The Clinton Thread

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I think he'll offer her a cabinet position...perhaps Secetary.

But for VP, his only female choice is Sebelius. Kathleen would take him over the top--especially considering the fact that she's a two-term Dem Governor in a RED state. It's quite impressive when you think about it.
I think he'll offer her a cabinet position...perhaps Secetary.

But for VP, his only female choice is Sebelius. Kathleen would take him over the top--especially considering the fact that she's a two-term Dem Governor in a RED state. It's quite impressive when you think about it.

I think women will be turned off from voting for Obama if he overlooks Hillary and goes for another woman, especially one of his cronies. She won't win Kansas, and I don't know what other states she could turn, aside from Ohio (which her father was governor of). But, again, if he picks Sebelius and pisses off enough women, he may lose Ohio and other states she won in the primary.
I hope he doesn't pick her. Otherwise, I don't think I can vote for him, since he's doing the whole "status quo" thing he's so 'adamantly' against.

That is silly. His positions on the issues are what matters, and Hillary being on the ticket changes nothing about which bills he would veto, which bills he would sign, or who he would appoint to the bench. It effects nothing but getting elected, which is the only thing candidates even consider when choosing a running mate.

Their policies are virtually identical, except for how to proceed with Iran. Your allowing Hillary to be a distraction from the issues that matter.
That is silly. His positions on the issues are what matters, and Hillary being on the ticket changes nothing about which bills he would veto, which bills he would sign, or who he would appoint to the bench. It effects nothing but getting elected, which is the only thing candidates even consider when choosing a running mate.

Their policies are virtually identical, except for how to proceed with Iran. Your allowing Hillary to be a distraction from the issues that matter.

When I vote for a President, I look for two things: Issues and character. And while I am most aligned with Obama on the issues, I will refuse to vote for him if he does something oh-so-hypocritical and picks Hillary Clinton as his running mate. He is supposed to represent change, and nothing says "status quo" like Hillary Clinton. Obama-Clinton will be worse than Kennedy-Johnson, and I simply will not vote for it. I would rather have four years of McCain than four years of the Clintons trying to undermine Obama's presidency.
I dont want BILL near the interns. Reports are, he is worse than ever.
I think women will be turned off from voting for Obama if he overlooks Hillary and goes for another woman, especially one of his cronies. She won't win Kansas, and I don't know what other states she could turn, aside from Ohio (which her father was governor of). But, again, if he picks Sebelius and pisses off enough women, he may lose Ohio and other states she won in the primary.

The only ones who wouldn't like Sibelius are the Hilary die hards which are a vocal fringe group within Hilary's camp. Those crazies will never be pleased unless she is the Democratic nominee so it's a waste of time for Obama to appeal to them. The majority of Hilary's supporters will go along with him and find any other female VP just as inspiring.
That is silly. His positions on the issues are what matters, and Hillary being on the ticket changes nothing about which bills he would veto, which bills he would sign, or who he would appoint to the bench. It effects nothing but getting elected, which is the only thing candidates even consider when choosing a running mate.

She makes Obama much more politically vulnerable then he has to be. He could choose just about anyone else without risking that heat.

Their policies are virtually identical, except for how to proceed with Iran. Your allowing Hillary to be a distraction from the issues that matter.

They're a distraction because Hilary, herself, is a distraction. She's fresh meat for the G.O.P and media. Why do you think they've wanted her to win the primaries?
Yeah I saw this earlier. She definitely is a sophisticated woman--ironically I've always liked Laura...yet I can't stand her husband. :confused: *shrugs*

At any rate, I think it's funny that she had no advice for Cindy McCain. Does that mean she knows her party's grip on the White House is likely over? LOL

I was wondering about that too...kinda strange.
Ditto; though George n Laura never seemed legit; they arent natural the way Barack and Michelle are together.
Ditto; though George n Laura never seemed legit; they arent natural the way Barack and Michelle are together.

Could you please explain the ways the ways in which Barack and Michelle are more "natural" than George and Laura Bush?
You can see it in how they interact bro :up:
I just got finished reading this article in GQ. It's pretty interesting but the reporter (which in the disclaimer seemed like she would date Penn if he was available) failed to ask a lot of hard questions, and the part about being indignant over crying actually made me laugh out loud (there's no crying in politics or baseball). Kinda long but here you go:

Why She Lost
Hillary's message man, Mark Penn, gives us the exclusive postmortem…and still wonders where all the money went

By Lisa DePaulo

with the possible exception of Hillary Clinton, there was no one in the primary race with higher negatives, as they say, than Mark Penn, her beleaguered chief strategist. Polarizing doesn’t begin to describe him—based on the unrelenting ****storm of criticism hurled his way. From the loaded (did he really not know that California wasn’t winner-take-all, and did his firm really get paid $13 million?) to the just plain schoolyard-bully mean (he’s socially inept, nobody likes him, he has no friends!), it was brutal. Through it all, Penn never once defended himself, even as the Blame Penn chorus grew louder. And when he did put himself out there, to spin for Hillary, it didn’t always go so well, as in the infamous (last) time he went on Hardball to promise America that the Clinton campaign would not be making an issue of Obama’s college drug use, vowing that they wouldn’t be talking about the cocaine. Or the cocaine. Causing Joe Trippi to jump down his throat, in a live and excruciating moment, and Terry McAuliffe to tell him to stop.

Oh, and he also got demoted. But not really.

It couldn’t have been easy to be Mark Penn.

A disclosure/caveat: I once profiled Penn’s wife, Nancy Jacobson, for another magazine and, in the years that followed, got to know her personally. My previous encounters with her husband were all of the cocktail-party variety, but I never found him to be the least bit socially inept. And I always found the backstory compelling: Raised by a single mother who made $10,000 a year as a schoolteacher after his father—a union organizer and kosher-poultry dealer—died when Mark was 10. So determined to go to Harvard that when he got wait-listed, he jumped on a train from New York and knocked on the door of the head of admissions to personally plead his case. (He got in.)

