The Spider-man Fan Petition


Sep 23, 2004
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Ok everyone there have been lots of rumors floating around. To be fair it's way to early to be upset as these are just rumors. However I think that JUST IN CASE we the fans can finally send a unanimous message to the producers of this movie. AS A HUGE Spider-man movie fan I would HATE for some of the rumors I've heard to be true.
Namely the changing of the Venom costume to a negative version of the Spider-man costume
and the non goblin like outfit for Harry.

my problem with these changes is that I see absolutely NO REASON for these changes to be made.

So I ask you all to join me in sending a message to Raimi and the producers.

First of all thank you for two great movies, BUT if those rumors are true I will not go see Spider-man three on opening weekend.
"I will not go see Spider-man three on opening weekend"

He will see it on the monday
black_dust said:
"I will not go see Spider-man three on opening weekend"

He will see it on the monday

yeah that's right, I'm not asking people not to see the movie ever,..heck even I may not be able to do that. Just opening weekend. That is a sufficient punishement for making STUPID mistakes I think.
That is silly.

I'm not such a die hard fan of the comics that if they make some changes to the storyline and characters it will prevent me from enjoying a movie about SPIDER-MAN.

Spiderman rocks no matter how he is portrayed. At least, i think so because i enjoy the character.
Orlando Spider said:
That is silly.

Spiderman rocks no matter how he is portrayed. At least, i think so because i enjoy the character.

Damn right brother! But, silly isn't the word though. It's downright asinine.

I'm starting a petition to stop idiots from starting stupid petitions. This has got to be the dumbest one yet.
I'll probably go see it 5 or 6 times before the first weekend is out, just to spite this thread.

And I must warn you, this was done for the first movie and the second...meanwhile lol...1.5 billion dollars later...:D
Visionary said:
I'll probably go see it 5 or 6 times before the first weekend is out, just to spite this thread.

And I must warn you, this was done for the first movie and the second...meanwhile lol...1.5 billion dollars later...:D


How about everybody wait until you actually see the changes before you make a decision like that?? Besides, that's like saying "I'm never gonna fall asleep 'cause Freddy Krueger's gonna get me" Well, as anyone who knows their horror movies can tell you, you WILL fall asleep and Freddy WILL get you.
it's kind of biased

where's the

"It's probably true but I am a consumer ****e who will see the movie anyway"

honestly I think I qualify lol
I love spidey that much
well I would have to see a picture of Venom vefore I could say whether I like it or not.
and that's the only costume change I'm worried about.
This poll will not make them change the Venom suit.
HoratioRome said:
Ok everyone there have been lots of rumors floating around. To be fair it's way to early to be upset as these are just rumors. However I think that JUST IN CASE we the fans can finally send a unanimous message to the producers of this movie. AS A HUGE Spider-man movie fan I would HATE for some of the rumors I've heard to be true.
Namely the changing of the Venom costume to a negative version of the Spider-man costume
and the non goblin like outfit for Harry.

my problem with these changes is that I see absolutely NO REASON for these changes to be made.

So I ask you all to join me in sending a message to Raimi and the producers.

First of all thank you for two great movies, BUT if those rumors are true I will not go see Spider-man three on opening weekend.

Oh grow up.
Anyone remember how Spidey looked in SM1 when he fought Bonesaw at the wrestling match? He wore sweats and a ski mask! Someone probably saw that and told their friends, "Spider-man's costume is just sweats!!" and then there was backlash. Perhaps Harry's costume is only for part of the movie, while he is finding out "who he is" so to speak?
13 to 2 so far...not looking so good for that petition...i for one will see it several times opening weekend...i will also place three periods between each thought
Chief275 said:
Anyone remember how Spidey looked in SM1 when he fought Bonesaw at the wrestling match? He wore sweats and a ski mask! Someone probably saw that and told their friends, "Spider-man's costume is just sweats!!" and then there was backlash. Perhaps Harry's costume is only for part of the movie, while he is finding out "who he is" so to speak?

or perhaps if that venom rumour were true, Venom looks different when he first becomes venom. even though I doubt that and the rumour. I suspect we are getting the original Venom but without tendrils.
HoratioRome said:
Ok everyone there have been lots of rumors floating around. To be fair it's way to early to be upset as these are just rumors. However I think that JUST IN CASE we the fans can finally send a unanimous message to the producers of this movie.
The producers don't care what you think...and neither do I.

AS A HUGE Spider-man movie fan I would HATE for some of the rumors I've heard to be true.
Namely the changing of the Venom costume to a negative version of the Spider-man costume
and the non goblin like outfit for Harry.
It's a movie...keep reading the comics if you don't like it.

my problem with these changes is that I see absolutely NO REASON for these changes to be made.
I see no reason for this thread but that didn't stop you did it?

So I ask you all to join me in sending a message to Raimi and the producers.

First of all thank you for two great movies, BUT if those rumors are true I will not go see Spider-man three on opening weekend.
Great, more room in the theater, I'll be able to put my feet up.
If I see a crap symbiote costume, Spidey sized Venom, Snowsuit Goblin and a bas Grace impersonation of Brock, then I won't ****ing see it.

Afterwards. It will be crap and I'll say "I told you so."

Hopefully it won't come down to that and these rumors will be just that: rumors.
ignore this fool, I'll go see this movie opening weekend no matter what
DA**n guys, I was just trying to help. I thought everyone dislike the venom and GG costume change idea.
No wonder Hollywood feels like they can just about do anything to these characters.
Oh well. I tried.
HoratioRome said:
DA**n guys, I was just trying to help. I thought everyone dislike the venom and GG costume change idea.
No wonder Hollywood feels like they can just about do anything to these characters.
Oh well. I tried.
everyone is always going to have their own opinions.

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