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The Severus Snape Chronicles. Book One.


May 16, 2006
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Chapter One.
Albus Dumbledore.

It has been 21 years since the death of Lord Voldemort. As Albus Severus Potter enters his third year at Hogwarts school. A new head master takes over for Headmaster Dean Alaster was mauled by a werewolf while in the dark forest.

The ministry decided to replace him with a slightly younger wizard but one with some experiance so they went too the new defense against the dark arts professor Logan Greenway.

He wasted very little time in putting together a new staff for his opinion the students had gotten a bit lazy so wanted professors that could prepare the student for unforseen dangers.

So he went too ministry and asked too see one of the tope students too ever graduate hogwarts school. Professor Greenway was around 67 years old. Well most Hogwarts headmsater were 90 to hundred and so. 67 was younger. He had one arm always bandaged and covered. He wore a long leath coat and had a hat much like the sorting hat but it was black.

He was kinda short and portly in apperance. He was asked in by Mrs Weasley as she was going over her next lexture on muggle born rights. "How may i be of service too you professor."

"Well i have need of a professor. I have not a well enough experianced transfiguration teacher." "I have too much work here to do." Hermione if i may call you that. Do you not realize the influence a former Hogwarts professor has and just how much influence a hogwarts head master can give you."

"I am sorry i just have too much work to do." "Two years and i will put the full power of the headmaster influence behind your motions too the ministry." "Full influence as in Dumbeldore like influence." "Well i am hardly Albus Dumbledore but yes Mrs Weasley."

"I suppose i can fill in for two years and still do my job at the ministry." "You'll be needing this then." The head master puts down the time turner on her desk." "I assumed this was destroyed." "No i happen to have another one and figured why let it get dusty."

Hermione was as puzzled by this as trying too understand how Ron eats so much. Back at the headmasters office Professor Greenway takes out a chest and inside it pulls out a leather bound book. There was an envalope on top of it and he opened it. Inside were two letters. one was too him slef the other too Harry Potter.

"Morgan if this letter reaches you it means my cover is blown or Voldemort killed me out of a need to gain more power. I heard you now call your self Logan after Lilys favorite pet cats name. I need for you too give this book too Harry persuming he is alive. But not until this is delevered too you from Gringotts.

Harry needs too read my journal for he must know his mother and a secret i discovered about Voldemort. Even though he may be dead by now i feel Potter chould be warned for likely he is so full of himself by now he thinks it is over. Just like a dimwitted potter too assume things were over.
My hope is that Hogwarts can handle what is too come if it is not ready for the storm.

I must go for i am being called too the shreaking shack by Voldemort for some likely test or maybe even decided too kill me. But i can die with the satisfaction that i bested one of the great wizard mind for this long.

The headmaster leans back in his chair and breaths in. "Professor Greenway sir you wanted too see me." "Ah Hagrid good you got my message." "How would you like too see Harry again." "The big more grey gentle half giant got all misty eyed." "Harry sir too see Harry!" "There there Hagrid your getting tears stains on the newly waxed floor."

"Why are we going to see Harry." "I have two possitions left too fill." "Two possitions sir does that mean have a new Magical Creatures professor." "No Hagrid unless you don't want your old job back. Thats partly why your here as well." Hagrid put his large arms around him. "Hagrid don't break the headmasters spine."

"Sorry sir." "Its fine Hagrid go get my coach ready for we got too the Potters home." Hagrid goes and Professor Logan comes with his dragon skin bag and sits in the front seat. Of a Coach pulled by 6 flaying white horses.
Hagrid is crying again."Sorry sir they remind me of my french lady." "Hagrid i want the old game keeper not a big crying Giant. Cry once more and i'll change my mind."

"Its just come on lately sir and i don't know why." "Well i apologize a head master should have patience i am new at this kind of thing. Being a dark arts teacher is one thing but running a whole school is another." They soon arrive at the Potters.

James and Albus kinda are nervous as they see there old Defense against the Dark Arts professor visiting during christmas break. The Professor looked at Lily potter for just a moment. Greeting them was Ginny Potter. "Harry and Ron will be back soon for Ron needed help settling down Hermione after some big break through."

"No harm done i am sure Hagrid will enjoy seeing the children Mrs Potter." "Would you like some tea professor." "Yes please if its no trouble." Logan Greenway sits down and touches his gloved hand. "Are you ok Professor." "An old wound hurts at times during the winter." "I was wondering professor if could use a potions master at Hogwarts."

"Well Draco has filled that possition nicely." "Awe just wondered for i miss Hogwarts." "How about flying teacher for quiddich referee would also be that job and seem have the patience one would need." "I would like that but not Sure how Harry will feel." Logan takes out and old watch and looks at the time.
Well i am hoping to enlist another Potter so need say nothing at the time." "I would like too speak to you about Albus for he seems a bit distant from the students." "That is our fault for ever since Voldemorts end Harry has been unable too relax for seems like he waiting for another dark wizard too fight."

"Wouldn't be too hard on Harry Mrs Potter for one never knows when it comes too magic. Besides didn't Harrys father die at this age.
"It doesn't help its nearing the anniversary of Voldemorts defeat." "No one need call it an anniversary when Harry saved many peoples lives. No need too mope over the past. Unless needs revisting for magical knowledge."

There was a crash out side. "I swear Ron when will you ever learn too land a flying car properly." Harry and Ron then come in. "We have a guest Harry." "I have heard he has been inlisting help for Hogwarts starting next year."

