The Winter Soldier Super-soldier Action Thread


Nov 15, 2011
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Hey guys, one of the parts I'm really looking forward to is how they will portray the fight scenes, Cap's abilities, etc in Cap 2. I think this thread would be a nice place to organize all thoughts on the action.

What do you want to see in Cap 2 in terms of action? I for one would like to see a more acrobatic Cap, using his shield in a variety of new ways which haven't been seen in the MCU before.

I'd also like him to move more like Emil Blonsky did in TIH, I remember in that scene where he goes up against the Hulk everyone was like "Thats how Caps gonna look on screen!!"
some type of super human athletic acrobatic type moves would be nice, especially when he's fighting Batroc the Leaper he could really show some stuff off.

And also a variety of shield throws like you said. multiple wall bounces and what not.
Posted these in another thread:

I hope there's a scene where Cap throws his shield at Winter Soldier, and he just catches it with his bionic arm like it's nothing. Then he throws it right back at Cap to give him a taste of his own medicine.

Also a scene where Cap is fighting someone in an enclosed area, while the shield ricochets from wall to wall causing them to dodge it every few seconds while also continuing to fight would be awesome. So much potential for intense action with Cap's world.

Another one I'd like to see is where Cap hurls his shield at Batroc, and Batroc quickly leaps up into the air, lands his feet on the spinning shield and forces it down onto the ground under him.

And I want to see Cap holding up his shield as he slams through a crowd of incoming enemies.

Cap single-handedly taking down an aircraft with a throw of his shield.
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that Winter Soldier scene would be awesome, I really hope they do that. The Batroc scene might be a little silly, idk at least in my head it is lol.
Posted these in another thread:

Another one I'd like to see is where Cap hurls his shield at Batroc, and Batroc quickly leaps up into the air, lands his feet on the spinning shield and forces it down onto the ground under him.

And I want to see Cap holding up his shield as he slams through a crowd of incoming enemies.

Cap single-handedly taking down an aircraft with a throw of his shield.
So basically, you want to see lots of shield stuff. :woot:
I wanna see a scene like from the first issue of Civil War with Cap leaping from a high place onto a fighter jet.
I'd also like him to move more like Emil Blonsky did in TIH, I remember in that scene where he goes up against the Hulk everyone was like "Thats how Caps gonna look on screen!!"

That's it! That's what peeved me about The First Avenger. I felt like the MCU set a bar for Cap to be so impressive physically and he turned out to be not much to look at in his own film, and little more than heart-power with a super-shield in the Avengers. I was very disappointed, and I think that real shortcoming, where no one really knows why we follow cap, and the answer is some quick hands against some mooks... that's really sad, and one of the biggest failings of the MCU, imho. It's just made so much worse by the fact that they had it right with Blonsky and then just... forgot? Not sure. Boo, anyway.

Maybe they can redeem him in Cap 2. Cap should be Blonsky-acrobatic, functional without his shield, Bourne-dirty nice with his hands, Die Hard tough when slammed by superior opponents and use his environment to his advantage like Spider-Man to catch enemies far off guard. Make us respect the man's physical capabilities. Long overdue.
That's it! That's what peeved me about The First Avenger. I felt like the MCU set a bar for Cap to be so impressive physically and he turned out to be not much to look at in his own film, and little more than heart-power with a super-shield in the Avengers. I was very disappointed, and I think that real shortcoming, where no one really knows why we follow cap, and the answer is some quick hands against some mooks... that's really sad, and one of the biggest failings of the MCU, imho. It's just made so much worse by the fact that they had it right with Blonsky and then just... forgot? Not sure. Boo, anyway.

Maybe they can redeem him in Cap 2. Cap should be Blonsky-acrobatic, functional without his shield, Bourne-dirty nice with his hands, Die Hard tough when slammed by superior opponents and use his environment to his advantage like Spider-Man to catch enemies far off guard. Make us respect the man's physical capabilities. Long overdue.

