The Official Superman Fan Art & Manips Thread - Part 9

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So ranking wise who are you guys favorite Superman and rank whom looks the most like Supes in your mind.

1. Christopher Reeve, I grew up with him as Supes and will always see him as such
2. Henry Cavill, still waiting to see how the movie turns out, but as far as looks goes, he looks similar to Reeve so thats a win.
3. Tom Welling, never really was "Superman", just wore a Superman shirt, but he did get Reeve's seal of approval so thats good enough for me lol
4. George I really need to give a reason for him lol
5. Brandon Routh, some hated him, but as far as I'm concerned there was plenty wrong with Superman Returns and Routh himself was not one of the issues (his suit is another story lol)
6. Dean Cain, also grew up with him as Supes but never really saw him as Superman and still dont really.
7. Kirk Allen, only at the bottom of the list simply because I've never seen anything with him as Superman, just a few pictures here and there, thats it :(
I started this, but don't really want to finish.

And he did it again! Awesome as usual, ifriedrice!
Thanks, guys. I quit doing that one since the new magazine headshot came out and made this magazine mockup instead. I want to say it's a Work In Progress, but I probably won't work on it anymore.

1. Christopher Reeve, I grew up with him as Supes and will always see him as such
2. Henry Cavill, still waiting to see how the movie turns out, but as far as looks goes, he looks similar to Reeve so thats a win.
3. Tom Welling, never really was "Superman", just wore a Superman shirt, but he did get Reeve's seal of approval so thats good enough for me lol
4. George I really need to give a reason for him lol
5. Brandon Routh, some hated him, but as far as I'm concerned there was plenty wrong with Superman Returns and Routh himself was not one of the issues (his suit is another story lol)
6. Dean Cain, also grew up with him as Supes but never really saw him as Superman and still dont really.
7. Kirk Allen, only at the bottom of the list simply because I've never seen anything with him as Superman, just a few pictures here and there, thats it :(

Agree with all this pretty much.

So how does everyone feel about his hairline. I know that can be touchy subject for some people?
Thanks, guys. I quit doing that one since the new magazine headshot came out and made this magazine mockup instead. I want to say it's a Work In Progress, but I probably won't work on it anymore.


Holy F*****g S...!!!!! This is.... Perfect!! The best cover ever! WB will never be able to top this!! This is why they should let fans do the pictures! Omgoh I love this.
One thing tho. His junk looks right side heavy. Might want to adjust the lighting maybe.
Agree with all this pretty much.

So how does everyone feel about his hairline. I know that can be touchy subject for some people?

Personally I dont have a problem with it, I dont think he has a reciting hair line but even if he did, he's a actor, all they have to do is make him wear a wig and if need be do touch ups with CGI :)

Thanks, guys. I quit doing that one since the new magazine headshot came out and made this magazine mockup instead. I want to say it's a Work In Progress, but I probably won't work on it anymore.


.......:wow::wow::wow: you are awesome good sir.......

Hey ifriedrice, I made a "House of El" picture awhile ago, but I think I royally suck at this stuff, think you could take a shot at it? If you have time that is.

Here's the one I made (I used one of your pix clearly :) )

I agree. It's not a receding hairline, it's a mature hairline and there is a difference. I think he looks fine, but I figured going from the comic, to Reeve, to Cain, and then Routh some would compare their juvenile hairlines/small foreheads with Cavill's. Even Welling had a more mature hairline though he wore his hair forward so you really couldn't tell.
Agree with all this pretty much.

So how does everyone feel about his hairline. I know that can be touchy subject for some people?

I think it is fine. Cavill's hairline doesn't even seem to be receding yet. It's just looks like a natural widow's peak at this point. There are a lot of comics that portray Superman's hairline receding at the temples. It works especially well with the S-curl.
yep I agree, plus even though we haven't seen it in any of the promo stuff, I'm sure there will be a point in Man Of Steel where we will see the "S" curl, and Cavill is gonna rock it lol. I mean all you have to do is see him off set and he's got the hair you'd expect from Superman already lol

Reeve's hair wasn't as Midnight said "juvenile", but it was loaded up with so much gel that you stand him infront of a wind tunnel and it wouldn't move.....dont believe me? Watch Superman 2 :funny:
yep I agree, plus even though we haven't seen it in any of the promo stuff, I'm sure there will be a point in Man Of Steel where we will see the "S" curl, and Cavill is gonna rock it lol. I mean all you have to do is see him off set and he's got the hair you'd expect from Superman already lol

Reeve's hair wasn't as Midnight said "juvenile", but it was loaded up with so much gel that you stand him infront of a wind tunnel and it wouldn't move.....dont believe me? Watch Superman 2 :funny:

By juvenile I mean his hairline. A juvenile hairline is one where the temples don't go up and then back down, but square straight or round. Reeve definitely had a juvenile hairline like Routh and Cain.
By juvenile I mean his hairline. A juvenile hairline is one where the temples don't go up and then back down, but square straight or round. Reeve definitely had a juvenile hairline like Routh and Cain.

Ah I see.....well I still stand by my gel comment :funny:
I found this in google.
Thanks, guys. I quit doing that one since the new magazine headshot came out and made this magazine mockup instead. I want to say it's a Work In Progress, but I probably won't work on it anymore.


Very well done indeed. The marketing of SR made a ****tting job. Most of brandon pic as superman look lame.
Nice EW cover. We gotta be getting an EW cover story pretty soon... I expected one several months ago.
Nice EW cover. We gotta be getting an EW cover story pretty soon... I expected one several months ago.

It would have been great if they had gone with the route of having one issue where both Henry's Superman and Christian's Batman were on the cover, to signify as how one character's franchise was coming to a end within the DC films, another one is about to potentially begin..and it would have made sense considering Nolan's involvement with both characters (albeit in different capacities of course)
It would have been great if they had gone with the route of having one issue where both Henry's Superman and Christian's Batman were on the cover, to signify as how one character's franchise was coming to a end within the DC films, another one is about to potentially begin..and it would have made sense considering Nolan's involvement with both characters (albeit in different capacities of course)

Then you would have some crazy people out there thinking that there was going to be a Superman/Batman movie...
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