TMOS Review & Speculation Thread (Spoilers) - Part 2

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How did the suit look on screen? I know if several of the leaked images, sometimes the suit looked reflective, almost metallic like with the red and yellow shield very bright and other shots there seemed to be very little to no yellow in the shield and very dull.

Hm, I wonder since MOS starts off similarly to TDKT, is the end credit scroll in the same font too?

And I pray there's no post-credit scene or teaser on the final release. I'm getting sick of them, frankly.
Reposting from another thread. I'll leave the spoiler tags just in case.

From the Blu-Ray forum- Let me just say it was awesome and will be hard to top for future superhero movies. The score was terrific, pacing was great and Kevin Costner needs to be in more movies. Shannon was real good as Zod. Didn't really like Adams as Lois and she just felt wasted in this movie. Loved the little easter eggs in this also. The final battle between Zod and Clark was very epic and emotional. Best film of the year by far IMO. 5/5!!!!

This isn't addressed to you TheFlamingCoco, since you're just sharing another's review, but as a general question I'm still baffled about the reactions to Adams' Lois. I'm a huge Lois Lane fan who understands she's a supporting character who would thus be unlikely to be a co-lead or have a massive role in the movie. So even I'm going into the movie not expecting her to equal Superman or Zod in terms of screen time and involvement regardless of how iconic the character is and how talented/acclaimed an actress Amy Adams is. However, based on what I've seen or read about Lois in the movie, I find it difficult to imagine she feels that underused or wasted.

Maybe someone who's seen the film can clarify what Lois' role is and how it comes across on screen, but it seems to me she is in the middle of the action, in lots of locations, and even gets to participate in the victory/climax of the movie. This is my recollection of what Lois does:
  • Arrives in the arctic and unknowingly comes into contact with Clark who takes her bags.
  • Asks several people about Clark using photographs.
  • Finds and explores the Fortress of Solitude (really an old Kryptonian scout ship) and meets Clark face to face for the first time.
  • Visits Smallville where she talks to Pete Ross at IHOP and Martha Kent (we see her greet Martha, but not the conversation).
  • At some point Lois is at a bar and one where she's running with her hair down. She is also shown at a gas station in Smallville, according to behind the scenes pics. This may be before she talks to Pete.
  • Goes to Jonathan Kent's grave where she and Clark have a meaningful discussion about who he is and why he's hiding.
  • Returns to Metropolis and Daily Planet office where she tries to backtrack on her story with Perry.
  • At some point Lois is said to have pressured the military via the court system for access to Superman. Superman himself prefers to speak with her.
  • Lois "interrogates" Superman under military observation.
  • Lois stands with Superman in front of the military; they hold hands.
  • Superman and Lois are on Zod's ship. She helps Superman get out of there with help from Jor-El.
  • Superman gets her out of the pod and they land in a cornfield.
  • *At some point Lois has another conversation with Perry and we see her staring out of the window as Zod's ship arrives in Metropolis.
  • Lois reunites with the military (Colonel Hardy and Dr. Hamilton) and they collaborate on a plan to deal with Zod's ship and the Kryptonians. She flies in an army plane with Hardy, is shown clinging to an aircraft with Faora on it, helps to get rid of the ship, and Superman rescues her as she falls from its destruction.
  • Superman and Lois kiss.
  • Clark arrives at the Daily Planet in his glasses disguise where Lois greets him.

Given all of that, how can she come across as wasted? Is there something people expect from Lois that they aren't getting? Lois is very important to me, and I feel I have realistic expectations about her role, but I'd love some insight into how she's used and comes across in this movie so I can be better prepared to watch it. I don't want to be too disappointed.
Reposting from another thread. I'll leave the spoiler tags just in case.

