Star Trek Movies


Dec 22, 2005
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What is your favorite Star Trek Movie? Why?
Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan (though ST6 is a CLOSE second).

This film had everything. It had a well paced story, it was a lot darker than anything Trek had seen before or after, all the while keeping what made Trek great. It gave us the best villain seen in not just a Trek film, but a great villain in cinema full stop. And that death scene... it was truly emotional.

It also gave us a far more balanced performance from Shatner as Kirk. I always felt that Mayer knew how to handle Shatner. So in this one, and 6, Kirk was at his best in the films IMO.
Have to say the Voyage Home. It captured more of the feel of the original series, especially after all these dark entries. The only thing I didn't like was that there was no Enterprise. I do like The Wrath of Khan and The Undiscovered Country too.

Other favourites are Star Trek: First Contact, Generations and Star Trek 2009.
1. Wrath of Khan
2. Star Trek '09
3. The Undiscovered Country
4. The Voyage Home
5. First Contact
6. The Search for Spock
7. Generations
8. The Final Frontier
9. The Motion Picture
10. Insurrection
11. Nemesis
I kind of waffle back and forth between First Contact and Undiscovered Country, so I voted for both. Here's how I rank them:

Undiscovered Country/First Contact
Wrath of Khan
Voyage Home
Motion Picture
Search For Spock
Final Frontier
1. The Wrath of Khan
2. The Voyage Home
3. The Undiscovered Country
4. First Contact
5. Star Trek (2009)
6. The Motion Picture
7. The Search For Spock
8. Generations
9. Nemesis
10. Insurrection
11. The Final Frontier

I think The Motion Picture is very underrated. If not for its very slow pace, I think it would be regarded as a much better film overall. Either way, I think every Trekkie should have some respect for it for many reasons.

If we were given the television series called Star Trek: Phase II instead of TMP, then Star Trek wouldn't be where it is today. It would have been a couple of TV series, and that's it.

TMP introduced us to the most popular theme song of the whole franchise, which was later used for Star Trek: The Next Generation (as well as The Final Frontier, and other TNG films).

TMP is the first Trek incarnation to use the Warp Core engine room that was never shown in the Original Series.

It also showed us that Star Trek can grow into many things, and have much darker themes (later used in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine).
Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan (though ST6 is a CLOSE second).

This film had everything. It had a well paced story, it was a lot darker than anything Trek had seen before or after, all the while keeping what made Trek great. It gave us the best villain seen in not just a Trek film, but a great villain in cinema full stop. And that death scene... it was truly emotional.

It also gave us a far more balanced performance from Shatner as Kirk. I always felt that Mayer knew how to handle Shatner. So in this one, and 6, Kirk was at his best in the films IMO.

That's funny you say that, Star Trek II and VI were directed by the same guy, Nick Meyer. He was integral in developing the more Naval uniforms and aesthetic versus Roddenberry's Circus tights in TMP.
I think The Motion Picture is very underrated. If not for its very slow pace, I think it would be regarded as a much better film overall. Either way, I think every Trekkie should have some respect for it for many reasons.

If we were given the television series called Star Trek: Phase II instead of TMP, then Star Trek wouldn't be where it is today. It would have been a couple of TV series, and that's it.

TMP introduced us to the most popular theme song of the whole franchise, which was later used for Star Trek: The Next Generation (as well as The Final Frontier, and other TNG films).

TMP is the first Trek incarnation to use the Warp Core engine room that was never shown in the Original Series.

It also showed us that Star Trek can grow into many things, and have much darker themes (later used in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine).

This is one of the strongest reasons I do love TMP, it is essentially a "pilot"for TNG. The themes, the greater philosophical questions, the character archetypes. They are all very similar. There is almost as much different between TMP and TNG (generally) than there is between "The Cage" and the rest of TOS. Thematically.
From what I understand, William Riker and Deanna Troi were both inspired by William Decker and Ilia, respectively.

I was just watching the 2009 film with another Trekkie, and he was saying how much he HATES TMP, even more than The Final Frontier. I kind of understand why someone, even a Trekkie, would dislike it, but I feel that the film deserves some appreciation for what it has given us (and the reasons I listed above).

