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Apocalypse Things you didn't like in X-Men: Apocalypse (Spoilers)

- Apocalypse was aesthetically striking and I liked how his origins were steeped in mythology but besides all of that surface texture, there's not much there.

- I'm definitely feeling some Jennifer Lawrence fatigue. I really liked the Psylocke/Apocalypse twist, but I could live without the rest of her performance.

- The Wolverine cameo was unnecessary. It was cooler in theory than in execution.

- I hate to be a party pooper, but the first Quicksilver scene wore out it's welcome pretty quickly. I thought the second bullet-time sequence where he was punching Apocalypse was much more effective, but I'm not sure it will be as talked about. Neither can hold a candle to the Pentagon sequence from DOFP, though. I actually thought a lot of the humor in this film fell flat compared to the previous X-men movies.

- Moira as the catalyst for waking up Apocalypse left me scratching my head. He has a cult of worshippers but none of them knew how to resurrect him, it just accidentally happened? I'm not going to count this against the movie, but it raised my eyebrow.

- I'm not a CG snob but there were some very poor effects.

- Giving Magneto a family was a really bad move. I'd argue one of the biggest flaws in the movie. We all knew right from the start that they were going to die, but as it turns out, dying was really their only purpose.
Listen. Don't talk to me about race because I am not a white male. Ok I know what racism is so don't talk to me about eduction. You're taking a fictional comic book adaptation and turning it into something that is isn't. The characters are white. Look to the source if you have an issue with it not the movie. What do you want them to do cast all actors of colour in these roles. I don't know about you but there's Oscar Isaac, Alexandra Shipp, Landa Condor, Olivia Munn who are all mixed race. Oh look 3 of them are women. So Jean and Mystique are played by white actresses and they get to speak but they cast a half black half white woman and half Asian half while woman but they dont get to say as much so the creators are racist because they didn't give them much dialogue? Is that what you're getting at? Or because Psylocke is wearing an outfit that's comic accurate means she's sexualized. An outfit that the actress told the director to do. So what is she in the wrong because she's allowing herself to be sexualized?

The all movie point toward men (Charles Xavier) letting go of his control over woman, over Jean and letting her be her trueself and to Moira by giving her back her memory.

@Flint Marko: Apocalypse is a great antagonist and catalyst of the goal of the movie and it's message.

Wolverine follow the theme of the movie of unleashed power, and show the empathic abilities of Jean (and make a link with Charles giving her vack memory later). It link Scott and Logan through Jean, as they both are being calmed by her presence.

Moira waking up Apocalypse is important because she is a woman and had memory stole from Charles. When Charles let go of the control over Jean she turned into a solar figure (as Moira put the sun on Apocalypse), right after Charles gives back her memory to Moira. Prophecy is fullfilled, the beginning carried the end.

Giving Erik a family was a clever move. Like Mystique and Charles he hide something, Mystique hide her mutant form and Charles hide Moira memory.

And giving her child connected nature power was really important, and the fact he called her his "home", the movie is about family. Apocalypse want to go back before civilization, to the ruke of e fittest, so the rules of natures, Home.
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Minor niggles:

1) Wolverine's helmet was very easy to take off considering he'd been running and leaping with it on. I'd have assumed it was more securely screwed in place...

2) Apocalypse learning from the TV should have been changed. Films are about 'show not tell' and it should have been done differently. Storm asking 'What are you...? (trailing off before end of question) and then just show Apocalypse tapping into the TV without uttering the line 'learning' (which made several people giggle at the media screening).

Major niggles:

1) Too much was freakin' CUT OUT of the film. They did themselves no favours as it has left Storm, Jubilee, Psylocke and Angel feeling like non-entities with no real personality or motivation. This film needs an EXTENDED EDITION. Fans lap up extra material and I really think this film would benefit from a special edition. I had no qualms in buying the Rogue Cut as well as the regular edition.

I'll be getting any special editions of this year's other superhero movies - hell, i'm even considering getting both Amazon collectables of BvS, one with a Batman figure, one with a Superman figure - that's total of £180 on a Blu-ray purchase rather than the normal £20. When doesn't that make sense to a studio accounts department?
I disliked it when Apocalypse put that guy in the wall. It looked stupid.