This isn't addressed to you TheFlamingCoco, since you're just sharing another's review, but as a general question I'm still baffled about the reactions to Adams' Lois. I'm a huge Lois Lane fan who understands she's a supporting character who would thus be unlikely to be a co-lead or have a massive role in the movie. So even I'm going into the movie not expecting her to equal Superman or Zod in terms of screen time and involvement regardless of how iconic the character is and how talented/acclaimed an actress Amy Adams is. However, based on what I've seen or read about Lois in the movie, I find it difficult to imagine she feels that underused or wasted.

Maybe someone who's seen the film can clarify what Lois' role is and how it comes across on screen, but it seems to me she is in the middle of the action, in lots of locations, and even gets to participate in the victory/climax of the movie. This is my recollection of what Lois does:
  • Arrives in the arctic and unknowingly comes into contact with Clark who takes her bags.
  • Asks several people about Clark using photographs.
  • Finds and explores the Fortress of Solitude (really an old Kryptonian scout ship) and meets Clark face to face for the first time.
  • Visits Smallville where she talks to Pete Ross at IHOP and Martha Kent (we see her greet Martha, but not the conversation).
  • At some point Lois is at a bar and one where she's running with her hair down. She is also shown at a gas station in Smallville, according to behind the scenes pics. This may be before she talks to Pete.
  • Goes to Jonathan Kent's grave where she and Clark have a meaningful discussion about who he is and why he's hiding.
  • Returns to Metropolis and Daily Planet office where she tries to backtrack on her story with Perry.
  • At some point Lois is said to have pressured the military via the court system for access to Superman. Superman himself prefers to speak with her.
  • Lois "interrogates" Superman under military observation.
  • Lois stands with Superman in front of the military; they hold hands.
  • Superman and Lois are on Zod's ship. She helps Superman get out of there with help from Jor-El.
  • Superman gets her out of the pod and they land in a cornfield.
  • *At some point Lois has another conversation with Perry and we see her staring out of the window as Zod's ship arrives in Metropolis.
  • Lois reunites with the military (Colonel Hardy and Dr. Hamilton) and they collaborate on a plan to deal with Zod's ship and the Kryptonians. She flies in an army plane with Hardy, is shown clinging to an aircraft with Faora on it, helps to get rid of the ship, and Superman rescues her as she falls from its destruction.
  • Superman and Lois kiss.
  • Clark arrives at the Daily Planet in his glasses disguise where Lois greets him.

Given all of that, how can she come across as wasted? Is there something people expect from Lois that they aren't getting? Lois is very important to me, and I feel I have realistic expectations about her role, but I'd love some insight into how she's used and comes across in this movie so I can be better prepared to watch it. I don't want to be too disappointed.

This is exactly what I've been thinking. Lois is a supporting character. I haven't seen the movie, but what I've heard makes it sound like she's an integral part of the plot and the character arc of Superman.

I just don't get this criticism. I guess I have to wait and see the movie.
Amelia, 4 forums members watched the movie and they posted these

So I saw this yesterday, now I'm not sure if I put my review here or not but oh well. First off let me say that this is going to be a very brief and completely spoiler free review, I feel this movie is best seen not knowing as much there is just so many cool things that are happening during it that even just hearing a description ruins it a bit. Secondly, I'd like to say I hate Superman. Can't stand him, wasn't really a huge fan of the first Superman movie even though Reeve was ridiculously charismatic and entertaining to watch. Didn't like 2-4 nor Returns. They were all bad to me though I know people love 2.

The TDK trilogy are my favorite comic book movies easily, I find that no movie even comes close to touching those 3. Well I think we finally have a movie that comes close maybe even tops them. I walked out of this movie and the first thing out of my mouth was "wow" This movie blew my mind.

First off I need to talk about the story because it is star of this movie. Its very slow and deliberate, it takes its sweet time introducing to characters, themes, situations and it does it brilliantly. But once the action starts to ramp, man oh man woo it takes you for a wild ride. I guess what I'm saying is that the pace is perfect, you never feel bored. You're always really interested in these characters because they are all so fleshed out and you understand where they all are coming from even Zod. The acting in this movie is just phenomenal.