I think there is a fan cut of the film online where the movie is shortened, and easier to watch. Have to look for it.
Here are how I rank the Star Trek movies:

1. The Wrath of Khan
2. First Contact
3. The Undiscovered Country
4. The Voyage Home
5. Generations
6. Insurrection
7. The Final Frontier
8. The Search For Spock
9. Nemesis
10. The Motion Picture
11. Star Trek (reboot)
Anyone else ever feel like they dropped the ball with Insurrection for largely Ignoring the Domonion war.I would have loved to see a film which showed what the Enterprise was
doing during war.

But I will give my list

1:Wrath of Khan
2:The Undiscocerved country
3:Search for Spock
4:First Contact
6:Final froniter
7:The Voyager Home
9:The Motion Picture
I think that they should have made two TNG films (Generations & First Contact), but afterwards try to go for a more universal Star Trek film. Something that includes the TNG crew, DS9, and MAYBE Voyager. The Dominion War was HUGE, and the Enterprise is the Federation flagship, so why wasn't it out there fighting in battle? Instead, we get them helping 600 people on a planet who didn't really belong there anyway. So many missed opportunities!

It could have also been the budget issues (which seemed to get worse with every film), and making such a big Star Trek film may not have been an option.
It could have been doing something related to war.Like maybe a world was threatened by
Dominion forces and crew of enterprise was sent to keep world from being taken by
Dominion.Plus It would give WOrf a real reason to be there.
It could have been doing something related to war.Like maybe a world was threatened by
Dominion forces and crew of enterprise was sent to keep world from being taken by
Dominion.Plus It would give WOrf a real reason to be there.

It could have been, but for some reason they wanted to do one about what was effectively a fountain of youth and that members of the Federation wanted it.
Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan (though ST6 is a CLOSE second).

This film had everything. It had a well paced story, it was a lot darker than anything Trek had seen before or after, all the while keeping what made Trek great. It gave us the best villain seen in not just a Trek film, but a great villain in cinema full stop. And that death scene... it was truly emotional.

It also gave us a far more balanced performance from Shatner as Kirk. I always felt that Mayer knew how to handle Shatner. So in this one, and 6, Kirk was at his best in the films IMO.

Agreed, I loved Kirk's midlife crisis. Also the fact that Kirk was the only person in starfeet who hated being an Admiral, And how he missed his "girl" the Enterprise.
It could have been doing something related to war.Like maybe a world was threatened by
Dominion forces and crew of enterprise was sent to keep world from being taken by
Dominion.Plus It would give WOrf a real reason to be there.
Agreed. Insurrection is such a waste.
I think they all wanted to make a lighter movie after the darkness of First Contact. They wanted their version of Star Trek IV but it carried none of that charm.
The humor in the Voyage Home felt natural, and it felt forced in both the Final Frontier and Insurrection. I guess its because the Voyage Home was a "fish out of water" story, so the humor was supposed to be there.

The Final Frontier tried to replicate the humor in the previous film, and Insurrection was... too corny.
There are 2 Star Trek Movies that I haven't watched, Insurrection and Nemesis. I need to get around to those.
I'm probably in the minority on this, but I actually enjoyed Insurrection.

You are, but you are not alone. I thought it was pretty good too, at least not bad enough to be lumped in with Star Trek 5 and Nemesis.
I'm probably in the minority on this, but I actually enjoyed Insurrection.

I enjoyed it, and its not that bad. It just felt like a stretched out episode with a bigger budget.

There are 2 Star Trek Movies that I haven't watched, Insurrection and Nemesis. I need to get around to those.

Check them out. Insurrection is enjoyable, as long as you know what to expect. Like I said in response to Duke, it feels like a stretched out episode.
Nemesis isn't bad.

Its actually not. Just too dark and depressing for the last voyage of the TNG crew.
1. The Undiscovered Country
2. The Wrath of Khan
3. First Contact
4. Star Trek
5. The Search for Spock
6. Generations
7. The Voyage Home
8. Insurrection
9. Final Frontier
10. Nemesis
11. The Motion Picture
I think the Voyage Home deserves more love.

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