Happy Valentine's Day, Guest!
I know The Dark Knight trailers showed Dent, but was there any Two-Face footage?
I just think he has a super serious look on his face during the committee meeting. He's probably being called to answer for something he didn't do. Another aspect I just thought of is maybe foes start coming out of the wood work to attack Superman. Some people may think if he wasn't here then it wouldn't instigate these attacks.
If it has to do with the Russian spacecraft scene, then it would make sense as to why an American is questioning Supes, especially it there is some tension (for some random reason) between the US and Russia during this time. This would make sense if they were really going with the Dark Knight Rises Storyline in a sense. IF there was a nuclear missile that went off from Russia causing the sun to go red, then the red son styled desert scene may make even more sense. Just a complete speculation here though.
Part Four
We continue with Bruce looking at the messed up Robin suit. "Ha Ha Ha Jokes on you, Batman." These also happen to be the same words Zack Snyder tweeted when the Joker look was revealed.
"20 years in Gotham. How many good guys are left? How many stayed that way?"
20 years as Batman --- Bruce usually starts his war on crime at age 20 so this puts current Bruce Wayne at age 40. He's 7 years older than Clark. There's no telling how old Diana is. We can also tell that the life of a vigilante is not all it's cracked up to be. It has taken it's toll on Bruce and his allies. So which Robin fell to Joker? Hard to tell at this time. However the costume and staff seem to indicate Tim.
Next we come to one of the most controversial scenes in the movie. The S-Soldiers kneel before Superman.
"He has the power to wipe out the entire human race."
I believe these S soldiers are part of a cult that sprung up and worships Superman and tries to bring his brand of justice to the world. And by spring up I mean put together by Lex Luthor with the intent to make Superman look bad. I think this is why someone spray paints "False God" on the Superman statue. I believe this scene is Superman going to confront them and they bow to him.
Bruce's dialogue also goes into why he feels he must stop Superman.
We next see Mecha Bats unleash the Bat symbol. You may remember in the leaked Comic Con teaser Superman appears in it looking supremely pissed, eyes glowing red. Batman does something to antagonize Superman. Could he have threatened Lois or Martha to draw out Superman???
"We have to destroy him."
I don't think this is dialogue directed towards Alfred. I think Batman is convincing Wonder Woman to join him in taking down Superman. Dialogue later on in the trailer seems to suggest that Alfred isn't on board with taking down Superman. During the CC panel Zack mentions the suit doesn't enhance Batman's strength. It helps him survive until someone else arrives (I am paraphrasing as I can't seem to find that panel on the internets) I believe this help is WW.
it's possible that Superman takes a more international approach and this upsets American Lawmakers.
We get our first look at Wonder Woman. She's jumping forward and crashing her bracelets together. If you look at this scene frame by frame you can see the bracelets begin to glow.
Behind her looks to be a wrecked Bat Jet. I think this scene is a three way Batman, Superman and WW fight. I know people expect a Doomsday/Bizarro/Zombie Zod (Zodbie???) fight but I think that's too much like every other time these guys fought in the comics. I don't think its Doomsday because of the blu-ray easter egg.
This isn't the work of a bored WB intern that thought it would be funny. Nothing gets put on these discs without the permission of Execs and higher ups and even the director. So Doomsday is out there...so he won't be a genetic anomaly created by Lex using Zod's genes.
Zombie Zod (my new rocker name) and Bizarro really have no proof or evidence to their being in this movie. These ideas have come from fake leaked scripts and because we see Zod's body then people are starting to believe them. I also don't think the guys that are aware enough to not do another alien invasion film would have the final act be yet another scrap with an evil kryptonian.
I don't think there is another super villain in this film or the physical threat people are expecting. I think most of the conflict will come from Lex manipulating things so Batman and Superman would fight.
At Comic Con when asked who would win Zack answered "My answer...I made a whole movie as my answer." (paraphrased...seriously why isn't that panel online yet)
Wonder Woman clashes her bracelets and we see this cool effect
Is it from her? is it the result of something hitting her bracelets? The footage suggests this is comes frothier but we just don't know. I'd like to think it's her because it's pretty bad ass.
Ooh, Action Comics #900 all over again.
We see Superman approach the Bat mobile and rip the doors off. Many suggest this is part of the team up. I don't think so.
Superman doesn't have a team up look on his face when he rips the doors off. This could be the start of the fight.
Ya know just because lex might be creating doomsday doesn't mean he'll be in this movie. I could see the trio bringing lex to justice, and while he sits in his cell he says something like "....this is just the beginning" and then cut to a shot of doomsday floating in a tank with mercy graves smiling in front of it. BOOM setup for justice league.
My theory is that this is their first confrontation and is non-physical.
I don't think he'll create Doomsday because of the MOS blu-ray easter egg.
An Easter Egg is just that. That wouldn't stop them from using Doomsday if they wanted to.