I didn't like how overindulgent the movie felt at times.
I don't think the quicksilver sequenze worked as well In DOFP.

I think many even who like or love apocalypse didn't like excuses of mystique in human form and beast In human form for first half of film.

I myself wouldn't have had mystique as storm's hero.If they did shot scenes
of xavier trying to reach Storm after he was taken by apocalypse I would
have keep it in.
The cinematography. Why have the camera faced directly onto Apocalypses face zoomed in. His make up isnt the greatest and you choose the worst angle time and time again?
From my understanding, Stryker and his team came because of the big disturbance caused by apocalypse. Remember, charles was mentally connected to everyone at that moment. Stryker took the adults at the mansion. Also the mansion was completely destroyed. That includes any uniforms and jet. Which is why they had to steal them.


How were they going to use the Blackbird and get the costumes from the X-Mansion when the entire thing blew up?
The destruction of the X-Mansion (and Havok's death ) is an event added to the script that serves no purpose, unless in the context of that Stryker intermission. Take that away and the movie stays the same.

And how did Stryker trace the psiquic event to Xavier's?
The destruction of the X-Mansion (and Havok's death ) is an event added to the script that serves no purpose, unless in the context of that Stryker intermission. Take that away and the movie stays the same.

And how did Stryker trace the psiquic event to Xavier's?

The theme of the all movie is family and home, how does the destruction of the mansion does not serve purpose ?
ApophènX;33731863 said:
The theme of the all movie is family and home, how does the destruction of the mansion does not serve purpose ?

You mean Erik's family :woot: .. Scott's parents were in it for 5 seconds, would have been nice to see Scott return home for a visit saying he's okay at the school or something, after the climax. No Mystique/Nightcrawler relationship, but I'm glad we got a subplot with them together. We almost had a Erik/Peter revelation, they had minimal interaction, he asked a question and he answered, so dull. No mention of Storm being an orphan and her isolation from it, and wanting a "father" figure/mentor (Apocalypse) for guidance.. aside from Erik's arc, there was no emotional depth at all.

Plus Storm needed interaction with the X-Men, her supposed new "family".. why did she join at the end? Because Mystique? "I'll stick around too" is not convincing :csad::huh: Derp..
Family in general, and more generally even.

Both Erik and Charles found a family and are close to nature. For Erik this is amplify by his daughter and her connection to nature. For Charles the family tree, wich will be destroyed by Scott, and Charles takes it really nice. Erik and Charles are nemesis, one can let go where the other is slave by his anger.

So we have people loosing there home, and a home close to nature. Apocalypse want to destroy all foprm of civilization, therefore going back to nature, "home", he called the cair of egypt "the bottom of the arth" (or center), so beggining.

The film ends with the reconstruction of the home by Erik and Jean, man and woman, young and old. And the creation of the X-men, to protect it.
That the keep Wolverine in the broom closet
Archangel's death and entire characterization
How Apocalypse dies and goes from body to body
Way to many of the same beats from the other movies hit in this one
The Quicksilver scene while cool was almost the exact same this as Dofp
Mystique as the greatest of all mutants give me a break and I wish someone would have pinched Lawernce on set to wake her up from her sleepwalking through the movie.
The script is awful Kinberg really needs to be taken off this franchise the man imo has never written a good or interesting script really shows you how much work Vaughn did on the Dofp script
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- that mutants looked up to Mystique and that Jlaw phoned in her performance
- that Storm was weak, one moment riding lightening and throwing cars with the wind and the next scared of getting crushed by the same car!
- that Angel was underused and may have died in a plane crash (he flies!)
- that Psylocke wasn't really introduced, her fight scene was trimmed, we don't see the famous psi-knife and that she walks away scouring from the team
- that Jean's transition to phoenix happened in 10 minutes and we don't get a full shot of the firebird
- the entire Wolverine cameo was laughable
- some of the writing was cheesy
- some of the effects were poor
- etc.

it's better than X-Men: The Last Stand, but not by much.
People may say this is nitpicky but why the hell do they refuse to at least try to age up these actors a little bit. Havok, Mystique and Beast should be in their 40's or close to it by now, not to even mention Charles, Eric and Moira but they look the exact same after 20 yrs supposedly.

