Iron Man 3 The IRON MAN 3 News & Speculation Thread - - - - - - Part 15

Because you are a liar Dr. Sid Jawtug.

Why would they put the Banner scene after the credits and stick a scene with Peter Parker that has absolutely NO ****ING CONTEXT AT ALL in middle?

You are a liar and I hope you get banned here forever.

Also every easter egg credit scene has had context or some reference or build-up within each movie. What is being LIED about here does not and that should be everyone's first clue why Jawtug is a LIAR.
But would you say he's lying?
You guys are right I forgot. I don't know why they decided to not include this overseas this time. Think about it why would we just have the stark banner scene as the only after credits scene for the first movie at the start of phase 2. It's obvious there is another, think about it.

It's far from obvious, actually. Up until you said that I never would've thought about it. The Avengers having two scenes was an exception.

But hey, whatever. You're gambling with your own ban here, so it's all on you. But until people actually confirm it in theaters, I don't believe any of what you said.
^ ah man that one link made me miss RIM (RealIronMan).. I wonder how he felt about Iron Man 3 if he's seen it.
The only validity to what he's saying, is I imagine he made this up after seeing that Mark Webb put up a twitter post from the set of TASM2 showing a motorcycle with the Stark Industries logo on it. Weather or not that happens, or if Webb was playing games, that has nothing to do with IM3.
^ ah man that one link made me miss RIM (RealIronMan).. I wonder how he felt about Iron Man 3 if he's seen it.

Yeah, he was a good guy. I also would have liked to have known what he thought about how TASM2 is shaping up.
I'm a fan and just share the info I get.

Ok, but if it's not valid info, or you haven't 100% confirmed it then you should pass it off like you absolutely know what's going on. That gets people banned around here.
What happened to RIM?

as far as I know or remember, he was basically run of the boards from the SpideyFans that were ruthless to him after he posted his thoughts on Amazing Spider-Man
just an fyi, he is the guy who posted the picture of the thanos prosthetic back in the avengers thread 6 months before it came

All I ever saw was a blurry obscured picture. Was anything else other than that actually shown?
Ok, but if it's not valid info, or you haven't 100% confirmed it then you should pass it off like you absolutely know what's going on. That gets people banned around here.

The guy posted a picture of the Thanos prosthetic used. He said Thanos was going to be in avengers, and I even at some point saved the picture of the prosthetic was blurry, but it was clearly Thanos.

UNLESS he faked that image, and then was just lucky, but hey, we'll see
Now it's gone from being "obvious" to just "sharing information I get."
just an fyi, he is the guy who posted the picture of the thanos prosthetic back in the avengers thread 6 months before it came
I never saw any such picture. All I remember seeing was some weird blurry magic eye image people were saying was Thanos' face or whatever.

This is, THERE IS SOMETHING IN SPIDER-MAN'S EYE! So pathetic even Wizard Magazine (RIP) tried to perpetrate that nonsense.
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I never saw any such picture. All I remember seeing was some weird blurry magic eye image people were saying was Thanos' face or whatever.

This is, THERE IS SOMETHING IN SPIDER-MAN'S EYE! So pathetic even Wizard Magazin (RIP) tried to perpetrate that nonsense.

I saw the picture. It was fuzzy, but it was clearly thanos, I had it on my computer, I can try to dig it up again for us, but you could clearly see the jaw. He uploaded a NON blury picture of the prosthetic (vartha saw it, ask him), before removing it.

I personally am confused about parker as well, but we'll wait it out
All I ever saw was a blurry obscured picture. Was anything else other than that actually shown?

the blurry picture, I blew it up, it clearly resembled Thanos. And before that, he upload a non blury one. One of the mods saw it, I think it was Vartha.


I know it's small, but this is the picture of the "prosthetic" he posted back in like january before the avengers came out. To me, it resembles thanos' face. And that tiny little image in it, well that looks a bit like this


So again, yeah, the spiderman thing sounds a bit unlikely, but I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt for now
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