I met with Penn twice as the campaign was winding down. The first time, in his office in Manhattan, he was frazzled, juggling e-mails (he gets a thousand a day) and stepping outside repeatedly to take urgent calls from Bill. His suit jacket was rolled up in a ball on the conference table. He seemed both a little edgy and subdued, at war with himself or someone, the loyal guy who doesn’t name names but was clearly mourning the way things were playing out. The second time, in his gleaming white-and-glass offices in Washington, it was over but for the speech, and I hesitate to say he seemed relieved, but he seemed relieved. He was loose, laughed easily, gamely narrating the stories behind all the tchotchkes in his office—the framed photos of him and Nancy with Hillary and Bill, the photo of him deep in conversation with Bill in the Oval Office (when they were discussing one of the more, “uh, sensitive matters”), the acquitted front-page impeachment story from The Washington Post, signed by Bill with gratitude to Mark. His office is dominated by a huge fish tank. (At Harvard he used to “breed fish” in his dorm room; it’s safe to say he wasn’t the BMOC.) In person he is every bit the geeky guy who secretly loves to watch SpongeBob SquarePants. And every bit the guy who coulda, woulda, shoulda won this thing.


What does it feel like, now that it’s really over?
Well, you know, it’s obviously disappointing. I think that she had really found her stride. I mean, I’ve never seen anything like it—we were winning primaries, and the leadership was all against her. I think the voters were out there very strongly pulling for her. She got more votes than anyone ever running for this office. Ever. And yet the superdelegates just decided that it was time. I think the voters didn’t. [laughs]

But what kind of emotions were flying around the last couple of days?
Disappointment, frustration. I think that the senator herself looks back on this process as having been, you know…having had so many great moments in her campaign. It’s just such a disconnect to come outat the end of this campaign with the kind of supporters that she now has, with the women’s groups forming for her—and for it to be over. It’s just such a mixed signal.

So what happened?
[exhales] Well, first, a lot of good things happened.

I think that Hillary was a great candidate. We started out in Iowa tremendously well—

Did you just say “tremendously well”?
We had a great start in Iowa. The first town halls she gave, people were amazed. We opened up with that video on the Web—500,000 people came. She wound up raising what would have been a record amount of money. I think you look through this race in terms of, from when it began, the first phases of this—through October, I think—could not have gone better. What happened was that there was a second extremely well-funded media-beloved candidate who entered the race at about the same time, who then had equal resources and, you know, an attraction, and received unbridled glowing coverage.

How did you underestimate him?
I think I never underestimated it, that once you had that kind of candidate, that that kind of candidate could be real trouble. And that if that candidate… You know, if Obama won Iowa, it would really change, dramatically change, the situation going forward. And consequently, I really wanted to question Obama as early as possible.

You wanted to hit him harder?
Well, I wanted to question the basic underpinning of his campaign.

Which was?
His problems in his campaign were (1) that he didn’t have the usual experience of somebody running for president, and (2) that the positions he took on Iraq—you know, that were revered by the press—didn’t really hold up when you look through his record in the Senate.

Why didn’t you?
Well, I started down that road.… President Clinton took on the Iraq back-and-forth. But the rest of the campaign didn’t want to tackle Iraq. They always felt that that was a losing proposition for her, and they always pulled it back.

How much of the reluctance to go after him at the beginning was because he’s a black candidate?
[clears throat] You know, I can’t answer that.

But there had to have been some concern about attacking the first black man who was a serious candidate for the presidency.
Well, but the word attack is a harsh word. If you point out somebody’s voting records, his attendance records, you know, if you point out how they differ with you on an answer of meeting with dictators, you know, that was a prime concern of a lot of people. It appeared to be the prime concern of a lot of people in the news media. Because the normal stories that would have been written about someone just never appeared. The truth of the matter was, there seemed to be an unlimited market for anything on Hillary and very little market for writing a story on Barack Obama and say, for example, his attendance in the Senate. There has still been no story written about something like that—as basic as something like that.

Okay. But you had to have underestimated him at some point.
No. Internally, I spent a year and a half fixated on this issue—from the moment he preannounced, when you saw the kind of money, the kind of support, what could happen with the African-American vote—rest assured.

So who didn’t listen to you?
Well, look, it’s not that people didn’t listen. It’s that people had a different idea of how you win against him. I had the idea that the best way to win against him would have been to go against him like any normal candidate as early as possible, because, as I often say, once the cat’s out of the bag, you really can’t put the cat back. It becomes a ten-times-harder task. And so we fundamentally disagreed on whether to take him on, on Iraq, you know.…

When you say “we”—
[laughs] Well, me. And President Clinton sided with me throughout this. The rest of the campaign… Look, their views were honorable views. It’s what they felt. I just think—

So it was you and the president against the rest of the campaign?
Me and the president thought, Take him on, take him on early. You know, bring out the fact that he gave these interviews saying that his views now were about the same as Bush and that his votes were the same as Hillary’s. And you know, therefore, take away a lot of the myth that’s brought up about his Iraq position. If you were to go through all of the strategy memos and all the preparations, it was always about, “What’s the difference between us and Obama? How can we illustrate that? How can we make that clearer?”

Was there a moment when you realized this guy was a phenomenon?
After his 60 Minutes interview.

Tell me why. That was in—
That was in February! February 2007. That was early. And I watched it, and I was, you know, terrified that he would be ahead the next day in the polling, that we didn’t have a stopper for him, that he was running the table. He was becoming nationally known. His poll ratings were skyrocketing. People knew nothing else about him other than that he was, you know, a fresh face, an agent for change—

And hot ****.
[laughs] And the question was, how were you gonna stop somebody who was getting that kind of lift in the polls? Don’t underestimate the extent to which he was taken as the only real competition in this race, from the first day of this race. I mean, look, John Edwards, you know, had run before, was running a good campaign in Iowa, was a good candidate, but he didn’t have the money or the elites. He didn’t have the things that would be necessary to sustain a full presidential race. Barack Obama had, from day one, those things.

Why do you think the rest of the team was afraid to go after him?
I think they thought that her position on Iraq wasn’t strong enough to sustain a debate on Iraq.

Or popular enough.
Right. But her position, remember—we went through the early discussion of “Was it a mistake? Should she apologize?” Of course, the rest of the team wanted her to apologize. [laughs] And you know, she weathered that extremely well. She didn’t apologize, because she had given a speech outlining her position. On that day. And that speech held up. It actually explained why she voted for Iraq and why it was a sincere vote at the time.

