Suicide Squad: General Discussion and Speculation - - - - Part 21

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My sources say 100% of the movie is getting reshot. Movie postponed until August 2017.
It is also being recast and rescripted. Look forward to Jaden Smith as Deadshot in 2040.
Wouldn't look too much into the ADR sessions, pretty much everyone has to do it. I remember Gal saying on the press tour that she had to go rerecord her battle cries and some dialogue
The movie starts re-production on August 5th.

i am so excited to see spy pics of Kristen Stewart's Zatanna.
By Sam Ashurst

For the cast of Suicide Squad, realism was everything.

“The rehearsal was very intense,” director David Ayer tell us. “It wasn’t a normal rehearsal, we’d talk about their lives, their history, and really got them to open up as people to each other. I also had them fight. I had them fight each other. You learn a lot about who a person really is when you punch them in the face. It gets rid of a lot of the actor stuff.”

It’s late July, 2015, Toronto, Canada. We’ve walked across Midway City streets so bullet-ridden our feet clinked with every step, through a huge train station decimated by black ooze, to suddenly find ourselves in an extremely tight spot with Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie).

We’re on the set of Suicide Squad, and it’s overwhelmingly real. Midway City might be a fictional location in the DC universe, but it’s not the only aspect of Suicide Squad that’s too detailed to feel fake.

We’ve been told Jared Leto’s method is total (“When we first met him, he said - look girls, I’m going to be pretty intense, I’m going to be the Joker when I come for fittings,” costume designer Rene Fontana tells us. “Sometimes he tried to terrify us, but we’re strong women. He was growling at us, and we’d play back.”).

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If we see him, we’re to call him Mr J, or Smiley. We’re also told to hope that doesn’t happen as, for the uninitiated, the experience can be intimidating.

We sit in a hastily assembled interview area - this is a real set, with practical props and huge vehicles (including a nearby Black Hawk helicopter draped in a green screen blanket) limiting space. Margot Robbie, in full Harley Quinn costume (tattoos, tights and ‘Daddy’s Lil Monster’ t-shirt present and correct) squeezes in directly in front of us, literally centimetres away.

We silently thank The Batman that Robbie’s not going method like Mr Jared. As curious as we are to read the madwoman poetry scrawled on her baseball bat, we don’t particularly want it to leave an imprint on our face. Though, to be frank, our current location is so enclosed, there’s not enough room to swing a bat.

So, obvious question first. Forget Jared Leto, what’s it like working with the Joker? “It’s really interesting,” Robbie smiles. “Sometimes it can be awkward, sometimes it can be terrifying, most of the time it’s just funny. I’m trying not to laugh, because he says such hilarious things. Jared’s really funny, and terrifying, and just nuts. Absolutely nuts. It’s really interesting to work with someone so method, because I haven’t worked with someone doing that before.”

According to director David Ayer, that method comes from a carefully constructed backstory, with every element of Joker’s look a key to understanding it - including those controversial tattoos. “A lot of it has to do with creating a character with some kind of history and footprint in our world,” Ayer tells us. “And not have this sacrosanct being outside of our continuum, our reality. If a guy like him really existed today, where would he come from? How would he do business? Who would he know? What would he look like? In my mind, I took a lot of inspiration from drug lords on Instagram. It’s a great way to understand the lifestyle of a villain.”

This is the key to Leto’s Joker; do a simple Internet search and you’ll see Instagram shots of customised golden guns (we’re shown Joker’s handgun, it’s customised purple, not gold, but you get the point), flashy purple cars (there’s no Batman hanging off them, but other than that they’re identical to Joker’s ride), and so many gang tattoos… It’s a real eureka Google.

“The tattoos tell a very specific story,” Ayer continues. “And eventually people will decipher them and understand what’s going on, but obviously they’re contentious, any time you do something new it’s contentious. There’s very specific stories and easter eggs in those tattoos. And even his teeth, there’s an entire story behind that which is absolutely canon. It’s putting his history on his body. This Joker is a little more working class, who I believe could live in our world.”

