Splinter Cell


Jun 1, 2000
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With Silent Hill recently showing up in the theaters I started thinking about my other favorite game titles and when/if they were getting a movie. I remember a long time ago there was an announcement that Splinter Cell was going to be made into a movie. I can't seem to find anything recent on this...has anyone heard anything?

As a side topic...who would you get to play Sam Fisher? My choices:

Kiefer Sutherland
Tom Beringer
Sean Bean
Yeah I remember they had a preview for it on Pandora Tomorrow.

:( What happened?
Kiefer Sutherland ????????????? Noooooooo.
huskerwebhead said:
With Silent Hill recently showing up in the theaters I started thinking about my other favorite game titles and when/if they were getting a movie. I remember a long time ago there was an announcement that Splinter Cell was going to be made into a movie. I can't seem to find anything recent on this...has anyone heard anything?

As a side topic...who would you get to play Sam Fisher? My choices:

Kiefer Sutherland
Tom Beringer
Sean Bean

Sean Bean wouldnt be able to pull off the american accent IMO. I hate to say this, but Bruce was born to play Sam Fisher.
LatinoReview had a script review a few months back.
Darthphere said:
Sean Bean wouldnt be able to pull off the american accent IMO. I hate to say this, but Bruce was born to play Sam Fisher.

Yeah I remember they had a preview for it on Pandora Tomorrow.

:( What happened?

Two words....

ICE CUBE :( :down
FYI, I recently interviewed JT Petty at SXSW. He's the writer of the games and did early drafts of the script.

The movie is in development purgatory right now.
Thinking about some games coming to the big screen reminds me, SC will do well as a live action movie, I'd like to see either Jack from Lost or even George Clooney as Sam.

As for a metal gear movie, after watching FF advent children, a metal gear movie would suck as live action and would be better off using the production tactics of FFAC. That movie kicked too much ass and one could only imagine the majesty of what a cg metal gear movie would be like.
IMDB still has Peter Berg attatched to direct. But he's busy with the Friday Night Lights tv series right now, and has

The Kingdom
The Mission
The Losers
and Bran Mak Morn for other movie attatchments in addition to Splinter Cell.

So either hope someone else picks up the project or don't hold your breath for it coming out any time soon.
TheVileOne said:
Splinter Cell ain't happening right now.

One can hope.....I think a tv show might be more likely.....or I may be crazy.....maybe both.
Seems that a sticking point is the studio wanting a younger version of Sam for the film. :(

If they do go with a young Sam then I think the perfect choice woud be Matthew Fox... He just needs to work on a deep scary voice :D

Mentok said:
Seems that a sticking point is the studio wanting a younger version of Sam for the film. :(

If they do go with a young Sam then I think the perfect choice woud be Matthew Fox... He just needs to work on a deep scary voice :D


I can see nipples in that pic... Dew will ban me now :(
Mentok said:
Seems that a sticking point is the studio wanting a younger version of Sam for the film. :(

If they do go with a young Sam then I think the perfect choice woud be Matthew Fox... He just needs to work on a deep scary voice :D


Yeah, 'cause you'd swear he had that voice since birth. Sam Fisher's a scary dude!!

Fox would have to see a serious vocal coach.
Or just get Michael Ironside to dub over his voice for the film :up:
I have a bad feeling that they probably aren't going to care as much about the voice as we do. :(
God, they better make this movie soon:(

Kiefer Sutherland wouldn't be too bad I guess.

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