Holy crap Henry Cavill just delivers like Bale (who I think is the best Batman hands down) did for me in Batman Begin. He is just perfect, he brings the emotion when he needs to, he's crazy charismatic even more so than Reeve was. He is who people will think of when they think of Superman now. I thought for sure he'd be out shined by Shannon as Zod but thankfully he was not. That's not a knock on Shannon, no no just a huge compliment to Cavill. Shannon is terrifying as Zod, absolutely terrifying. The man is completely crazy but yet you perfectly understand where he is coming from. His motives make complete sense and while he's the villain, he doesn't really have evil motives.

The side characters are all very strong especially Lois Lane, Jor El, and the Kents. I dare anyone not to tear up a few times when we are with the Kents, holy every scene with them is just so emotional and Costner/Lane bring their A game. Russell Crowe just nails it as Jor El, he's a man who wants to do whats best and he is also very caring and wise. You believe this man has seen things and imbues all the wisdom he has to deliever to Superman but also that he could kick some ass when he needs to. I can't describe how much I hated Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane, wow she was bad. Thankfully Amy Adams does a 180 with the role and she is phenomenal, very strong powerful woman. I love that she is more of a hands on type reporter this time and the directions they take her character are really awesome.

Now the action/visuals. I don't know how to describe the action except to say its just jawdropping. You thought The Avengers was "epic" in scale (which I actually thought it really wasn't) hahaha no no that doesn't even begin to touch Man of Steel. Every action scene is huge and brutal, you can feel every punch ( yes there are punches in this movie), you can see every action scene perfectly but yet the camera makes you feel like you're there. Just amazing, I don't know how to describe it more vividly without spoiling stuff. This is definitely the first Superman movie where I believed Superman was actually flying, the flying is done perfectly. This movie already has the Oscar for visual effects, hands down. There will easily be no competition. Just the fact that the armor is all cg, wins it for them.

Few last little things, I realize this got a bit longer than brief but I can't stop thinking about this movie. The score is phenomenal, Superman's theme is so inspirational. I don't really have any complaints about the movie, it is the movie of the year so far and its going to be very very very hard to top.

Overall, this is going to be the event movie of the year, people are going to go see this again and again. Its going to be the event movie that TDK was which I feel was the last event movie we had, I realize Avengers made a kajillion dollars but it didn't feel like an event like TDK was. I'll probably see it 3 or 4 more times. Finally, we have a Superman movie worth seeing. It was amazing. 9/10

Hello everyone! I've just arrived home from attending a screening in Houston, and since I have no desire to spoil the whole movie, I'll leave some thoughts here before going to sleep:

4. Contrary to some other reviews/reactions I've seen, I did not feel as though Lois was the traditional damsel in distress. Sure, Clark saves her, but she also does a lot on her own and has a significant impact on the outcome. Amy Adams is a joy to watch.

For proof that I went:

Can't find the review from DaJanksta. But the 4th one from WilliamMcGuire and him were positive too. Can't find it either, maybe you can ask him by PM.

Drew From Hitflix wrote this in his companion article to Amy's interview here
One thing that I didn't expect when I sat down to see "Man Of Steel" was that they would finally give me a Lois Lane who addresses all of my issues, making her into a character I can finally respect. Her Lois is smart and capable and unafraid to get herself mixed up in trouble in pursuit of a story.

While I don't think we spell everything out, our conversation at the press day this past Sunday did focus on the ways that Lois has been re-imagined, and we cover some of the choices that were made. I have to think that part of the way she's been written this time around was due to the influence of Deborah Snyder and Emma Thomas, the wives and creative partners of Zack Snyder and Christopher Nolan. Both couples strike me as great examples of how two partners can both augment and enhance each other's strengths, and it feels to me like Zack wouldn't be the filmmaker he is today without Deborah by his side, while the same is true of Nolan and Thomas. These are men who benefit from having strong and capable women as part of their lives, and that is clearly reflected in this new Lois Lane.
I think that, like Clark's role, people are having a hard time adjusting to the new role of Lois. And the fact that the triangle from 2 has been totally thrown away.
Maybe some were expecting a romantic movie. With Lois working side by side a nerdy Clark Kent.
Hm, I wonder since MOS starts off similarly to TDKT, is the end credit scroll in the same font too?

