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Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains

Russell Hantz (Survivor Samoa)

Sandra Diaz-Twine (Survivor Pearl Islands)

Stephenie LaGrossa (Survivor Palau, Guatemala)

Jessica "Sugar" Kiper (Survivor Gabon)

Tom Westman (Survivor Palau)

Tyson Apostol (Survivor Tocantins)
It would be more interesting to see one season 100% full of "heroes" (thus they'd have to start playing dirty...even though most of em already did so in their original seasons) and a separate one dedicated to "villains" (to see them all strategic against one another).
My take on the cast:

Amanda - Do we really need to see her again?! She already made it to the end twice two seasons in a row and lost both times horribly! What a waste of a spot that could have gone to other good female Hero players like Tina Wesson, Peih Gee Law, or Kelly Wigglesworth.

Candice & Danielle - Two more WTF choices? I like Candice, but is she really considered an All Star, and since when is she a Hero!? And Danielle?!? What the hell did she do the first time around to be asked to come back again?

Parvati - Meh, I neither hate nor love her.

Courtney - LOVE LOVE LOOOOOOOVE that Courtney is back! She was my favorite player during China, along with Todd and Peih Gee. Can't wait to see the sparks fly with her on the Villains tribe. She will for sure clash with Russell and Coachbag.

Stephenie - She's toast. There's no way they'll let her get far into the game like she did her first two go rounds.

Cirie - I fear that my favorite female player ever is toast before the season even starts as well. Five players (Amanda, Danielle, Tom, JT, and James) stated in their pre-show interviews that she needs to be taken out early otherwise she'll control the game again. THAT SUCKS! :(

Sugar - She deserves her spot but she is such an annoying twit. I hope she bounced early before she gets a chance to ruin another season like she did during Gabon.

Jerri - LOOOOVE that Jerri is back. Another one of my favorite female Survivor players. Hopefully she proves herself this time and gets the revenge and redemption she deserves after that stupid idiot Lex screwed her over during the first All Stars

Sandra - YES YES YESSSSSSSSSSSS!! My second favorite female player after Cirie. She's going to bring the drama on the Villains tribe, especially with people like Coach, Russell, Randy, and Tyson on the tribe. I hope she lasts as long as possible and even wins. Her video interview is epic though! "Write the check for Sandra Diaz HYPHEN Twine" :hehe:

James - SNOOOOZE! Why was he brought back yet again? He was a strategic dud both seasons he was on. Another wasted spot that could have gone to another past player.

Rupert - He deserves his spot, but talk about overrated, geez. He played crappy games both time he was on. Plus I live in Indianapolis, so he'll be on the news all the time now during the season.

Randy & Tyson - Don't think either one of them deserve to be on this season. They were both characters during their respective seasons, but there were far better choices for male villains that they could have chosen.

Tom - I neither like nor dislike him. Yes he dominated his season, but I always felt like he was always trying to play up the "Patriotic, Captain America, 9/11, Fireman" shtick during his season when underneath it all, he was just as *****baggy and manipulative as anyone else.

Colby - Love seeing Colby back. I can't wait to see how he plays this season after his lackluster performance during the first All Stars

Russell - Ugh! He's going to be unbearable again this season. I see in the promo he's already talking about how he's the best player ever. SHUT UP ALREADY! Hopefully he gets put in his place this season. I'm pretty sure he will, no one is going to put up with his crap this time around.

Coach - LOL! I didn't like him at all during Tocantins, but he will of course bring the delusional comedy to this season.

Boston Rob - My favorite male player ever after Sean Rector. Totally cannot wait to see him dominate again, but I fear he'll be taken out just like Cirie because he's a huge strategic threat.

JT - Meh! Nice guy, but they could have chosen someone better.
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I'm sure Coach still has Tyson to back him up though...I doubt Russell would have someone like that. Coach already has a built in relationship with Tyson.

I doubt either will really be a threat, they proved during their season they don't have a lot of strategy behind their games. I'm really interested to see how Russell fares with a smarter group of players, I'd love to see him and Boston Rob form an alliance and run the game, two of my favorite players. Really wish Todd was in the season, but he already won, so he would've been taken out early. The villians tribe should be fun.

The heroes tribe has a few good players that could create some drama too, JT, Cirie and Amanda had pretty good strategic games, also since for a few it'll be their third time out I'm hoping we see them act more strategically, James, Rupert and Colby, I'm looking at you.
I wouldn't hold my breath on Rupert and James playing stategically this season, Rupert especially moreso. I remember in Pearl Islands he thought just because he went fishing, cooked dinner, built the shelter, and worked around camp that people should keep him around - yea no buddy that's not how it works. :hehe:

Some people might say that Russell has an advantage this season because nobody has seen him play because this season started filming before Samoa even started airing - I say no, Russell has a huge disadvantage.

