Spider-Man 1 vs Man of Steel

Neil McCauley

Sep 2, 2020
Reaction score
Both are the first films of the most liked versions of this heroes in the big screen.

Which one do you think was better and had a better villain and action?

I'll say that Spider-Man is more enjoyable and has a slightly better villain but MoS has far better action scenes and a better soundtrack. Close, but SM1 gets my vote.
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Technically, SUPERMAN AND THE MOLE MEN (1952) starring George Reeves was the first movie released to theaters of the Superman character. But since it is only 58 minutes long and was made to be cut into a two part episode for the series, many don't count it.

SUPERMAN (1978) starring Christopher Reeve is considered the first movie featuring the Superman character. MoS was the sixth movie starring the character. MoS was the first movie in the new DCU that featured the character.
If that were actually true, this thread would be "Superman and the Mole Men vs Spider-Man '77"

I edited it, I mean of this new versions.

Technically, SUPERMAN AND THE MOLE MEN (1952) starring George Reeves was the first movie released to theaters of the Superman character. But since it is only 58 minutes long and was made to be cut into a two part episode for the series, many don't count it.

SUPERMAN (1978) starring Christopher Reeve is considered the first movie featuring the Superman character. MoS was the sixth movie starring the character. MoS was the first movie in the new DCU that featured the character.

Thanks for the advice
As others have stated (and I won't repeat), factually un-true, but given the question and answering it, for me, Man of Steel, I factor in I'm a way more bigger fan of Superman than I am Spider-Man and I love Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy but MoS and the DCEU are for me better films and have more emotional resonance attached to them.
Spider-Man, easily. Man of Steel is a fun popcorn movie with some good fights, but is lacking substance and the main character is wooden and dull. Spider-Man suffers from some bad effects work and a plot that runs out of steam midway through (its pivot from Goblin getting revenge on those who had wronged Norman to Goblin going after Spidey is really sloppy), but has a fantastic origin, better performances, and just all around is a much better film.
Spider-Man was ahead of its time, it was a unique blend of comic book tone and Raimi's own style. A good mixture of drama and comedy. There are certainly aspects that haven't aged well in time, even script-wise but it's still very enjoyable, fun and has a lot of heart.

Man of Steel feels for the most part cold and soulless. There are good things in it, like the cast, production design and effects, some great even, like the Zimmer score, but basically it feels like it tries to mimic The Dark Knight Trilogy and it's not a faithful adaptation or even interesting new representation of Superman. I admired it more when it came out but over the years it kind of lost me.
Gosh ! I loved Man of Steel, but as a superhero origin film it's tough to beat Spider Man - yeah the effects aren't the best and it's a bit hammy, but Maguire sells it well, as does Dafoe. Man of Steel gets a lot right and the Smallville battle is still an amazing sequence - however, the scope of the destruction is pretty off putting. I go back and forth on Superman killing Zod, but Superman the comic book character is a pretty upbeat guy and always puts the lives of innocents first, so some of his recklessness in MoS is a problem. I mean if he'd simply told Swanwick to have people start evacuating the city when Zod's ship began to descend, that might have mitigated things - as would some scenes of him helping rebuild metropolis.

Going with Spider Man - which is hard because as characters go I'm a huge Superman fan and would take Superman over Spider Man any day !
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Gosh ! I loved Man of Steel, but as a superhero origin film it's tough to beat Spider Man - yeah the effects aren't the best and it's a bit hammy, but Maguire sells it well, as does Dafoe. Man of Steel gets a lot right and the Smallville battle is still an amazing sequence - however, the scope of the destruction is pretty off putting. I go back and forth on Superman killing Zod, but Superman the comic book character is a pretty upbeat guy and always puts the lives of innocents first, so some of his recklessness in MoS is a problem. I mean if he'd simply told Swanwick to have people start evacuating the city when Zod's ship began to descend, that might have mitigated things - as would some scenes of him helping rebuild metropolis.

Going with Spider Man - which is hard because as characters go I'm a huge Superman fan and would take Superman over Spider Man any day !

You like SM1 over the 2nd like i do?
Both are the first films of the most liked versions of this heroes in the big screen.
Based on what, exactly? There are constant debates as to which cinematic Spider-Man is the best, usually coming down to Tobey vs. Tom Holland. And while I like Cavill as Supes, the only people who prefer him to Christopher Reeve are Snyder fans.
That's not reflected in the edit. Now you refer to them as the most liked film versions. It's very debatable whether Tobey is the most liked film Spidey. And Cavill clearly isn't the most liked film version of Superman.

I thought they were the most liked ones.

Spider-Man 1 VS Superman The Movie would be a fairer fight.

Man of Steel was critically rotten and didn't have a good audience response, with disappointing box office returns. Here's Man of Steel's theatrical ROI compared to superhero films at the time; https://thumbor.forbes.com/thumbor/960x0/https://blogs-images.forbes.com/robcain/files/2017/11/Est-profit-and-loss-superhero.jpg

This is the real reason why WB never moved forward with a Superman solo film after Man of Steel.

Yeah but the rep of this film got a bit better, I just saw that it did well aganist The First Avenger, TDKR and even Civil War in polls.
Based on what, exactly? There are constant debates as to which cinematic Spider-Man is the best, usually coming down to Tobey vs. Tom Holland. And while I like Cavill as Supes, the only people who prefer him to Christopher Reeve are Snyder fans.

Some people think that Cavill is an improvement from the usual Superman and some criticize him but he’s mostly considered to be a positive portryal as far as I know

Tobey vs Holland isn't a contest even if SM3 was terrible
Some people think that Cavill is an improvement from the usual Superman and some criticize him but he’s mostly considered to be a positive portryal as far as I know

Tobey vs Holland isn't a contest even if SM3 was terrible
These are only opinions. Just because you think they're better doesn't mean they're the "most liked" versions.
Spider man is on top of the hill and so far above MOS that when it looks down the hill all it sees is a little pin prick of a splotch that is MOS
You like SM1 over the 2nd like i do?

Yup. SM is by far the best of the three IMO. I agree that the train scene was cool, and the Spidey sense slo mo in the coffee shop, but otherwise SM 2 has so many cringe moments for me that I don't really enjoy it much. JK Simmons was great, but that's not enough to carry the film.

TBH I would rather watch SM 3 than 2, and that has some super cringe moments ( although I find evil disco strut Peter Parker hilarious). Sandman was pretty boring, and Topher Grace laughably miscast, but I thought that Harry's sacrifice resolved the love triangle nicely.

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