But of course, Joker isn’t the only one with tattoos on the Suicide Squad set. We ask about Harley’s, and Robbie somehow finds space to take a step back, squatting slightly to show us Harley’s leg ink. “She did these herself in prison. They’re stick and poke tattoos, prison-style tattoos, that you do when you don’t have a tattoo gun. She did them herself out of boredom and desperation… There’s I Heart Puddin’, a Joker face, a love heart… that’s obviously reflective of her time in prison.”

She steps forward again, bumping our chair slightly as she does so. She’s at ease, confident and wonderfully charming. When we ask David Ayer about her contribution to the film, it’s clear he’s - professionally - smitten too.

“I don’t know what to say other than a star is born,” Ayer says. “She’s riveting, magnetic, she is the character. I don’t recognise her out of make-up, we spend so much time together on set, I’m uncomfortable around her if she’s not in make-up.”

Above: Margot Robbie applying some ink for real (Credit:

“Harley’s one of my favourite characters,” Ayer continues. “She’s one of the reasons I wanted to do this project. She’s so complex, she’s all about dichotomies, so many opposing qualities in the same person, just like all of us. It’s nice to explore those things. It’s rare to have such a strong female character who’s so active in the story, so driven and so powerful - yet has these weaknesses and achilles heels, just like anybody.”

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- Margot Robbie’s Tattoo Typo

We’ve been on several film sets, interviewed several costumed characters, but there’s something special about this one. Perhaps because of that level of detail, the depth of realism. Deadshot’s prop wrist pistols are fully automatic, able to fire real bullets. We have this in mind when Will Smith strolls over to give us a spoiler-heavy description of the twist-filled scene we’re about to watch, a big grin on his face. As he lays out the details, we start to smile too - it sounds stunning.

Joel Kinnaman and Jay Hernandez are also in full costume, and Hernandez’s tattoos are terrifying in the flesh, making him genuinely scary to look at. Not quite as frightening as Killer Croc, his prosthetic mask - created by the practical FX geniuses at KNB - looks real, and almost impossibly expressive. He occasionally stalks past us, the crew referring to him by his nickname, Chomper.

We’re told we won’t be speaking to him, when he’s in costume he’s Croc - and they can’t guarantee he won’t try to eat us. It’s a joke - we think - but we still shrink in our seat later in the night when Croc clocks us with a sideways glance. We’ve already spent time exploring his sewer-style cell, seen the installation art he’s made from goat bones, and don’t particularly want to become part of his next collection.

But, despite the intensity of the method actors, and the potentially deadly costumes, this is also one of the friendliest, and most joyful sets we’ve ever been on. The Squad are around us almost constantly, if they’re not shooting the rooftop gun battle we’re here to observe on monitors, Robbie’s standing around, twirling her pink braid and grinning. Kinnaman’s smoking a vape, which glows blue in the dark night, while he laughs with Hernandez. Will Smith occasionally checks in to make sure we’re okay. Croc even briefly breaks character to hug a crew member.

The cast are clearly at incredibly at ease with each other, for which they have David Ayer’s brilliance to thank. “There’s all sorts of little tricks he has, manipulations that fold into the process, you don’t know you’re victim to until it’s in full effect,” Jai Courtney explains. “It’ll be sad to stop working with him, all of us hope that opportunity will come again.”

“You often hear directors talk about a rehearsal period, and it often ends up being an advanced table read,” Kinnaman explains. “But we actually had a month of rehearsals. We were all in one room, rehearsing the script, improvising, and that puts everybody in an insecure and vulnerable position. You feel like everybody is feeling the same things, and you overcome it together. That was really effective on this film. We all had to show our asses to each other.”

“We just had to get out there and do it, build trust with the other actors. It was an interesting process, David has a certain way of doing things,” Hernendez adds.

“He asked questions in front of everyone that were hard to dodge,” Kinnaman continues. “‘What are you most afraid of? What is the most embarrassed you’ve ever been? What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever done to someone?’ Those kinds of questions. So it becomes very honest, it strips the facade and you get to know each other for real.”

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“One thing that helped me get to that level of comfort was that [David] did the same thing,” Hernendez reveals. “He divulged a lot of personal information about his life, his experiences, to us.”

