Iron Man 3 The Official IM3 Trailer Thread!

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You are not special.
Nov 19, 2011
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Yahoo! Movies and E! Online have provided official confirmation that the trailer for Iron Man 3, will debut on October 23rd at 12:01AM (PST). Another source (trustworthy) reveals that the poster for the film, will launch before the trailer on October 22nd, at 9 AM (PST). Expect a trailer around the same length as the original theatrical trailer for The Avengers.

Get to chatting folks, it's not that long of a wait, right?

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Theatrical Trailer? You mean Teaser Trailer, right?
man i am hyped but i am sure at at least 30% of the footage will show kinda like avengers/ironman recap....maybe
I wouldn't worry about that darkslayer101.
sweet, maybe we'll get a thor trailer soon!
Just wanna see the new armor in action! And hopefully kingsley and iron patriot, but i doubt it.
DANG! 3 weeks seems like such short notice for trailer hype!

I have so much to do to prepare.
I'm geussing it's going to be about 5 seconds...
I'll be happy with just about anything. Anything's better than seeing the chest piece flicker on the title.

P.S. I know I'm really far away, but how many posts is it before you can use an Avatar?
i'll be happy with just about anything. Anything's better than seeing the chest piece flicker on the title.

P.s. I know i'm really far away, but how many posts is it before you can use an avatar?


Alright! :applaudI kept thinking it was 1000.

:csad: At the rate I'm going and all the things coming up in the near future, I should have one by the time Iron Man 3 comes out on BluRay.:woot:

Thanks for letting me know Figs, I appreciate it.
Alright! :applaudI kept thinking it was 1000.

:csad: At the rate I'm going and all the things coming up in the near future, I should have one by the time Iron Man 3 comes out on BluRay.:woot:

Thanks for letting me know Figs, I appreciate it.

You're welcome!

300 will let you have a small Avy. I think you need 1000 for the next size and then to have 100x100 you need 3000 posts.
Is it gonna be the same teaser shown at SDCC? Or something completely different?
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