Star Trek Into Darkness - Part 3

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He was underwritten but he wasn't the point of the movie. He was a prop for Kirk and Spock's relationship
Yeah, that's how I saw it. I'm willing to overlook underdone villains if they get the hero characters right. I've seen far too many (pre-Nolan) Batman movies to know that when you spend you're whole movie telling the story of the villain, the hero becomes an afterthought. And that's never a good thing.
Alice Eve is definitely playing Elizabeth Dehner, a character who appeared in the TOS episode "Where No Man Has Gone Before," which also featured Gary Mitchell.


It damn sure looks like it when you post the comparasion picture.
I think this confirms that Benedict Cumberbatch is playing Gary Mitchell. I could be wrong, of course. But this is definitely a hint as to who the villain is.
He was underwritten but he wasn't the point of the movie. He was a prop for Kirk and Spock's relationship

Which still amounts to some somewhat mediocre writing.
Which still amounts to some somewhat mediocre writing.

I think JJ's directing really made Star Trek work despite a slightly wonky script. The visuals, casting and sheer fun elevated the material.
I think JJ's directing really made Star Trek work despite a slightly wonky script. The visuals, casting and sheer fun elevated the material.

For those interested, I'd highly recommend watching Red Letter Media's Star Trek 2009 review. It really highlights all the positives and negatives about the movie, and examines exactly why, despite a number of issues, it works so well.
I think JJ's directing really made Star Trek work despite a slightly wonky script. The visuals, casting and sheer fun elevated the material.
That's what I said in 2009. Despite having a ****** script and lame ass villian the movie still worked for those reasons. I really do hope that J.J and crew wrote a better script this time though because they may not be so lucky a second time.

I already like Cumberbatch a million times more than Bana so they already are doing better on the villian front.
I hope this film can feature some more of the interplay between Kirk, Spock and McCoy, with Spock and McCoy offering opposing viewpoints while Kirk has to make a decision.
I hope this film can feature some more of the interplay between Kirk, Spock and McCoy, with Spock and McCoy offering opposing viewpoints while Kirk has to make a decision.

Yes, classic TOS right there. Spock is my favorite TOS character and in this iteration it is the same way however Kirk must be the leader and be making the decisions with advice from his companions but ultimately his decision.
Nero was a very "meh" villain.

The movie worked in spite of him, not with any help from him, because he was almost beside the point, just a plot device for Kirk and Spock's relationship.
Considering Nero is responsible for Kirk's father's death, I'm surprised that didn't come up at all.

Then again, Kirk may not have really had time to dwell on that. Once Vulcan gets attacked, the plot moves very quickly.
I hope we don't always get a full-on sci-fi movie for this new series of Star Trek films. I want to see scenarios sometimes where the crew have to disguise themselves as part of another civilisation, as in the original series, at least for part of the movie. That's what they did with the Voyage Home, which was a popular Trek movie. They should have similar scenarios to things they had from the original series, but not copy them outright.
Prologue report by ‏@colliderfrosty:
STAR TREK 2 IMAX footage looked as great as I hoped it would be. Almost non-stop action. Wish the movie was coming out sooner than May.

Cumberbatch is in the footage but only briefly. Most of the footage features the crew having to deal with something dangerous.

Also STAR TREK 2 IMAX footage (the first 8 minutes) has a RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK feel to it. You'll understand why after you see it.
That's very vague. Guess they can't get into more detail?
Actually, that might explain the odd alien world we see in the trailer. Kirk steals something from a temple, and has to run to the cliff.
Makes me think my theory about Cumberbatch's character being a long lost Starfleet member and being introduced by saving the crew is actually right. We are going to see some Klingon action.
Sounds cool. I definitely want to see it up on the Imax screen.
How cool would it be if Cumberbatch was a former Red Shirt?
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