You said there were two issues with him, though—one Iraq and the other his experience. Why didn’t she hammer him on experience?
Well, she did. I often say that first there was the experience primary, and then there was an ideas primary. And so it wasn’t so much that we meant to run an experience primary, but there was an early notion that someone running as the first woman candidate to be president, it was extremely important that people had confidence that she could do the job of president in a really strong way.

People who try to dissect your role say, “Everybody wanted to humanize her, and Mark Penn wanted to prove that she was capable of being commander in chief.” Do you regret that?
No. No. The basis of people being able to support her is the belief that she could be president of the United States.

Do you think we’d even be talking now if you hadn’t established her as capable of being commander in chief?
I think we wouldn’t have won any primaries anywhere if people didn’t feel comfortable with her being president.

And your polling showed that to be true?
Oh, absolutely. All polling showed that. All the exit polls. You look at the exit polls in New Hampshire, for example. The exit polls in New Hampshire showed that her readiness to be president, her ability to be commander in chief, were absolutely central to that vote. What I’ve always said was, it was about being strong and human. Right? People who wanted to emphasize the human qualities never had a strategy for her. They had a couple of random ideas.

Like put her mother on TV, okay? That’s not a strategy! [a little snort laugh] And I never opposed anything that would humanize her in addition. But to just run her as somebody—to say that the only thing that Hillary Clinton had to do to be president was to, you know, show some softness would have been a mistake. She would have gotten zero votes from men.

Was the inevitability thing you?
No. Inevitability is a concept from the opponents, okay? We ran, though, as somebody who was the front-runner, as somebody who had the strength. She had the experience. She had, you know, then, the political establishment behind her. You know, front-runners typically win against challengers. That’s been the pattern. So it was never a notion that she was inevitable. It was a notion, though, that she was running as a big candidate, the kind of person you want to turn to as president and you say, “I really believe this is somebody who can do this job, and do this job the way the great presidents have done this job.” Right? And so to be that, I think Hillary Clinton fits that mold. And that just having her, you know, wander around to, you know, candy stores… But it’s very interesting when they talk about an “inevitable” campaign. We never used the word inevitable. Ever.

So who started it?
The opposition.

Who? Edwards?
No, I think the Obama campaign called us inevitable. And that stuck with the media. But that wasn’t something that we were actively selling. We were selling the idea that she was ready to be president, that she had broad support across the country, and that she was the candidate who could win.

How does it feel to know that you will probably be the fall guy?
Well, you know, I think when you lose, you’re just gonna take a pretty good dose of responsibility. I’ve won a lot of other elections, and when you win, maybe you get a little more credit. When you lose, people are gonna point at you. And that’s just the way it is.

But you’ve gotten the **** beat out of you.
[laughs] Well, you know, they’re running out of, uh… You know, if we had a campaign with no message, that thought it was inevitable, that didn’t think it was a change election, then how did we really manage to get 18 million supporters? The evidence just flies in the face.

But where do you say, “Here’s where I’m to blame”?
Well, look, I gotta take my share of the responsibility.

Okay, but specifically. What are the one or two or three things that you wish you’d done differently?
I wish in reality that I had a team of people, you know, who was with me, that I organized, as I had in ’96. Look, remember, a big difference between me and a lot of people is that I’ve been doing this for thirty years. I’ve run the successful strategy of a presidential campaign in ’96. I’ve run overseas campaigns like Tony Blair’s and, you know, been through this on the big scale. And in ’96, I had a close-knit team that really ran everything. And this was not organized that way.

Why couldn’t you bring your team this time?
I think this was organized in a way which, you know, some people think is a better organization—to have, instead of a team, almost a group of rivals. And you know, one would say, overall it worked pretty well. Till October.

What happened in October? How was that the turning point?
Well, October of ’07 we were forty points ahead. What happened in October, or really the beginning of November, was that Barack Obama personally attacked Hillary Clinton. Called her disingenuous. They attacked her in the debate on the driver’s licenses.

Ah, the driver’s licenses.
Right. And until then, basically, people were declaring the race over. The message strategy had been so successful that everybody was declaring it over. And they got so frustrated that what the Obama camp did was that they restrategized. And they concluded, obviously, the only thing they could do was attack her personally. It took us a while to kind of throw off those basic attacks. And I think that it was a tough organization to respond to that. You know, the response to a lot of those attacks became “Let’s do the soft, personal stuff.” And that didn’t work.

Go back to the licenses.
What happened was, Obama announced the day before [the debate] that he was gonna go after her personally. Called her disingenuous in The New York Times. Now, at that moment, and up until that moment, you know, we had won the experience primary; we won the new-ideas primary. A lot of the leads that we would rely upon in the big states were already built up. He was fading in the national polls, and he said, “Look, the strategy here isn’t working. I’ve gotta do something different.” And Obama did. He attacked her. And a lot of the press egged him on.

But he should have. You would have, right?
I would have, yeah! But… So that attack, on the driver’s licenses, was then played an absurd number of times by the media.

And you didn’t come back fast enough.
Well, we didn’t come back. We came back in the next debate, two weeks later.

That’s a long time.
She was strong. She pushed back. He got asked the very same question on driver’s licenses. He hesitated—he had to be asked, I think, two or three times by Wolf Blitzer—and then we thought, “Okay, we’re back. We’ve done it. We’ve shown that she can parry it back effectively and that he couldn’t answer this driver’s-license question either.” And you know what the media did with it? Nothing. The media played it not at all.

So you feel the media had a narrative and they were sticking to it, regardless of what happened, one way or another?
Especially at that time. At that time, they did not come back. At a certain point here, when Saturday Night Live goes on, everybody realizes what a joke this has been, right? That the media has not been fair to her compared to him. That if they were tough on both or easy on both, fair enough. But…
Where all the money went?

Ask Bill, and check out all the strip clubs on the campaign trail.
Part 2:

Besides hitting back quickly, what other things could have turned the ship around?
Well, I think you also have to realize that there are some other things here that people don’t talk about as much. And I think you have to realize that it was always anticipated that if things didn’t go well in Iowa—and Iowa was the toughest place—that there would be $25 million left in the kitty in order to go into the next round of states. Instead, the cupboard was bare.

