The Bourne Ultimatum


Nov 16, 2003
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I didn't see this anywhere else, so I'm posting it anyway.

The third film in the Bourne series has long been rumoured to have Greengrass back in the driver’s seat, but he has now told us that he is doing it – and here’s what he had to say. “We’ve got a script and we’re underway. It’s a new story, completely different from the novel. It was written by Tony Gilroy and Tom Stoppard. It’s going to have all the excitement you’d expect from a Bourne film and all the intensity you’d expect from a Bourne story. I can’t wait – it’s just going to be f**kin’ fantastic.

And I don't know if Empire is even reliable or not. :confused: I'm sure it'll be badass just as well.
This is one of my most anticipated movies. I seriously can't wait for this movie. If Greengrass is back that would make it even more awesome
It is not like the third novel?

The movies were different anyway, still can't wait for this one.

I heard they might make more than three, the books are like no longer the main inspiration or something, can't remember where I read it.
I am waiting for this flick.
"Identity" was really good, and I liked "Supremacy" even better.
Greengrass back in the director's seat will be great also.

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