Everyone on this cast has been able to watch their respective seasons and see what mistakes they made in their gameplay, so that they can make changes in their strategies to help them out better this season. Russell didn't get the opportunity to see his gameplay, so you can be damn sure he's going to play the exact same way he did during Samoa.

Of course, we all know that didn't give him the win last season, so of course he's up against far better players, it won't bring him the win this season either.

So every excited for this season! I'm rooting for Cirie, Sandra, Boston Rob, Courtney, and Jerri!
Sandra was sooooooooo not a villain on Pearl Islands.

That's what I'm really confused by...I don't remember Sandra being a villain at all.

I doubt either will really be a threat, they proved during their season they don't have a lot of strategy behind their games. I'm really interested to see how Russell fares with a smarter group of players, I'd love to see him and Boston Rob form an alliance and run the game, two of my favorite players. Really wish Todd was in the season, but he already won, so he would've been taken out early. The villians tribe should be fun.

The heroes tribe has a few good players that could create some drama too, JT, Cirie and Amanda had pretty good strategic games, also since for a few it'll be their third time out I'm hoping we see them act more strategically, James, Rupert and Colby, I'm looking at you.

I'm surprised that Todd and Aras didn't come back. It's still nice to see some newer faces though. I don't think I could take another season of Ozzy.
I'm with you on that one Marx! After Ozzy turned into such an arrogant, obnoxious, and bitter loser during Fans vs. Faves, I'm happy they didn't invite him back.

Really wish they would have brought back Twila, Shane, Todd,Peih Gee, Sean Rector, Kelly W., Taj, Crystal, and Kenny!
I'm with you on that one Marx! After Ozzy turned into such an arrogant, obnoxious, and bitter loser during Fans vs. Faves, I'm happy they didn't invite him back.

Really wish they would have brought back Twila, Shane, Todd,Peih Gee, Sean Rector, Kelly W., Taj, Crystal, and Kenny!

I would REALLY liked to have seen Taj again. The only problem is that she and Cirie are so similar they could only have one or the other. Not both. I wish Taj would have gotten the nod this time.
True, Taj and Cirie are very much alike in their gameplay. Although, if they were both cast on this season, they would be a force to be reckoned with working together.
I honestly can't remember most of the women on the cast outside of Stephanie and Sugar.

Tyson and Randy are hilarious, Tom and Rob were great threats, should be a very fun season.
The downside of these all-star type editions is who "deserves" to be there. How on earth is Candice there? What did she ever accomplish in the game to justify her appearance?

Also if the Erika Shay (senior casting exec) rumours of cast tampering regarding her real life friend Pavarti and pre-made alliances are true, CBS should sack her before the show airs because the show's credibility will take a serious hit
I wouldn't hold my breath on Rupert and James playing stategically this season, Rupert especially moreso. I remember in Pearl Islands he thought just because he went fishing, cooked dinner, built the shelter, and worked around camp that people should keep him around - yea no buddy that's not how it works. :hehe:

Some people might say that Russell has an advantage this season because nobody has seen him play because this season started filming before Samoa even started airing - I say no, Russell has a huge disadvantage.

Everyone on this cast has been able to watch their respective seasons and see what mistakes they made in their gameplay, so that they can make changes in their strategies to help them out better this season. Russell didn't get the opportunity to see his gameplay, so you can be damn sure he's going to play the exact same way he did during Samoa.

Of course, we all know that didn't give him the win last season, so of course he's up against far better players, it won't bring him the win this season either.

So every excited for this season! I'm rooting for Cirie, Sandra, Boston Rob, Courtney, and Jerri!

I agree with you on Russell being at a disadvantage, but it's more because having seen the last All-Stars it could be a bitter jury, that would vote more a who they don't want to win. I hope Cirie and Jerri get the boot early, both annoy me, Jerri takes things way too personally and Cirie I don't know, just never been a fan of her. Really wish they got Taj instead of Cirie.
I know that Amanda, Danielle, and Parvati are all friends with Lynn Spillman and Erika Shay who both do casting for Survivor and Amazing Race. Twila Tanner hinted that she was passed over, and those girls were cast just because they were friends with the casting directors.

I don't know about Candice though. I know that Candice is no longer friends with Parvati, and I don't think she was ever friends with Lynn or Erika after her original season wrapped. Truthfully, Candice is in a completely different league than those three girls. I know she just recently graduated from med school.

Another thing of note, Amanda and Parvati are no longer friends either. Apparently they had a big falling out after Micronesia and no longer talk to each other.
I´m sticking with my choices for who should go out first in their respective tribes, for the heroes it's Cirie and for the villains it's Randy. Both are physically weak players but other than that the reasons for getting rid of them are very different. Cirie is a physically weak player but has shown that she can play the social game and those two things should make her a target at the start of the game. Randy is simply cantankerous and a hazard for the moral of his tribe and could easily drag it down.