That came as a surprise to you and the senator?
Well, it certainly came as a surprise to me, ’cause you know, the group that did the budget had set a goal of raising 75 million and keeping 25 million aside. In fact, over a hundred million was raised, and 25 million wasn’t there.

So they just pissed away way too much money on Iowa?
Well, I still don’t know what happened—whether it was Iowa. Because even Iowa was not that large a percentage of a hundred million.

Where did it go?
I think people are gonna spend some time looking at where the money went. Because it should have—you know, a substantial portion obviously should have gone to Iowa, and did. But the 25 million that was needed after Iowa didn’t go right. And so again, as you look at this thing, she wins nearly 18 million people. She wins fifty delegates ahead in the primary contests. Her losses are entirely in the caucus states—

Her losses weren’t entirely in caucus states.
Well, I ’m saying the net loss. She is net fifty delegates ahead from primaries. She is net 160 delegates, about, down in caucuses. And when you look back, the heaviest losses are in states where an organization wasn’t built, and there was no money, really, put into those states.

That’s a huge amount, 25 million. Do you think there’ll be some awful scandal about where it all went?

Was it just ineptitude?
I just think it will be very high. [He means the amount of money that was pissed away.]

But it didn’t go to you?
No. No. But you know, budgeting campaigns like this is a big management responsibility that required people with experience at doing budgets.

Who was in charge of the budget?
Again, you know, the manager—the adviser to the manager.

So, Patti Doyle.
She kept a very close hold on the budget—and the budget team, you know, met by themselves. And so they managed the budget. Now, again, there’s nothing inherently wrong with that structure. I asked to be part of that team and was told no. I personally manage a half a billion dollars in budgets [at Burson-Marsteller]. I understand what it is to manage budgets and to make the tough decisions in order to do what you need to do.

Can we go back to the campaign organization for a minute? What would you have changed specifically—
If I were to do things differently, it would be that the organizational and message teams would have been together, in tandem. And in this campaign, that wasn’t the case.

So were you not controlling the message?
I was head of a team of message people, but not of the political organization, the resource allocation. If I did something wrong, it was not having reset the organization in a way that could be functional, to deal with some of the problems that later occurred. And I would have had to say—and I came very close to this a number of times—that this organization, you know, doesn’t work.

One of the damning reports about you was that you thought the California primary was winner-take-all and not allotted proportionally. In an article in Time, Harold Ickes was quoted as having called you on that: “How can it possibly be that the much vaunted chief strategist doesn’t understand proportional allocation?” Is that true?
It is a false story, plain and simple. And it is being used to divert people from the real question of who, how, and when was the decision made not to build political organizations or spend money in a lot of the caucus states? I can assure you that was not the message team. And she did have, on the political team, some of the world’s greatest experts on the subject.

You’ve been portrayed as having no allies. And on the other hand, you have Bill and Hillary’s trust and respect to this day.
Well, you know, I’ve been through a lot with the Clintons. Remember—and I think most people don’t remember this—that after the ’94 congressional elections, the old consultants were shown the door and the new consultants came in. The president was at 30 percent favorable; 65 percent of the people said they’d never, ever vote for President Clinton again. Nobody wanted the job.

Is that why Paul Begala says things like “I have nothing but contempt for Mr. Penn”?
Well, I don’t know why he says that. But it would be true that he lost his job with the Clintons. Because remember, in those years, you know, President Clinton got elected with 43 percent. And then in those years between ’92 and the ’94 midterms, the president’s rating declined to the same kind of numbers that you see with George Bush. Both houses of Congress got lost. And you know, unfortunately, Paul lost his White House pass. [laughs]

Did your lack of allies hurt you?
Well, you know, obviously in ’96, I had a team of allies. We had a wonderful functioning team that made decisions in minutes. This was not… I didn’t have that kind of team.

But whose decision was it to not let you have your team?
Ultimately, I think this was set up in a way that Hillary wanted to set it up.

I think she believed that diffusing things was a better way.

Do you mean diffusing power?
Yeah, diffusing authority. Letting experts in, in different areas. You know, that’s why political was Harold Ickes, and you know, Patti was the manager, and Mandy was media. I’m just saying that this was set up as a diffuse organization. And I think, look, again, when you look at it under… Maybe a theory that this kind of creative tension would produce better advice—

What does that tell you about her ability to run the country?
I think she’d be great at running the country. I wouldn’t interpret how somebody organizes a campaign in terms of how they’re gonna run the country.

Why not? Because the average person might think, if she can’t run her campaign—
Because never confuse running for president with being president.

When you play the reel back in your head, what other things make you go, “****, why didn’t I do this? Why didn’t we do that?”
[laughs] Well, um, a lot of what I think we could have done differently in the first place is mostly either fired back or felt free to really have an engaged campaign with him—as opposed to just running a campaign which was, you know, “Is Hillary perfect or not?”

In retrospect, when you look at the Obama campaign, what were some of the other things that were really genius?
I think, at the end of the day, they really did what they had to when they had to. They didn’t think twice about taking her on when they had to. They did it. They just did it. And I think they were right to go after the progressive voters who were Democrats in Republican states that were ripe for a candidacy like his, and they did it very well. And I think that they sold him as a brand. It’s very funny: You know, they talk about my book Microtrends, and in reality their campaign was well microtargeted. They finely targeted several constituencies in order to put together their coalition and even to turn out unexpectedly large numbers of young people. They had a great organization.

Obama ran a great campaign, then.
Well, I think, look, he had tremendous help from the media. No one has gotten media coverage— If he had gotten fair media coverage…

So through this, how many times did Bill Clinton yell at you?
Uh… [laughs] I think that’s been overblown. Look, Bill Clinton and I had—and have—an excellent relationship. You know, the truth is, I have had campaigns where he’s the spouse and where she’s the spouse. And spouses always want to make sure that everything is okay for the other one. And I think that’s the way Bill Clinton has been through this race.

At the end of the day, Bill’s influence—did it hurt or help?
Definitely helped. He’s been a great fund-raiser, he’s been a great adviser, he’s been a great campaigner.

Okay, but when did you want to kick his butt? When did you say, “Arrrgh, I can’t believe he did that”?