“He’s very f***ed up,” Kinnaman laughs.

Leto wasn’t part of that process, and we wonder if that was a deliberate move on Ayer’s part - keeping the king of chaos from bonding with his enemies. “With Jared, it’s tough for him,” Ayer explains. “He constantly has to give birth to himself, he goes away, he comes back, he shoots, he goes away… The Joker is something you have to be, and you can see how exhausting and painful it is for him to be this character. But you can feel it when he comes to work, the crew feels it, everyone feels it. It’s like the birds stop flying. He’s f***ing terrifying.”

It’s time to leave. We pass Will Smith telling stories, surrounded by his Squad and crew. He pauses to shout 'Bye guys!’ at us, still smiling, always smiling. His team grin and wave, merciless villains transformed into happy actors. If we have as much fun watching Suicide Squad as they’re having making it, it’s going to be the greatest movie of all time.

Forget the DC universe, we’ll want a Suicide Squad universe.

Above: Yahoo Movies on the Suicide Squad set (Credit: Clay Enos)

Now, as we walk towards the sounds of second unit gunfire adding to the piles of spent shells that already covered the pavement on the journey over - this isn’t organised crime, this is organised chaos - all we have to do is survive the trip back to our hotel so we’re alive to watch the finished film.

We see a flash of white and red out of the corner of one eye. Is that Harley, come to hug us goodbye, or… We quicken our step, and hope for the best.

‘Suicide Squad’ is coming to cinemas on 5 August.
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Yeah, he definitly lost his teeth because of Batman's ... justice.
What Ayer said recently.
According to director David Ayer, that method comes from a carefully constructed backstory, with every element of Joker’s look a key to understanding it - including those controversial tattoos. “A lot of it has to do with creating a character with some kind of history and footprint in our world,” Ayer tells us. “And not have this sacrosanct being outside of our continuum, our reality. If a guy like him really existed today, where would he come from? How would he do business? Who would he know? What would he look like? In my mind, I took a lot of inspiration from drug lords on Instagram. It’s a great way to understand the lifestyle of a villain.”

This is the key to Leto’s Joker; do a simple Internet search and you’ll see Instagram shots of customised golden guns (we’re shown Joker’s handgun, it’s customised purple, not gold, but you get the point), flashy purple cars (there’s no Batman hanging off them, but other than that they’re identical to Joker’s ride), and so many gang tattoos… It’s a real eureka Google.

“The tattoos tell a very specific story,” Ayer continues. “And eventually people will decipher them and understand what’s going on, but obviously they’re contentious, any time you do something new it’s contentious. There’s very specific stories and easter eggs in those tattoos. And even his teeth, there’s an entire story behind that which is absolutely canon. It’s putting his history on his body. This Joker is a little more working class, who I believe could live in our world.”

Article from 2015
Suicide Squad director David Ayer has released the first official photo of Jared Leto as The Joker, and...well, unsurprisingly, reactions have been mixed.

There's certainly a lot going on in the photo; it almost seems like rather than taking one singular interpretation of the character and going with it (as Zack Snyder seems to have done with Frank Miller's Batman in Batman V Superman) or riffing on the classics to make something your own (as Snyder has done with Superman and Wonder Woman), Ayer has gone the route of taking numerous different interpretations of the character through the years and kind of throwing them all at the wall.

So...what did we see? What did we miss? Read on...

Purple Gloves

The first thing that jumps out at me, perhaps because there's only one of them, is the purple glove. In most stories prior to the mid-to-late '90s, I remember The Joker wearing his purple suit and gloves. We've strayed from that more recently, and it isn't particularly cinema-friendly (at least not in a film universe that takes itself so seriously), so the glove is likely a wink-and-a-nod to that attire, without actually depicting him in it here since the odds are good if it makes it into the films at all, it will be briefly.

The hair

There isn't a ton to say about the hair. Certainly the fact that the hair is bright green and the skin is super-pale is to be expected. If there's anything that jumps out at me, it's that The Joker tousling his own hair like that is a nod to an iconic image from Alan Moore and Brian Bolland's The Killing Joke, with the exception that unlike Heath Ledger, Leto's version of the character makes no attempt to give the hair curl and volume. It's just straight, green hair, like what we got from Jack Nicholson.

