The Cast Appearances Thread


Esteemed Member
Jan 26, 2006
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I didn't see a thread about this and I figured it would be more organized than a thousand different threads. I know it is a bit early for the actors to start making their rounds but Dominic was on the Tonight Show earlier and talked a bit about Wolverine.

He finished filming just recently and was giving praises on Hugh's work ethic and devotion. He talked about a scene in which he and his gang were following Wolverine. He also mentioned about how Hugh does push ups to get his veins bigger for the shoots while Dominic does push ups to get a little muscle:woot:

So I guess Beak's role is over...must be short.

Post any show clips, dialogue, etc...
I will try to keep this updated with future appearances of any of the substantial cast members.
Hugh has a movie coming out on April 25 called DECEPTION- I'm sure he's going to be doing some talk shows/promotion and he'll be asked about the movie - especially since they probably won't be finished filming and he'll still have the facial hair.
I didn't see a thread about this and I figured it would be more organized than a thousand different threads. I know it is a bit early for the actors to start making their rounds but Dominic was on the Tonight Show earlier and talked a bit about Wolverine.

He finished filming just recently and was giving praises on Hugh's work ethic and devotion. He talked about a scene in which he and his gang were following Wolverine. He also mentioned about how Hugh does push ups to get his veins bigger for the shoots while Dominic does push ups to get a little muscle:woot:

So I guess Beak's role is over...must be short.

Post any show clips, dialogue, etc...

Here's the video!
Here's the website/trailer for the movie that Hugh has coming out on April 25, and hopefully he will be promoting it on talk shows (he usually does, even when he's filming something). I'm sure WOLVERINE will come up, especially since he'll probably still have the facial hair.
Will.I.Am has just appeared on my TV, alongside Busta Rhymes and Kelis, singing I Love My Chick.

More news as it happens

Here's the website/trailer for the movie that Hugh has coming out on April 25, and hopefully he will be promoting it on talk shows (he usually does, even when he's filming something). I'm sure WOLVERINE will come up, especially since he'll probably still have the facial hair.

I [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica] ♥ Maggie Q in that trailer. :(:p

Movie looks interesting, and I agree...being a Fox film I'm sure he'll chat about Wolverine when promoting this :up:
I [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica] ♥ Maggie Q in that trailer. :(:p

Movie looks interesting, and I agree...being a Fox film I'm sure he'll chat about Wolverine when promoting this :up:

Of course he will, especially if he appears on talk shows since he will still have the facial hair - I'm sure some will ask about that and it will segue into what he's filming. Plus print/video interviews almost always mention what they are doing at the time they are interviewed.
That was short. :p Looking forward for Deception now. :)
Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool) will be appearing on Late Night with Conan O'Brien this Thursday, April 17th, at 12:35am/ 11:35c!

Of course he will, especially if he appears on talk shows since he will still have the facial hair - I'm sure some will ask about that and it will segue into what he's filming. Plus print/video interviews almost always mention what they are doing at the time they are interviewed.

Ewan McGregor (his costar) will be appearing on Jay Leno this Thursday. I wonder if Hugh will be able to make it over to the states to promote and attend the premiere (assuming there is one)? It'd be great to get an update on Wolverine.
Schrieber was at the premiere of Iron Man in Sydney, Australia. An interviewer asked him who would win in a fight between Sabertooth and Iron Man and he said IM would.
Also attending the night's events were Australian actress Naomi Watts with boyfriend, American actor Liev Schreiber.

The couple are currently living in Sydney with their son Alexander while Liev shoots the next instalment of X Men with Hugh Jackman - another Marvel adventure.

When asked who would win in a fight between his character Sabretooth and Iron Man, he said: "Have you seen the suit? He'd win."

Talk about being PC - of course Liev said that because he was at the Iron Man premiere!

For those in Australia, Hugh is going to appear on "Rove Live" on April 27 at 9:30 p.m. I assume he'll be there to promote his movie DECEPTION which opens in Australia on April 24 (still bummed he's not coming to the US to do any talk shows - that's being left to co-star Ewan McGregor). Since he'll still have the chops I'm sure Rove will ask him about it.
For those in Australia, Hugh is going to appear on "Rove Live" on April 27 at 9:30 p.m. I assume he'll be there to promote his movie DECEPTION which opens in Australia on April 24 (still bummed he's not coming to the US to do any talk shows - that's being left to co-star Ewan McGregor). Since he'll still have the chops I'm sure Rove will ask him about it.

cool. i'll definately keep my eye out for that
For those wondering, Ryan Reynolds didn't say anything about Wolverine tonight on Conan.
nothing?? but they asked him about the film?
this ep was from a few months ago when he was promoting Definitely, Maybe. It was before he was cast as Deadpool.

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