And I pray there's no post-credit scene or teaser on the final release. I'm getting sick of them, frankly.

It's the same font but with a steel color to it.
Amelia, 4 forums members watched the movie and they posted these

Can't find the review from DaJanksta. But the 4th one from WilliamMcGuire and him were positive too. Can't find it either, maybe you can ask him by PM.

Drew From Hitflix wrote this in his companion article to Amy's interview here
I think that, like Clark's role, people are having a hard time adjusting to the new role of Lois. And the fact that the triangle from 2 has been totally thrown away.
Maybe some were expecting a romantic movie. With Lois working side by side a nerdy Clark Kent.

Wow! Thank you so much for taking the time to put all of that together. It helps put things in perspective for me a bit more and makes me feel more optimistic. Very much appreciated.
Here's a question for the folks who have seen the film: have any of the screenings been in 3D? How does the conversion look? I picked up 3D tickets from Wal-mart thinking/hoping WB would invest enough in a good conversion... but I'm nervous about it.
Hey Ozy!
So in the scene where Superman snaps Zod's neck is the camera view in front of both of them or behind? also does Superman fly over any other cities than Metropolis? Cheers!
Hey Ozy!
So in the scene where Superman snaps Zod's neck is the camera view in front of both of them or behind? also does Superman fly over any other cities than Metropolis? Cheers!

I remember it all being from the front when he snaps Zod's neck. And I don't believe he flies over any other cities, just a lot of mountains and fields.
Here's a question for the folks who have seen the film: have any of the screenings been in 3D? How does the conversion look? I picked up 3D tickets from Wal-mart thinking/hoping WB would invest enough in a good conversion... but I'm nervous about it.

Wish I could tell you but my screening was 2-D. I'm not sure if there's been any 3-D advance screenings.
Ozy, about Zod

I heard he's responsible for killing thousands of people. is that on Earth? When/How does he do that?? does he wipe out a city or town or something? and does Superman react to it?
Hey just want to ask, do I have to stick around for after the credits?
Ozy, about Zod

I heard he's responsible for killing thousands of people. is that on Earth? When/How does he do that?? does he wipe out a city or town or something? and does Superman react to it?

It's all part of the final battle. Zod launches several ships across Earth and one called the World Engine. I'm not kidding you, he literally says: "Release the World Engine!" I turned to my friend and said "Release the Kraken!" after hearing it.

The World Engine appears to power the other ships and begins turning Earth's land and atmosphere to be more like Krypton's. Each ship utilizes a massive gravitational pull to lift objects off the ground and then slams them back down. And by that I mean knocking down skyscrapers and flattening huge areas. Without a doubt, thousands die.

Superman reacts by stopping The World Engine before everything is destroyed, and that's when he goes to Metropolis to take down Zod.
Hey just want to ask, do I have to stick around for after the credits?

No, not unless they add a scene for the regular theatrical release. Which happened with Captain America and the Avengers trailer at the end. Pre-screenings didn't have it.
It's all part of the final battle. Zod launches several ships across Earth and one called the World Engine. I'm not kidding you, he literally says: "Release the World Engine!" I turned to my friend and said "Release the Kraken!" after hearing it.

The World Engine appears to power the other ships and begins turning Earth's land and atmosphere to be more like Krypton's. Each ship utilizes a massive gravitational pull to lift objects off the ground and then slams them back down. And by that I mean knocking down skyscrapers and flattening huge areas. Without a doubt, thousands die.