Nah, Avengers and Captain America made it clear why the heroes follow Cap. His leadership abilities have been presented in a great way. It's just his moves need to be more "super-soldier-y" than they have been so far.
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When I think of CA's abilities, that is what I think of. It got lost in the NYC battle due to how quick a shot it was but it's probably the best one he had in both movies so far.
Thats right before Iron Man shoots his thing into the shield isn't it, I remember the first time I saw that I shook my head because it was so obvious cg it wasn't even funny, though its a step in the right direction for the type of action I want to see but it doesn't need to be cg. I really hope the Community guys actually show some great action because I think Captain America who should have probably the best action has had the worst action so far. His fights are so boring to watch
I'd like to see faster reflexes in his moves. He's a supersoldier, so he should be able to react faster. It would be cool to see Cap fighting with something like the speed and intensity that Jason Bourne does in the Bourne movies. Some real wow moments to show that he isn't just a combat-trained soldier, but a SUPER soldier.
We must remember that Evans hasn't got super soldier abilities.
I'd like to see faster reflexes in his moves. He's a supersoldier, so he should be able to react faster. It would be cool to see Cap fighting with something like the speed and intensity that Jason Bourne does in the Bourne movies. Some real wow moments to show that he isn't just a combat-trained soldier, but a SUPER soldier.

agreed 100%, love the Jason Bourne comparison. There's just so much potential with Cap that hasn't been touched yet, really hope they let him shine in TWS since Cap1 was down there in my least favorite phase 1 flicks.

We must remember that Evans hasn't got super soldier abilities.

Yeah, and Keanu Reeves can't dodge bullets either.. it's crazy what movies can do for us mere mortals ain't it? :oldrazz:
agreed 100%, love the Jason Bourne comparison. There's just so much potential with Cap that hasn't been touched yet, really hope they let him shine in TWS since Cap1 was down there in my least favorite phase 1 flicks.

Yeah, and Keanu Reeves can't dodge bullets either.. it's crazy what movies can do for us mere mortals ain't it? :oldrazz:
I know, I know, I know :hehe:
Nah, Avengers and Captain America made it clear why the heroes follow Cap. His leadership abilities have been presented in a great way. It's just his moves need to be more "super-soldier-y" than they have been so far.

I agree, but when he's less super soldiery, then it undermines his leadership, where he has to prove it to random cops. It also makes him less appealing overall, so that Stark ends up being the actual leader, and Cap is just the field commander. "Call it Cap."

Sorry I didn't watch this before, but yes, yes, and more yes. The fact that this wasn't in the first movie makes me think they didn't admire or understand the character's physical prowess (or what makes superheroes and soldiers and combinations thereof awesome).
whoa, I've never seen this scene.. is it in the movie? haha Looks like I found an excuse to watch Avengers tn!

Yeah it is. It's in the beginning of the scene where the camera pans from Avenger to Avenger. Right after we see Black Widow, the camera pans to Iron Man and it follows him until he gets to Captain America. If you look closely just before Iron Man lands beside Cap, you'll see him doing that move.

0:08-0:09 of this vid.

I agree, but when he's less super soldiery, then it undermines his leadership, where he has to prove it to random cops. It also makes him less appealing overall, so that Stark ends up being the actual leader, and Cap is just the field commander. "Call it Cap."

I don't think it undermines his leadership. He just looks weaker than he actually is, and that lies specifically with his super soldier abilities, not his leadership. He only had to prove himself to those cops because they didn't know who he was, but once he took the aliens down he got their respect.

Stark was never seen as the leader in the movie. Him saying "Call it, Cap" just showed that he trusted Cap to call the shots, as did the rest of the team when no one gave any objections. I understand what you're saying about Cap's physical prowess, but he was clearly seen as the leader of the team and a leader of men.
I'd like to see faster reflexes in his moves. He's a supersoldier, so he should be able to react faster. It would be cool to see Cap fighting with something like the speed and intensity that Jason Bourne does in the Bourne movies. Some real wow moments to show that he isn't just a combat-trained soldier, but a SUPER soldier.

This is the best representation we've gotten of Cap's skills so far imo. Not nearly enough, Marvel.

what about him leaping crazy hi and swatting a grenade out of the sky in avengers? or using muscle to open a locked steel door on the heli-carrier?

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