The tattoos

There is a lot of familiar Joker iconography in the tattoos. Let's break it down a little:

First of all, we have Joker/card-based tattoos. The four of a kind (presumably with a Joker for the fifth card) says "All in" beneath it. The skull-in-a-jester's cap is a popular image in pop culture and with tattoo artists based on a Google Image search, but I don't know of any particular story in which either played a big role for The Joker (although Batman does have that giant Joker card in his cave).

The "Damaged" forehead tattoo seems likely to be a wink and a nod to Charles Manson's face tattoos, given the "Joker's the craziest guy ever" vibe we're getting here and that's been present basically since The Dark Knight Returns popularized the idea of trying to psychoanalyze these characters.

The laughter is familiar enough; again, we get a bit of a callback to that same Bolland image. Beyond that, though, we have two different kinds of laughter scrawled in different tattoos, and the font/handwriting on them don't match what we see in the Bolland image. Rather, they evoke Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on a Serious Earth and Joker, the original graphic novel from Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo.

We also get two different mouths -- one on one of his forearms and the other on his un-gloved hand. It looks like they're different representations of Joker smiles over the years, witht he one on his forearm resembling the smile Jock gave the character during his time drawing Batman and the one on his hand being a little more ragged -- maybe like (again) the Bermejo image at right or even Heath Ledger's The Dark Knight joker. It seems as though this Joker will acknowledge the history and the ever-changing nature of the character a bit.

He's got a trio of unidentifiable tattoos -- one on his bicep, one on his right side wrapping around to his back and one across his belly. It looks to me as though the one on his belly might actually just be a stylized font that says "Joker," but I could easily be wrong there. It's hard to tell what thing on his arm is, other than that it looks like some kind of bird. Maybe the laughing fish, though? And the one on his back looks like at least two words and that what we can see is that the first word ends in "O'S" or "OS" -- I can't tell if that's an apostrophe or just shadow -- and the second word end in "LY." It's underlined hysterically, which makes me think maybe the second word is "only."

There's also a stray "J" on his face that reminds me a bit of a teardrop tattoo and some work around his eyes that makes his face look "cracked" and also makes me wonder whether the dark areas around his eyes are actually tattoos too.

The smile

Joker's smile is less ragged and jagged than he's been in recent years, and looks more like a traditional Joker card or evently-applied lipstick now. Inside his mouth, we have teeth covered with grills...which I can't find a comic book precedent for, but it makes me wonder if, like the Bermejo image above or more recent images from Greg Capullo, this Joker might be hiding some really awful teeth under there.

The skin

Seems worth noting that the evenness of the coloring and the muted tone of it suggests that his skin is bleached here, presumably by the chemical accident, rather than painted like in The Dark Knight.

Stray thoughts

The tattoos, grill and pinky ring all kind of coalesce to give the notion of a stereotypical "gangsta." It's disconcerting on a character whose primary identifier in recent years has been the kind of insanity that would make a long-term, organized criminal career nearly impossible.

The wide, wild eyes certainly match the image from The Killing Joke but also bear some resemblance to Capullo's take on the character as well.
To which Leto responded

JARED LETOVerified account
Can't confirm or deny but smart... “@ComicBookdotcom: .@JaredLeto's #Joker: An In-Depth Look … ”
The only possible story behind his teeth is that he's hiding Batman's handiwork.
I just wonder if he got the teeth before or after Robin died.

In Snyder's world the Joker killed Robin 10 years before BvS.
Doesn't most of this belong in... ya know... the Joker thread ?
Warner Brothers already took down the YouTube videos of #21Pilots "Heathens" the #SuicideSquad song.
Never heard of this group before.
Haven't listened yet but I like twenty one pilots so I'm looking forward to it.
So.. What the hell was David Ayer talking about?

Yeah what the heck man :( Don't tease and have nothing come out for days afterwards
Are there clips out already or something or are these gifs taken from tv spots?


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