Around $400-450 million WW. I believe it will drop domestically and increase international.
I think it could perform less in the US than X-Men Origins but still do better in the expanding foreign market.
It should do gangbusters in the Asian territories.
Why would you want it to gross less if you're not hoping for Marvel to get the rights back?
I think he didn't want this movie to be so successful because there's a possibility that FOX will greenlight another Wolverine movie. FOX greenlighted the 2nd Wolverine movie when Origins got $80 million during its opening weekend. So what would happen if The Wolverine earned more than $500 million, FOX would definitely greenlight another Wolverine movie.
14. The Wolverine (July 26): The most popular character from the X-Men franchise makes his second solo appearance this Summer; the first outing, X-Men Origin: Wolverine earned a very good $179.9 million in 2009 but was for the most part met with tepid reactions. In an effort to win back some people, The Wolverine takes him to Japan in the big-screen adaptation of one of the character's most-popular comic book arcs. While that's going to go a long way with intense fanboys, general audiences aren't likely to care much, and lower domestic grosses seem inevitable. (Domestic: $125 million, Foreign: $250 million)