"Is there a problem you have with that." "Not when your after my help alone. I hear talk of how make promises and then change mind later." "Expelliomis!" Harry goes flying out the doorway and lands hard. "Why did ya do that?" "It will be fine for me and Mr Potter need too negotiate terms is all."

Harry sits up and Logan stands above him. "I am sorry what was it you said before am little hard of hearing." "You heard me i basically called you a liar." "Now Mr Potter do you really wanna start a fight you can't win." "I defeated Voldemort and he world knows my story but no one knows yours." "Ah yes you got lucky back then but what have you done lately but gotten a little fatter and a bit lazy really"

"Rectersempra!" The spell hits Logan and he goes into the air and he stops himself and lowered himself down. "Rootomaxima!" Roots from the ground grab Harry and lift him up. The root like hands tighten harder Harry felt his spine begin too crack. "Now Mr Potter can we be civil for this spell has no escape unless i release you."

"Thats where your wrong for Snape taught us a counter spell when he was DADAT my 6th year." "Iceumexpando!" Ice forms all over the tree roots freezing them. "Yes it does stop it but now your stuck there. Surely a grand professor like Snape would have told you reduction spell on your self would be better."
"I need no lessons from a washed up has been like yourself for i defeated the dark lord." "Ah yes that was a magnificent achievement too be sure but um how did ya do it again and speak a little louder for cannot her real well out of this ear."

"I simply used Avar Kadava spell and killed him after taking out the Horacruxs." "One problem with your theory Harry hated the death Curse like his mother did. Dumbledore himself it was a cowardly way too finish a wizard." "Snape used it on Dumbledore so he must have been a big coward."

"What is wrong with you Harry you yourself told me it was to ease Dumbledore's suffering and so Draco would have a dark mark like killing on his soul." "Well a person can change his mind Ron." "Your saying the death Curse wrong anyways Harry if thats your real name."

"Stuptify" Ginny uses the spell on Harry and looks down at him. "Who are you this is not my Harry?" "Indeed not Ms Potter for Avada Kedavra Harry would know since only person too survive it." "Professor Greenway pulled out a bottle of Veritaserum but Ginny used the Cruciatus Curse on who she assumed was the fake Harry."

"Hagrid if you please that won't help much."
Hagrid pulls Ginny Back with one hand. "The professor pours in 3 drops of Veritaserum and he then sits down when a stump shoots out of the ground in time "Are you Harry Potter." "No i am not that lucky fool." "Who are you then?" "I am a servent who gladly serves the true Dark Lord." "What would be his name?" Albus Riddle ofcourse." "Hagrid return too Hogwarts and disbatch an owl too the Minister of Magic too meet me at Hogwarts at once."

"What about Harry?" I'll find Harry you just do as i ask and awe Have Draco write the message." "What does this mean. It is apparent Voldemort had a son and he likely wants too kill Harry if no already done so." "Where is Harry Potter." "He is hidden where the Dark Lord keeps his treasures and will be no more by tomarrows sunrise." "That means he was only told where he is." "What do we do with him?" "Awe you prepare your things and you Ron get Hermione for we have little time to waste."

Ron and Ginny leave Professor Greenway with the imposter Harry whos Poly Juice potion hadn;t warn off. "Understand something i am not Albus Dumbledore or Severus Snape. My sister was taken from me by your masters father so i cannot allow his evil to return. Avada Kedavra." A green stream comes out of his wand and kills the fake Harry Potter.
Albus Potter picked up the bag the new head master had left behind. It was sort of an ironic irony that he be the one too find what was ment for his father too read. He never wanted too be called by his middle name for he was in Gryffindore and never understood why his father named him after a Slytherine head master.

"Awe thank you for recovering my case Mr Potter i almost forgotten it. But then again i am comfortable with it your possession for now. You and you sibblings cannot stay here so your going to Hogwarts when Hagrid returns." "Your trusting our protection with grandpa Hagrid." "He's getting kinda old."

"Ah i would trust Hagrid with my life so your perfectly safe as well." "That's what they say Albus Dumbledore use too say." "Well Lily you'll find it too be very true and sometimes even the most evil looking person can be as decent as you or your brothers." "You did not include yourself." "Well James there are several reasons why i would never admit too being good soul totally.

"The owl has been Sent Headmaster." Hagrid was huffing and puffing. "You didn't walk the whole way did you Hagrid." "Yes headmaster seemed important so went on foot." "Really wasn't nessasary for i took liberties in having your bike repaired and updated. Greenway whistles and Sirius bike comes too them. Greenway notices him getting teary eyed and he speaks. "Will take it back if you cry again now take the kids to my office at Howarts."

"Yes headmaster but awe what the heck. Hagrid gives him a tight hug,"Good man just like Professor Dumbledore." Hardly Hagrid now stop your cracking my ribs." "Yes headmaster come along you kids we got flying to do.
Greenway watches them fly away and then a wind blows and he hears a voice. "You cannot stop me old man for you knew this day would come and i;ll see my fathers legacy a new."

"Is Harry Potter dead ." "No i have a much more painful death in mind for him and as soon as the cave fills up heal be eaten alive by bone fish." "Its a good thing for you he is still alive for you only will die quickly for just taking harry and bothering this family."

"You cannot stop me for i beyond your power." "Crucio." "You see the one problem you misunderstand is i am not Albus Dumbledore and why your named Albus is beyond me for its a name of greatness." Albus Riddle was rolling in pain. "Expelliomis!" Greenway blocks the disarming spell. "Boy i perfected that spell so its alot easier to block it."

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