Superman reacts by stopping The World Engine before everything is destroyed, and that's when he goes to Metropolis to take down Zod.



does Faora ever fly?

in the last scene with DP Clark, does he do anything "Clarky" like adjust his glasses, like how Reeve's Clark would sometimes do?

and, during the final sequence, do you remember if the music is similar to the trailer 3 music? starting with the soft piano theme, then gradually building into the more heroic theme?

thanks again.
Thanks a lot Ozy really appreciate it! just two more things I want to know
When Superman and Zod fight do they both fly when they fight? and do they both use heat vision against each other in the fight? Cheers!
This is exactly what I've been thinking. Lois is a supporting character. I haven't seen the movie, but what I've heard makes it sound like she's an integral part of the plot and the character arc of Superman.

I just don't get this criticism. I guess I have to wait and see the movie.

I agree. I'm not sure what people were expecting for Lois and Clark in a the FIRST movie.

It's a 2 and some odd minute hour movie in which we not only have to cover the destruction of Krypton but also Clark's early life with the Kents before we even get to his adulthood.

Good could years on that. LITERALLY. You could (and people HAVE) literally spend years telling that story.

Just like you could spend YEARs (and again people literally have spent years on this) telling the Lois and Clark love story.

This is not something that you can realistically do in a 2 hour film in the FIRST MOVIE.

If you consider the "Lois and Clark" pilot a 2 hour movie (which alot of people have argued it's a Superman movie that stands alone) you see that you can get a ton of development but that's not a story that has to cover Clark's childhood as we START the pilot with Clark arriving at the Daily Planet and end with his debut as Superman. Everything on Krypton and his childhood is SKIPPED.

Frankly, it feels to me like once again the female in this franchise (just like in so many of these other franchises) is getting nitpicked and picked apart because it's the trend to do so. What is up with that?

Some people are upset that the Triangle For 2 is gone. Ok....but now I'm confused. Because for months now people have been yelling about how we need "change" and how they needed to tell a "realistic" story about Superman and take these characters in "new directions" and that the movie actually did that people are upset? Huh?

I love the Triangle For 2. But the Triangle For 2 does not require Lois to be kept out of the loop for it to still exist. The Triangle For 2 is always present. It's present even when Lois and clark are MARRIED. The dual identity is always there.

To me, it doesn't sound like people are frustrated with Lois's role in this movie. It sounds like what people miss is seeing Clark Kent outside of the Superman costume. Which might be a valid critique and might be something Snyder needs to address for the next film.

I will also say this: While I think it's fine if Lois is a supporting character in THIS movie....she really shouldn't be just a supporting character in the sequel. She should clearly be the second lead in the sequel. Despite everything I said above, I actually can understand some people being annoyed at having Zod have more screentime in a Superman movie than Lois Lane. I don't particularly think that Goyer does a great job giving women the time in these movies that they deserve and I think this is something he should work on for the sequel. Things I might be ok with in this movie (because it's the first film) will be unacceptable in the sequel if they are repeated. Does that make sense?
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does Faora ever fly?

in the last scene with DP Clark, does he do anything "Clarky" like adjust his glasses, like how Reeve's Clark would sometimes do?

and, during the final sequence, do you remember if the music is similar to the trailer 3 music? starting with the soft piano theme, then gradually building into the more heroic theme?

thanks again.

He doesn't do anything "Clarky" besides smile like a geek at Lois.

No, she doesn't fly. Only Zod is able to adjust to his new powers quick enough to make use of flight. Honestly, I was so enthralled by watching the montage of him walking into the Daily Planet and listening to his narration that I don't remember the music very well. I do have a strong feeling though it was the piano tunes you hear in trailer 3.
Thanks a lot Ozy really appreciate it! just two more things I want to know
When Superman and Zod fight do they both fly when they fight? and do they both use heat vision against each other in the fight? Cheers!

At first Zod doesn't fly. Then mid-fight he gives a speech about he how was bred to be a warrior and trained as one.

"Where did you train!? On a farm!?," he yells at Superman.

He then rips off his armor and takes flight.
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