There had to be a moment or two. South Carolina?
Look, there’s no question that the Obama campaign took comments that could not in any way, shape, or form in an objective reality be seen as racist, and they told surrogates to characterize them that way. And I think that was the… And not only that, but when you look at who was making the comments, people who devoted their lives, you know—President Clinton was there in Little Rock—who devoted their lives to kind of repairing the breach racially in this country, it was doubly, it was really doubly unfair and troubling.

What you’ve described sounds an awful lot more nasty and ruthless than—
Well, that’s why I tell you. Just because, you know, people think Hillary was more negative than he was doesn’t mean in fact that it was the case. Look, I just think, you know, President Clinton was extremely valuable. He was out there seeing people and putting the case for her, you know, day after day. And everyplace he went, she got more votes than she would have.

You’ve been accused of making obscene amounts of money from this campaign. Can you clear that up for us?
Well, people think, you know… The reality is, the way that money’s been reported, all the printing and the postage—you know, 85 percent of the work has been for direct mail, of which almost all that is postage and printing and all that

So when they come out with, like, “Mark Penn was paid $4 million,” 3.4 million of that was postage?
The actual consulting fee is, you know, we received $27,000 a month, which is split between me and Sid Blumenthal [a senior adviser]. So it makes the net around half that.

Wait, Sid makes as much as you?
You know, again, I don’t own these companies, so—

No, really, Sid Blumenthal makes as much as you?
His fee is about the same.

The liberal bloggers say you don’t have principles, you’re this mercenary, you’re a triangulating phony. Why do they hate you so much?
Well, first of all, they don’t know me. Probably a mistake in the campaign was not to get to know people like that early on.

But when they say you’re a mercenary—
I say, “Look, I’m a consultant. And consultants are obviously gonna be paid for their services.” But unlike the other consultants now, I don’t own the company anymore. I’m an employee. The other consultants are not employees.

Which company don’t you own anymore?
I don’t own any of Penn & Schoen. I don’t own the other companies I’m involved in. I don’t receive personally any money from the campaign. It goes to the companies that I don’t own. I’m an employee, and I’m really judged overall on how I manage about half a billion dollars of business. So personally, whether or not the firms did the Clinton campaign or didn’t do the Clinton campaign? It will not make a material difference, since I’m judged on how over $500 million of work happens. I’m not judged on the basis of any single account.

Why didn’t you step down as CEO of Burson-Marsteller?
Well, you know, when you talk about mistakes, I’d say that I didn’t anticipate the kind of cross fire that would come from a large number of clients that Burson has, and that it would put Burson in some cross fire, and me in some cross fire, and the campaign.

So if you were to do it again?
In retrospect, I definitely would not have done it the same way.

You would have taken a leave?
I would have taken a leave or taken a different position. I would definitely not have done it this way. Because in the end, it created something that opponents were able to exploit in ways that didn’t help anybody.

Did anything get to you? Did anything really piss you off? Like, in the et tu category? I mean, some of this stuff, I was pulling it together and it was painful to type it.
I think this stuff about my being, uh, personally harsh is really unfair. I don’t think that anybody… Number one, the stories have been either made up or, you know, grossly exaggerated or, uh, I think anybody who knows the personality involved understands that such stories could be told about everyone—

During a campaign.
During a campaign, which is a high-pressure—

And if you have to throw a few coffee cups…
[laughs] I haven’t thrown any coffee cups in this campaign, regardless of what’s been written. But you know… But the reason why somebody hired me, with a team as I had in ’96, is that I could squeeze out a kind of creativity from the team, driving towards something, you know, that looks impossible to do.

Who betrayed her the most?
I can’t answer that.

Well, which defection pissed you off the most?
You know, I just—I think the remarkable thing in this has been that there are a lot of people who owe their livelihood, their recognition, their jobs, their place in society, to the Clintons. And that many of those people didn’t support her, you know? A lot of them did. But I really—I can’t understand those people. Without the Clintons giving me the opportunity and recognizing it afterward, I’d just be another consultant.
Part 3 (and I promise I'll never even try to post an interview this big again, I just hate clicking links and such)

What was the hardest night?
The night before New Hampshire. [laughs] That was the hardest night.

That was the night Sid got busted for DWI, right?
Well, you know.

You didn’t expect her to win in New Hampshire?
Nobody expected she’d win.

Your polling? Nothing told you?
You know, there was something going on with the polling—that there was so much wall-to-wall Barack Obama that every poll showed him favored in New Hampshire. But I also had a belief that, you know, these voters had been for her just a week before. I think she unlocked some of the keys to them, with the personal moment [he means the tears], and she had a good solid debate where she took him on—

The personal moment was fascinating. Because as a woman, and maybe not just as a woman, I was offended by anybody who thought that was fake.
Yeah, and women rallied to her side. I think it was, uh… I think to the extent that people said that they wanted—in order to get a personal connection, they would make her, you know, warmer or put her mother next to her? In reality, the personal connection really just came from connecting with her.

But there wasn’t anything calculated about that moment?
No. That was a moment on the campaign trail. Look, I think we were all feeling stress. I think at the moment that she had that incident, others in the campaign thought it was a disaster, that this could just end the campaign. They were completely beside themselves.

Over the tears?
Yeah, because she would appear to have broken down and lost her ability to lead.

Is it true that you, more than anyone, were pushing for her to still stay in last week?
No. I mean— [laughs] No. That’s something that people put out. I personally outlined a number of options. She really just wanted a little breathing room to think about it.

After Tuesday?
Yeah, after Tuesday.

That had to have been a rough night.
Look, it’s at the end of this several-year process that we’ve been through. And yet, you know, we still think that she’s the most electable candidate, that she’d be the strongest president. But it’s his turn now. To stand in the limelight, run for the party, and win.

What do you say to the critics who think she should have gotten out sooner?
No male candidate has ever been told to drop out. Ever.

Are you saying it was sexist that they wanted her out?
I just think that no woman has ever—I’m sorry, no candidate has ever been pressured like this, to drop out! Especially someone who’s within a couple…a percent. Who’s within, you know, a hundred-plus delegates. This is an incredible phenomenon. It’s an entirely new phenomenon.