There was no reason for this movie to be set in the eighties. It added nothing to the story.

Storm and Psylocke were positively wasted. Why was Angel even in this movie? or Jubilee ..seriously? Dont get fans excited by advertising favorites and then doing damn near nothing with them.

And the powers are inconsistent as hell. Quicksilver, as cool as his scene was is waaay OP
So Apocalypse can turn buildings to dust but he couldn't use it against the X-Men? I don't understand his powers.
So Apocalypse can turn buildings to dust but he couldn't use it against the X-Men? I don't understand his powers.

Poor writing, that's all. He could have just decapitated everyone like in the alley. There was no mention of his powers weakening, or fading. There was no urgency to him transferring his mind. It's like Kinberg wanted him "strong", in theory, but he did not even show it in the finale. lmao. :drl: derp
Apocalypse launches all of the USSR's and United States nukes into space. What the consequences of getting rid of the nukes without any kind of peace talks between Russia and America are never brought up in the movie. Without the deterrence of nukes then wouldn't Russia and America go to war with each other?
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^well, that's the biggest plothole of this movie, it seems government just forget he is a fugitive
The government let him be free at the end of Last Stand. Even though he didn't do any thing to redeem himself.
So Apocalypse can turn buildings to dust but he couldn't use it against the X-Men? I don't understand his powers.

They did miss the perfect opportunity to explain some of the powers shown, mainly the teleportation and manipulation of inorganic matter.

As much as I enjoyed it, the final battle did show the danger bit X-men battles can have, especially when it is many vs 1. It reminds of the issues the 90's Godzilla movies had. It was called beam spam, where the majority of the action is just shooting brightly colored light.
Honestly, my biggest and really my only complaint was Apocalypse. He did nothing for me.
My BIGGEST complaint about the film is RAVEN. I'm so over JLaw. She is Raven and has never been Mystique and in this film it's on a whole new level. She is Raven 10% of the film and JLaw the other 90%
6. Mystique's role is compromised no thanks to Jennifer Lawrence. Everybody knows now that Jennifer doesn't like the body paint and thats it hard for her concentrate on "acting" when she keeps smelling the paint under her nose. So we got a Mystique who hides her true identity even if everybody around her already knows she's Mystique the hero. And she ruined the last scene in Danger Room, telling the X-Men what to do, when Professor X should have been the one giving those to the X-Men and Professor X was just there looking outside of the Danger Room. It ruined a scene that could have been really cool.

I fully agree with this. And to me the ending was neat but...this would have been better.
1. Final battle just dragged and felt for the most part not entertaining. It also had terrible CGi
2. The Four horseman felt useless except Magneto
3. Weapon x felt placed in their for the sake of getting a wolverine cameo
4. Waste for Jubilee to be in the film as she pretty much does nothing.
5. Jenifer Lawrence as mystique acting was not as bad as the trailers presented but still not good
6. Apocalypse felt good at times and bad during others

But for me I still enjoyed and liked the film because the positives imo outweighed the negatives
I also didn't like the fact that Apocalypse got released because of an "accidental" incident by Moira. She left the door open and the sunlight came in and voila, instant villain. :huh:
Mystique. I was told she was JLaw 95% of the time, was surprised that it was actually true. Was even funnier when they had a few lines trying to explain why she wasn't in her natural form lol.

Storm, Angel, Psylock, Magneto all joining Apocalypse. He didn't brainwash any of them. Storm sees him kill 4 people and decides to join him?

Angel wasn't even Archangel. He died and was once again not used properly.

The horseman at the beginning of the film were a million times better. I know the Gambit film is in limbo but it would've been perfect if they introduced him here as a Horseman.

Magneto and Storm are responsible for all that destruction but it's ok because they helped defeat him despite joining him of their own free will.

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