? How did Magneto and Mystique meet? How close are they, and how devestated was she when Magneto walked away from her? Again these questions prove my point. No backround makes them unbelievable, and shallow. Why do they do some of the smaller things they do? What kind of people are they beneath the surface.
Angel/Iceman: Both are easily relateable for those who are gay.. with
iceman's coming out scene.. and both dealing with parents
dissaproval as well as there parents wanting them to change
Warren though also has the father/son issue going on
This is why didn't mention either one. These two NON-ORIGINAL movie-verse x-men got explainations, childhood scenes, familes, and reasons why they do the things they do, and why and how they got to the mansion.
Jean: Jean was always held back, she always felt left behind as if her powers
weren't strong enough, she felt like she was a risk to the team rather
then an asset. She loses control as the phoenix and is over whelmed..
her power controls her.
Yes, JEAN WAS THE ONE THAT WAS IN THE SHADOWS! Why do we know this as a fact? Because it was the one connection from X2 and X3 that was made. Xavier explained to Wolverine and Cyke that she felt left behind and in the shadow. The Phoenix HATED Xavier because of that. She never felt like a risk to the team. Again your grasping for straws. She left the plane in X2 because she felt like she was the only one who could do it. It was quiet obvious she wasn't thinking straight. Storm Iceman and Jean could have used their combinded strength and powers to hold the jet together, freeze the lake or build a damn, and use winds to fly the plane. Simple common sense she lacked at the end, it killed her and I lost the little respect I had for her. But its fixable.
Wolverine: the loner, the stubborn team mate with alot of rough ends.. but a
heart of gold, he likes to think he does things for himself.. but he
really does it because he likes to help
More straws, huh. He does it for himself. He chases Jean, not because she wants him, but to please himself. He convenently ignores how torn she is, and what it does to her realationship with Scott. Just in case you haven't noticed, he doesn't stick around, he isn't dependable, and he (not Storm) is the one who is overly emtional. He goes chasing after crap with no preparations, no plan, no team, and usually no good reason. He chased after Jean and his past, both times he came up empty because he didn't have the right information going in (numbnuts didn't bother going under in the base) and he forgot Magneto can stuff his foot up his metal behind.
Xavier: the dreamer, always believing he can over come any obstacle with
peace.. he is the martin luther king of the x-men
Finally, ya got one. But as history has showed pacifisim does work, but only haven't alot of blood is shed. Such a shame.
Magneto: scorned from his past he fears that like the nazi's the humans will eradicate those who are different.
That's two straws so far. Because we know about his PERSONAL backround we can REALATE to that. See what I mean. His character makes sense on screen. Thank you for proving my point.
Rogue: she deals with the physical difference from the inside, her difference is
hidden, and she feels cursed by who she is
The cure fixed that, didn't it. Problem solved. It only took three movies. Too bad she was a boring washout to begin with.
Colossus: no development
Psylocke: no development
And they will never get properly devolped. We wont see Colossus's life under the Iron Curtain, nor will we ever see Psy be a brittish ninja. Sucks.
Cyclops: little development, hes stubborn, got a temper, loves jean more
then anything, has a heart of gold, the leader of the team but out
shined by the new boy (wolverine). He falls apart with jeans death.
Yes, again with the lack of devolpment which was my point. TEMPER...where did you get that. He never showed an inkling of a personality until he told Logan to go to hell in X3. Heart of gold, really? Where? I didn't see. It's hard to tell when you get written down to nothing more than a gloried cameo who is a geek and not worthy of the main love intrest. Boooo, that sucks. I want to know why Scott was so uptight. They could tell us about the horrible life he lead on the streets, the abuse he had by Jack, or about his unaccounted for brother. Something, anything. All we get is he loves Jean, and he's the leader. That's it. YAWN!!!
So.. ya.. for the majority of the cast.. i do find them easily relateable..
I can see Iceman and Angel, but everything else had a major blah element.
maybe you just haven't experienced enough in your life
You have no idea about your last statement. So don't even go there, lets keep this on topic, the last person who tried that crap with me threw a tantrum, and made himself look like a hole.