Let’s talk about the whole vice president thing. Should she be talking about it? Do you think she wants it?
Look, I think that’s totally gonna be up to Barack Obama and what he wants. And I don’t think that she’s gonna have any other comment on it. I don’t think that it’s really appropriate for anybody to talk about. It’s Barack Obama’s choice. And he’s gonna make the choice that he thinks is best for his ticket, for the party, for the country.

When she said she was “open” to it, such a big deal made of her saying that. But really, what else could you say?
Part of being Hillary Clinton is that everybody makes a big deal out of everything that Hillary Clinton says—every nuance, every word. I think she was giving a commonsense answer to the question. But I don’t think it changes that it’s Barack Obama who’s gotta look at this, and he’ll make a decision.

But how do you feel about the idea?
I think that the two of them together would make an excellent ticket.

What was the most unfair rap about Hillary?
That she’s not authentic. She is authentic. She was out there in a very, very authentic way.

Umm, Bosnian snipers?
Bosnia hurt. I think that it was, again, just an example of the mistakes she made as a candidate. I think it eventually died. Remember, see, this is why, when you come back to moments—even New Hampshire—that made a difference for her, they’re not about weakness, they’re about inner strength. And so I think that, at the end of the campaign, she has broken through here on this question of inauthenticity, and they see her as a true champion for causes that she’s fought for. And it took them a long time to see that.

But how do you explain the snipers thing? And not just saying it once, but saying it a few more times?
I think she just made a mistake. Look, she clearly remembered something, right? She remembered that there had been a threat. And sometimes I’m astounded by the number of things that she has to remember right. She has to remember every policy, everything she’s ever done. I mean, look, it’s easy when you— When you don’t have a thirty-five-year record, you don’t have to remember much. When you’ve got a thirty-five-year record, you can be held accountable for every single second.

She didn’t put that to rest for a little while, like Obama didn’t put Wright to rest for quite a while.
Well, I think she pretty quickly just said it was wrong and a mistake. And I think that, uh, he gave a wide range of explanations for Wright. And I think it remains something that will come up again in the general-election campaign.

When you look at the highs and the lows, I assume the “3 a.m.” ad was a high point for you. How did it come about?
Um, had a long plane ride, and I’m sitting there looking at the polls coming back from Texas, and there’s a pretty good chance we’re gonna be out of the race in about two weeks, unless we come up with something different. So I spent the whole plane ride thinking to myself, We need to have a game changer. And so I wrote five game changers. Now, she had used a line that came from somewhere about “3 a.m.” in one of her speeches, and so I built one ad around that. I built another ad around a lot of the positions Barack Obama had in his 2004 primary.…

Of the five, how many ran?

What was the second-best one?
The second-best one, I think, was one about a picture of kind of independent Republican voters, and it said something along the lines of “Barack Obama says a lot of independent Republicans may vote for him, but what about when they find out his position on X or his position on Y and they disappear?” I think that was a tough—[laughs] That was a tough ad. But ultimately, the “3 a.m.” ad—I think the thinking behind it was to go back to the time when security was front and center and she was doing so well, when she was winning the election by thirty points. And so the intent of the ad was to bring us back to that moment in the campaign where security was important.

Now, how does that work? You write the ad, then call up Bill and Hillary and pitch it?
What I did was, I sent her the five game changers in an e-mail. And I said, “Look, I think we gotta do one of these, because the trends look like we’re gonna go down in Texas unless we do something out of the ordinary and out of the box.”

And she said?
She said, “I like this one. Give it a try.”

When you talk about the media and the treatment of her, you know, part of it—in the beginning of the campaign, back when it seemed like she was the inevitable nominee—she was really distant from the press. Don’t you think that had something to do with the fact that the press fell in love with Obama?
Well…no. [laughs] The press fell in love with him, period.

The press always falls in love with the new cool intellectual candidate. You know, he is their kind of candidate. Go back through history. They didn’t like Al Gore. They loved Gary Hart. They love those kinds of candidates, always have. But—but—but look, I think that he was the first African-American, you know, credible presidential candidate was a factor behind how much the press was enthusiastic about him. But she was also the first woman candidate. But the standard… You know, the microscope that they put her under, that they did not put her opponent and opponents under, was just incredible. I don’t think anybody has ever been put under this kind of microscope running for president. There were certain times early in the campaign where she would try to be…do what people tell her, and say, “Hey, I’ll be more relaxed, I’ll tell a little joke.” But every time she told the joke, it became a, you know, a federal case. Her words are parsed. Every single word is parsed. By the right, by the left, by the press. In a way that makes it kind of…difficult to just, quote, go out there and let it all hang out. And so she is naturally careful and precise in the things she goes on to say. But I think that during that same time, there were a lot of off-the-record sessions with the press, a lot of behind-the-scenes work she was doing. And over time she gave, you know, she did a lot more going back to the press, and she was great. See, if you go back to some of the myths of the campaign, I’m sure, if you check, that she has far more availabilities than Obama’s had. That she has been far more accessible to the press, overall. So the question is who had the impression of who’s accessible.

Where were you during the speeches on Tuesday? Were you with her?
[laughs] No, I was in a hotel room somewhere, but I was in constant contact.

Did it choke you up?
Well, you know, I knew it was coming.

But what were you thinking?
That she was the right candidate, the right person at the right time, and something completely unexpected happened.

Do you think Obama can win the states she won in November?
Sure, he can win. I don’t think there’s any question he can win. It’s a Democratic year, he’s coming out of these contests as a very strong nominee, there’s a tremendous amount of almost worldwide enthusiasm for him—so he definitely can win.

But he’s gotta show that he’s got the right experience to be president. He’s gotta forge a stronger connection with working-class voters. He’s gotta really introduce himself to those independent voters who are really gonna decide it for the first time.

Do you think his biggest mistake was the “bitter” comment?
Well, that’s his biggest mistake that we capitalized on. See, I think one of the bigger differences is that as the race got tight, you know, everybody agreed, “Okay, let’s go after him on this one.” Whereas in the past, he made a lot of remarks that I think could have gotten him into similar kinds of trouble—you know, all the way back to something like the price of arugula in Iowa. At Whole Foods! But when he said that in Iowa, we did not really seize comments and go after them, hold them up, the way we did with “bitter.” And the biggest difference in the later part of the campaign? In Texas, we had the “3 a.m.” ad that challenged him on experience. In Pennsylvania, we went after “bitter” and challenged his connection to working-class voters. And because we won those two dustups, I think it made a huge difference with the rest of the states going forward.

