The Official Loveless Thread

Sounds cool. The name caught my eye since it's the title of one of my favorite albums of all time by My Bloody Valentine. Azzarello can write gritty like a mofo, and when you add that style to the "spaghetti western" genre, sounds like a match made in heaven (or hell, if you prefer). Kick-ace art, too!
Also, that cover is the epitome of kickassity.
There has to be more than two people hyped for this. :o
Give it time, they'll come around. Maybe post a pic from the preview.
They can just click the link the lazy bastards.:mad:

Plus, it's in pdf so I can't really put it directly into my post.
I dunno, man. Maybe change the thread title to include Azzarello and Leone's names That'll catch some eyes.
Screw it, I'm going to keep bumping it. Someone else has to post in it some time. :mad:
I cant wait for this either. I was looking forward to it the first time I heard of it (a small mention at like last years Comic Con, i think). This is gonna quite awesome:up:
What's disappointing is that we're given no references or clues as to the actual plot of the book, but I can deal with that because the concept itself is so spooge worthy.
I can't wait, this is going to be the new "buzzed about" Vertigo seires.:up:
The Watchman said:
I can't wait, this is going to be the new "buzzed about" Vertigo seires.:up:

Great sig. I would have Tobias' anal-babies. I've said too much...
The Watchman said:
I can't wait, this is going to be the new "buzzed about" Vertigo seires.:up:
Hopefully this will be the new Hellblazer/Sandman/100 Bullets type book. :up:
bump. :o

(Tim Bradstreet should be doing the covers.)
I signed up for it at my shop weeks ago :up:
Elijya said:
I signed up for it at my shop weeks ago :up:
Stop making us feel stupid with your use of common sense.:mad:
Sarge said:
Im surprised no one has made a thread about this yet.

Brian Azzarello+Sergio Leone western=me *********ing

Check out the preview here.

im not sure i like the art and panel layout buy i sure as hell am getting this. When is it coming out? I had no idea.
The Watchman said:
I had to sign up in blood, is that unusual?

no, that's normal. Blood is so passe' these days. It would have been weird if it was any OTHER bodily substance
The preview pages look good so far. And I'm glad that Marcelo Fruisin's art is looking pretty impressive. His last few issues of Hellblazer were pretty average.....
Tojo said:
im not sure i like the art and panel layout buy i sure as hell am getting this. When is it coming out? I had no idea.
I like the panel layout, it makes everything feel cinematic.
Well I tells ya.

I don't know from who or what this here thing came from, but I loves to see me a buncha soldiers catching a beatin from some fella they figured they could just walk all over.

Looks mighty fine t'me.

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