With 2 sequels In the works this could be a 2 part filmed back to back story.I will bet
Bryan Singer came up with the outline.What some may not remember after X2 he suggested doing X3 and 4 back to back like the Lord of the rings before Fox's slowness to begin negorations lead him to do Superman returns.
Even If they recon The Last Stand from official film cannon I doudt Jean will be In these.I don't think Singer will be doing his version of X3.However there Is way to bring Famke Janssen back.Have SInster as villian and have her as madalane Pryor.
If they keep The Last Stand In Cannon you could always come up with a Sinster as villian way of bringing back Cyclops by saying he found Cyclops and left the glasses.But It would be very hard to find way to resurrect Jean In post The Last Stand In Cannon story.
If they're smart and Singer is onboard, he can doing his X3 but transforrmed into X4.
He can have an old Emma Frost (remember: she wants Sigourney Weaver) as an old Xavier's love interest or old X-men's villain, now turn into a good person that has saved Cyclops.
If they won't to make Xavier's comeback they can. They can bring back Cyclops and make him the leader they want to make in X3 by Singer. With him to train a new X-Men's team to fight a new villain (Sinestro? Apocalypse?).
They can bring back Wolverine (Hugh will be Wolverine until he will die, i suppose
but in a minor role and Storm (Halle Berry surely wants come back). They can set the movie some years later X3.
They can bring back Kitty (hope played by Ellen Page another time - and please an appearance by Lockhead will be funny!), Iceman, Colossus and Angel. They can bring back also Nightcrawler and Beast, if they want.
I will leave Magneto and Mystique in an angle this time. Maybe a Rogue's cameo (Anna Paquin surely can't come back with her schedule).
So basically my idea:
Emma will became new "Professor X", the new leader of the school.
Cyclops leader and comeback.
X-Men's team formed by Kitty (Lockhead), Iceman, Colossus, Angel, Nightcrawler.
Other chars: Wolverine, Rogue, Storm.