Did you underestimate the Internet? I want to read you something. It’s from Joe Trippi’s new book, that’s not out yet. Listen to this. He talks about being on a panel discussion with you in early 2007. Do you remember this?
I remember being on the panel with him.

And he writes: “We were asked what the impact of the Internet would be in 2008. Penn jumped to answer the question, saying that the Internet wouldn’t have any impact in 2008, because, I kid you not, ‘it was composed of too small a group of Americans who were doing nothing but talking to each other.’ ”
I never said that. This is exactly how campaign lore gets started. You know, at the end of the day, I have always been big on the role that the Internet would play. I was the one that insisted that we test out the advertising on the Internet. The Internet itself—and as I told everybody—the critical thing about the Internet during this period is, this was the first election at which time two-thirds of the population would have broadband and be able to access news and information on the Internet. You can read my own book on this very thing. This is a nonsensical quote that he is saying, compared to everything that I’ve ever written or said.

Is it possible that in some ways, that no matter what happened or what you did or didn’t do, this was a phenomenon, Obama was a phenomenon, and there was nothing that could have been done to stop him?
No, I don’t think that’s true. When a race is this close at the end, you could have done something.

That has to drive you crazy—looking back that way, on how it was so close, second-guessing how one small decision could have meant a big difference.
I think it wouldn’t have been one small decision but a couple of big decisions here and there.

Making sure we had the 25 million set aside that was supposed to be there. If it was there, I think, frankly, that would have made the biggest difference of all.

How much was the press to blame, in your opinion?
You know, I’m not gonna blame the press. The press should have been more evenhanded; I think it would have been serving the public better if they had been. I think they weren’t. But I think, despite all of these handicaps, the race was close enough that we could have won. And when you look at the number of handicaps that were thrown down against her, it’s astounding.

So let’s talk about sexism. Where did you see it?
Well [laughs], you know, I think what really did happen in New Hampshire was a moment that crystallized it for a lot of women. Because I do think they saw her honestly expressing how hard it had been to work in this campaign—and then following that, you know, the “Iron my shirt” people, following Edwards making a comment on it. Right?

Edwards’s comment was surprising, when he questioned what her tears said about her ability to lead.
Yeah. He shouldn’t have done it.

I remember thinking, Ewww. Like, I hope Elizabeth smacked him when he got home.
[laughs] And I think it crystallized for a lot of women, “I get it,” you know? There’s been a double standard on Hillary here.

It’s hard to put into words.
But it was clear. From the beginning, I thought she would get a tremendous amount of support from women. Women are 54 percent of the electorate. For all the talk about more young people coming out? More women came out. Millions more women came out than ever before. It was the largest increase. They’re really energized. But you know, at the time that Obama said, you know, “She’s playing the gender card,” the media played into that, you know? She wasn’t playing the gender card. If anything, there was a lot of other stuff going on here. Not from the Obama campaign, but just in society generally. And I think Chris Matthews owed her a major apology, and eventually delivered one. The media had been outrageous.

You mean Matthews’s comment about “The reason she may be a front-runner is her husband messed around”?
Right. And the kind of nutcracker dolls you could find at the airports. You know, the kind of stuff that would just never be allowed against anyone else was almost commonplace against Hillary. And I think, actually, after New Hampshire, women woke up to that. They supported her from that time on very solidly. And I think they saw her as both qualified for president and their champion, and I think that they became increasingly upset at the media over time. I think the media’s got a lot of damage to repair with the women in this country.

Looking at the big picture down the road, years from now, how do you think history will view this campaign?
Well, they’re always going to look at it and say, “Well, it was a surprise that she didn’t win.” And they’ll look at her and say, “She was the first woman that had a real opportunity.” Look, we never know what’s gonna happen later on. A lot of people have come back. It’s pretty unusual for somebody to win the nomination the first time out. History is really quite the opposite. The expected in politics is the unexpected.

I remember the moment that I said “Holy ****,” and that was the “Yes, We Can” song—you know, the Hollywood song, putting his speech to music, with the celebs. It had become a pop-culture thing. How do you fight that?
Well, again, this is why you will understand when you say did I underestimate him? No. The reason that I would have gone after him early was precisely because I didn’t underestimate the power of a Fresh New Candidate who also had appeal to the African-American vote and the latte voters. To put them together, into a very strong coalition supported by money and the press? Absolutely I saw all that. Absolutely. If you go through, you know, the memos I wrote early on, they’re completely about that. But: How do you stop something like that, right? You don’t stop something like that by being “warmer” [snorts]—by, you know, giving an interview on a personality show. You’re not gonna stop—

Or going to a candy store with your mother?
[laughs] You go to a candy store with your mother, you’re not gonna stop somebody like Barack Obama!

We talked about the biggest rap on Hillary. What do you think was the biggest rap on him?
Oh, the biggest rap on Obama is, does he have the experience to be president? I mean, that’s his biggest hurdle. He’s gotta overcome it. I think it remains. It really is the big question mark.

But you think that’s a fair rap. Was there an unfair rap on him?
I don’t know him well enough to say. And there just weren’t that many raps on him in this campaign. I mean, I think he’s got to come back and show that he’s got a connection to the working-class voter.

Do you think Obama’s an elitist?
I think that what you’ve seen is that he has not, so far, connected with the working class of America in a credible way. And he’s gonna have to overcome that.

What’s the one poll you should have done? That you didn’t do?
I just… I think we knew what was going on, each and every time. You know, it’s not the poll I should have done. It’s the audit that should have been done. [laughs]

Through all this, you were never quoted directly when a lot of people were taking shots at you. It sounds like you were maybe focusing on the campaign and not managing your own image.
That’s for sure. [laughs] You know, look, the critical imperative was to win. And so in many ways I’m somebody who pulls out all the stops. You know, the reason that clients hire me is because they know in the end I’m for them and I will try to find any way, anything, that it takes in order to get them to win. And I’ll drive an entire team of people right to the edge in order to get something that I think is gonna work. Or at least that’s what I’m used to doing.