I hope the players will be smart enough to realize that winning immunity is only a small part of the game and will try to form alliances that are strong enough to make it to the merge with the majority.
I'm sure Russell is probably just giddy that he thinks he'll able to manipulate the women on his tribe again and form another "Dumb*** girl alliance."

Lucky for us, the women on his tribe are vastly smarter and better players than he'll ever be. :hehe:

I can't wait to see him try and start drama with Courtney, Sandra, or Jerri. None of them will tolerate any of his BS.
I'm sure Russell is probably just giddy that he thinks he'll able to manipulate the women on his tribe again and form another "Dumb*** girl alliance."

Lucky for us, the women on his tribe are vastly smarter and better players than he'll ever be. :hehe:

I can't wait to see him try and start drama with Courtney, Sandra, or Jerri. None of them will tolerate any of his BS.

I'm really looking forward to seeing Russell being put in his place. :up:
Another interesting casting bit:

Susie from Gabon, she posts over at Survivor Sucks forum, confirmed that Crystal Cox was asked to come back for this season but than cut at the last minute.

What a bummer! She was my favorite during Survivor Gabon, so hilarious!
I wouldn't be so sure about Russell being put in his place. Galu thought they could do that... and, well, we know what happened there. :woot:
Galu was also a tribe full of idiots. He's up against far better and smarter competition this season, especially the women he's so fond of trying to manipulate.

If he plays the exact same way he did last season, I expect to see him dragged along to the end because everyone we'll be able to beat him once again.

If he couldn't even beat Natalie in the finals, what do you think will happen when he's up against people like Sandra, Courtney, Parvati, and Jerri?!
Galu was also a tribe full of idiots. He's up against far better and smarter competition this season, especially the women he's so fond of trying to manipulate.

If he plays the exact same way he did last season, I expect to see him dragged along to the end because everyone we'll be able to beat him once again.

If he couldn't even beat Natalie in the finals, what do you think will happen when he's up against people like Sandra, Courtney, Parvati, and Jerri?!

As Jeff Probst said, the jury voted against Russell. It had absolutely nothing to do with liking Natalie - it was about making Russell lose. On the flipside, many contestants from Samoa have said they should have voted for Russell after seeing how much he loved the game.

If Russell was smart this season, he'd pair up with one of those women and, as he did last season, let them think that they are in control. He also has the advantage of coming into a season of players who haven't seen his game play.
Uh, none of the people from the Samoa jury said they would have changed their vote after watching the show. That's a rumor Russell keeps running around spouting. Laura, Kelly, Monica, Brett, and Dave have all said exclusively after the finale that even after watching the season they still wouldn't have voted for Russell.

He treated everyone like crap last season and I expect him to do the same thing this season too. You can't teach a old dog new tricks. Like I said earlier, he doesn't have the advantage of being able to watch his season and work on his mistakes, so he's screwed.
Uh, none of the people from the Samoa jury said they would have changed their vote after watching the show. That's a rumor Russell keeps running around spouting. Laura, Kelly, Monica, Brett, and Dave have all said exclusively after the finale that even after watching the season they still wouldn't have voted for Russell.

He treated everyone like crap last season and I expect him to do the same thing this season too. You can't teach a old dog new tricks. Like I said earlier, he doesn't have the advantage of being able to watch his season and work on his mistakes, so he's screwed.

I have no reason not to believe Russell, but then again, he could be lying.

It's simple, though. Russell needs to learn from his mistakes and form alliances he'll actually stick with. If he doesn't, he's out. Russell is an adapter - he'll adapt to any situation (as seen with Galu - he formed a plan immediately).
I mean, this is the guy that lied about being a victim of Hurricane Katrina. I wouldn't believe anything that came out of his mouth whether in the game or in real life. :hehe:

But you're right, if he can learn from his mistakes (if he even knows what they are) he could be fine. Otherwise, he's toast.
I mean, this is the guy that lied about being a victim of Hurricane Katrina. I wouldn't believe anything that came out of his mouth whether in the game or in real life. :hehe:

But you're right, if he can learn from his mistakes (if he even knows what they are) he could be fine. Otherwise, he's toast.

The story was apparently true, though it was actually a story about his friend who was in Katrina.

I'm rooting for Russell, though. He's my favorite player.
I wouldn't be so sure about Russell being put in his place. Galu thought they could do that... and, well, we know what happened there. :woot:

Galu was also a tribe full of idiots. He's up against far better and smarter competition this season, especially the women he's so fond of trying to manipulate.

If he plays the exact same way he did last season, I expect to see him dragged along to the end because everyone we'll be able to beat him once again.

If he couldn't even beat Natalie in the finals, what do you think will happen when he's up against people like Sandra, Courtney, Parvati, and Jerri?!

Exactly, Super. This cast is far stronger...and much more intelligent. Russell's in the big leagues now.

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