Thor or Hercules?


Mar 13, 2006
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I've been wondering about this match. Both of these are from Greek-Gods. Well, Hercules could of been but decided to be mortal. These characters are incredibly powerful. But I know they are some-what in the same level class of fighting due to reading comics they fight Hulk. They both lost to Hulk, but did not do bad at all.

Personally, I think Thor would take this one. He has defeated that some heroes consider very hard easily. He can also fly which gives him an advantage. And last but not least he has an incredibly powerful hammer, strong enough to injure Godzilla (really, he did injure Godzilla).
er...thor isn't from olympus. Thor if i'm correct is from Asgard.

as for the match, i'm sure it must have been done before. If i remember correctly hercules is actually stronger than thor but with his hammer thor has a greater advantage in actual combat and takes the victory.
Its been done alot. Now I would like to see beta ray bill fight Herc.
Thor's from Asgard not Olympus. Herc is stronger, but Thor is more powerful, which is why he wins in an all out fight. If we're talking hand to hand, no powers whatsoever, then Herc takes it.
i'm voting fo neither. Ares can own both of them, and just plain more badass.
Well, Ares would fight dirty, but I doubt he could take either in a fair fight.
I'm inclined to side with Thor if he's allowed to use his powers. And to repeat, Thor is a Norse god, not a Greek god.
If Thor absolutely had to win, he would win. If they're just fighting for fun (and they do that a lot), then it's a tie.
Anubis said:
Thor's from Asgard not Olympus. Herc is stronger, but Thor is more powerful, which is why he wins in an all out fight. If we're talking hand to hand, no powers whatsoever, then Herc takes it.
i'd say so
Hand to Hand: Hercules is a better fighter

All out battle: Thor. He's got the flight, the speed, and the weathercontrol and blasts.
As stated Hercules is better at hand to hand combat but the god of thunder is more powerful and would defeat him.
MajinShenron said:
I've been wondering about this match. Both of these are from Greek-Gods. Well, Hercules could of been but decided to be mortal. These characters are incredibly powerful. But I know they are some-what in the same level class of fighting due to reading comics they fight Hulk. They both lost to Hulk, but did not do bad at all.

Personally, I think Thor would take this one. He has defeated that some heroes consider very hard easily. He can also fly which gives him an advantage. And last but not least he has an incredibly powerful hammer, strong enough to injure Godzilla (really, he did injure Godzilla).

Your knowledge is a lil bent

Herc is a superstrong demi-God of nothing.

Thor has an office as a God,... that of Thunder.

they are in the same strength class but thor wins hands down.
I haven't seen those since they were relatively new. They had several, Captain America, Iron Man, and Namor are the ones I recall at the moment. Ares wouldn't stand a chance against Thor. Zeus himself once said that Thor was as powerful as all the other gods of Olympus combined after he fought Zeus to a standstill during the Trojan War.
1)Thor didn't fight anyone to a standstill, Zeus was trying to make him give up and was hardly expending any effort. Using ONE hand Zeus over powered Thor in a test of strength as easily as I change my socks. Thor was on the floor and beaten.

2) Zeus didn't say that at all. What he did say is

"Verily not all the titans together ever resisted me so strongly, in the days when the cosmos was young, nor all the gods of olympus when they would have toppled me headlong from my throne"

That is the equivalent of Superman saying " He's the toughest foe I've ever faced" which he seems to say every five minutes. Ie it means NOTHING

You really think Thor is more powerful than all the TITANS combined or the entire greek pantheon? LOL
SpeedballLives said:
i'm voting fo neither. Ares can own both of them, and just plain more badass.

They'd both pwn Ares.

Your knowledge is a lil bent

Herc is a superstrong demi-God of nothing.

Thor has an office as a God,... that of Thunder.

Not really, due to the fact I own both the comic where Hulk beats Hercules and when Thor uses the hammer on Godzilla.

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