So will you continue to work with the Clintons?
I hope so. I’ve come out of this thing with a very strong relationship with both of them.

What did you say to her, when it was clear that it was over?
You know, to have a conversation like that, I’ll wait a period of time. I’m not gonna have that conversation right now. There’s something about the way this race went on and the way she fought through it… Look, they wanted to get her out. Ever since Iowa! No, it’s something I’m gonna wait on a little bit and kinda go back emotionally on, you know? [laughs] I mean, this interview says about the maximum that I can say.
A rather distasteful article that proposes the Clinton Family were behind Tim Russert's sudden heart attack. It provides summaries of 47 different people associated with Bill and Hillary Clinton who have died under suspicious circumstances.

1-James McDougal - Clinton’s convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr’s investigation.

2-Mary Mahoney - A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown. The Murder happened just after she was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.

3- Vince Foster - Former White House councilor, and colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock’s Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head, ruled a suicide.

4-Ron Brown - Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown’s skull resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of this death, Brown was being investigated and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with the prosecutors. The rest of the people on the plane also died. A few days later the air Traffic controller committed suicide.

5-C. Victor Raiser II-Raise, a major player in the Clinton fund raising organization died in a provate plane crash in July 1992.

6-Paul Talley- Democratic National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock, Arkansas, September 1992. Described by Clinton as a “Dear friend and trusted advisor”.

7-Ed Wiley- Clinton fund raiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey died on the same day his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill groped her in the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in several Clinton fund raising events.

8-Jerry Parks-Head of Clinton’s gubernatorial security team in Little Rock. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little Rock. Park’s son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton. He allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died the files were mysteriously removed from his house.

9-James Bunch-Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had a ‘Black Book’ of people which contained names of influential people who visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas.

10-James Wilson-Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging suicide. He was reported to have ties to Whitewater.

11-Kathy Ferguson-Ex-wife of Arkansa Trooper Dany Ferguson, was found dead in May 1994, in her living room with a gunshot to her head. It was ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as if she were going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit. Kathy Ferguson was a possible corroborating witness for Paula Jones.

12-Bill Shelton-Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee of Kathy Ferguson. Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiancee, he was found dead in June, 1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the grave site of his fiancee.

13-Gandy Baugh- Attorney for Clinton’s friend Dan Lassater, died by jumping out a window of a tall building January, 1994. His client was a convicted drug distributor.

14-Florence Martin-Accountant & sub-contractor for the CIA, was related to the Barry Seal Mena, Arkansas Airport drug smuggling case. He died of three gunshot wounds.

15-Suzanne Coleman- Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. Was pregnant at the time of her death.

16-Paula Grober-Clinton’s speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until her death December 9, 1992 She died in a one car accident.

17-Danny Casolaro-Investigative reporter. Investigating Mena Airport and Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists, apparently, in the middle of his investigation.

18-Paul Wilcher-Attorney investigating corruption at Mena Airport with Casolaro and the 1980 ‘October Surprise’ was found dead on a toilet June 22, 1993 in his Washing ton DC apartment. Had delivered a report to Janet Reno 3 weeks before his death.

19-Jan Parnell Walker-Whitewater investigator fort Resolution Trust Corp. Jumped to his death from his Arlington, Virginia apartment balcony August 15, 1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guaranty scandal.

20-Barbara Wise-Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with On Brown and John Huang. Cause of death unknown. Died November 29, 1996. Her bruised, nude body was found locked in her office at the Department of Commerce.

21-Charles Meissner-Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash.

22-Dr. Stanley Heard- Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee died with his attorney Steve *****on in a small plane crash. Dr Heard, in addition to serving Clinton’s advisory council personally treated Clinton’s mother, stepfather and brother.

23-Barry Seal-Drug running TWA pilot our of Mena, Arkansas, death was no accident.

24-Johnny La****n Jr.-Mehanic, found a check made out to Bill Clinton in the trunk of a car left at his repair shop. He was found dead after his car had hit a utility pole.

25-Stanley Huggins-Investigated Madison Guaranty. His death was purported suicide and his report was never released.

26-Hershell Friday-Attorney and Clinton fund raiser died March 1, 1994 when his plane exploded.

27-Kevin Ives & Don Henry - Known as ‘The boys on the track’ case. Reports say the boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport drug operation. A controversial case, the initial report of death said, due to falling asleep on railroad tracks. Later reports claim the 2 boys had been slain before being placed on the tracks. Many linked to the case died before their testimony could come before a Grand Jury.

The following Persons had Information on the Ives/Henry Case:
28-Keith Coney-Died when his motorcycle slammed into the back of a truck, 7/88.
29-Keith McMaskle-Died stabbed 113 times, Nov, 1988.
30-Gregory Collins- Died from a gunshot wound, Kan 1989.
31-Jeff Rhodes - He was shot, mutilated and found burned in a trash dump in April 1989.
33- James Milan - Found decapitated. However, the Coroner ruled his death was due to ‘natural causes’.
34-Jordan Kettleson- Was found shot to death in the front seat of his pickup truck in June 1990.
35-Richard Winters- A suspect in the Ives/Henry deaths. He was killed in a set-up robbery July 1989

36-Major William S. Barkley, Jr.
37-Captain Scott J. Reynolds
38-Sgt. Brian Hanley
39-Sgt. Tim Sabel
40-Major General William Robertson
41-Col. William Densberger
42-Col. Robert Kelly
43-Spec-Gary Rhodes
44-Steve Willis
45-Robert Williams
46-Conway LeBlue
47-Todd McKeehan

And I suppose you also believe George W. Bush organized 9/11 and projected CGI images of planes crashing into the World Trade Center onto the TV screens in every American household?
I am sure that a lot of those are wild goose chases but, all those murders/suicides of potential witness/what have you to charges against the Clintons do seem a bit timely...


And I suppose you also believe George W. Bush organized 9/11 and projected CGI images of planes crashing into the World Trade Center onto the TV screens in every American household?

Excuse me, but did I ever say that I believed this? Did I say that even once in the op?

I posted this because it's an entertaining read. Stop being presumptuous over the intent of thread maker - it makes you look like an ass.
86 graduates? That sounds low to me for some reason. Small school?
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