Bad language: Who cares? It adds nothing of depth to the film (or an actual conversation). Cussing just to show people that its "street" or "real" to cuss is silly.
Bloodshed: I'm fine with it, if it's called for. I don't want Kill Bill, but some blood is fine.
Sex: Absolutely not. Bruce Wayne is not a "Playboy". He merely pretends to be one to keep up appearances. While he is out with the ladies having a great time he is spending that entire time thinking about crime, the unsolved cases are being run through over and over, he wishes he was out there busting the heads of the bad guys. His only reason for going along with it is to continue the charade. I would assume that there could be a moment where he'd lose his self control with a woman he loved, but would probably regret it feeling that he had put her ahead of his mission or endangered her. In the original run of Batman movies he was falling for a different hot chick in every movie (and I wont even get into how many times he revealed his identity) and thats not how Batman operates. A slow moving romantic type storyline with Rachel is fine...I EXPECT my Batman movies to be handled that way.