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Batman Begins Upon repeated viewings, this is the best movie I've EVER seen.

Wow! You're an idiot! Please stop replying to this thread and embarrassing yourself.

1.) You're immature.
2.) 99% of people probably don't like you.
3.) You're very rude, and it's probably why you don't have a lot of friends.
4.) Your signature explains A LOT.
you know the expression "opinions are like a**holes..." ?

everyone is entitled to their opinion

and this thread is full of a**holes.
BATMAN BEGINS IS NOT AN ADULT MOVIE, any intelligent person over the age of 15 who describes it as either well-written, well-acted, well-directed, well-edited, compelling, enthralling, moving, deep, or at the very worst, a masterpiece, well, wow. I just don't know what to say
TempleFugit said:
1.) You're immature.

Your posts in this thread just illustrate your lack of understanding and knowledge of film.

TempleFugit said:
2.) 99% of people probably don't like you.
3.) You're very rude, and it's probably why you don't have a lot of friends.

Oh, OK, fanboy.

TempleFugit said:
4.) Your signature explains A LOT.

If it helps, I don't like either of you.
Now they'll have to commit suicide. :(
I do think this is one of the best movies based on a comic, but due to my Spider-Man bias I would never say it's the best of them. :D Christian Bale was so perfect for that role, and Murphy as Scarecrow was right on point. I'd really like to see him in future Batman films because he nailed it. Some people I know found the movie slow, but it was necessary so that one could understand how he became Batman. Although people I know said it went slowly at first, they never complained about it. That's when you really know it's good. When it leaves you patiently waiting for more.
as for me, if i dont like a movie the first (or 2nd) time ive seen it, i pretty much would have figured out by then that i didnt like it. thats what happened with me while watching batman begins. i just didnt like it. i tried to like it (believe me, i tried), i was on the boards everyday, acting as giddy as a schoolboy, watchin all the early trailers, waitin with bated breath for begins to hit theaters, then i saw it, and was like, wow what a letdown. didnt like bale as batman, didnt like how the villians were portrayed (god, burton should have done the scarecrow!) hated the look of gotham city (why does it look like chicago?) absolutly HATED the new bat-tank thing (thats not a batmobile), and hated katie holmes. i liked the cast, like morgan freeman, michael caine, and gary oldman....just not in this film. they downplayed everything, and i didnt like caines alfred more then anything (when did alfred go cockney?). dissappointing. hope the sequel is better.
Best movie you've ever seen?

How many movies have you seen? :oldrazz: :cwink:
i liked spiderman 3 alot more then this. tons more. sand man was cool, venom could have been better but when he was there he was cool, better then scarecrow, thats for sure. and harry stole the show, he was great in it. it was very statisfying. batman begins, heck, even superman returns was dissapointing. i hope the sequels will be better.

one thing that nolan missed: The vigilante...one element sorely missed from Batman Begins...too in to this "Savior" thing.
I'm not about to say that Batman Begins is the best movie I've ever seen, but it sure was a hell of a lot better than SM3. Thats just a joke to compare the two. Gotham City looks like Chicago because Chicago was chosen as the backdrop for Gotham. The Narrows wasn't filmed in Chicago, that was overseas, can't remember exactly where.

The "vigilante" element wasn't absent from the film. Did you just not watch the scenes where the cops are chasing Batman, where a task force is created to capture him?
Now let's not get into this utterly pointless debate.
I'm kinda late, but I agree with you, TempleFugit. Batman Begins is my favorite film ever made as well.

I mean I like to consider myself as someone who knows a thing or two about films and filmmaking. I went to film school, studied the classics, made some shorts, etc. Doesn't mean my opinion is any better than anyone else's, because it's certainly not. But I certainly feel that sense of embarrassment at times when I put a film like Batman Begins over The Godfather, Casablanca, what have you.

The truth is that what matters is how a film works for you. I say as long as you can clearly explain why a film works for you, rather than just saying "it was cool," is what's important, and you've done that. I don't care if your favorite movie of all time is Three Men and a Baby, I'm not going to criticize one's tastes, as long as you know why that film is a good film.

I've gotten into too many debates here with people who are shocked that I'm a 24 year old adult male that puts this film at the top of my list. Bottom line is that I'm glad there are some others that agree.
for the most part, i felt the vigilante aspect of batman in this was missing. him just goin and wreckin a few cop cars, thats not enough to call him a vigalante. just a wreckless driver. i wanted to see batman take the law into his own hands, like keaton did. bale was too much of a boyscout. the ending was pretty much proof of that. i just didnt care for this version of batman, but maybe joker will make the next one be cool for once. i also hope bale changes his act up and ditches the loser voice. i just cant imagine batman of the comics sounding like that, i only hear keaton and conroy. also, get a less puffy batsuit, and please make room for your mouth so you dont look like a doofus when you speak. uhhuh.

we all have opinions, some gullibale ppl here will actually say begins is "the best movie of all time". this couldnt be far from the truth, since I say that it is one of the lamest movies (not to mention most dissapointing) of all time. noone is right, noone is wrong, just like what you like, but getting into hissyfits cuz someone doesnt like 'your' film is pretty pointless.
we all have opinions, some gullibale ppl here will actually say begins is "the best movie of all time". this couldnt be far from the truth, since I say that it is one of the lamest movies (not to mention most dissapointing) of all time. noone is right, noone is wrong, just like what you like, but getting into hissyfits cuz someone doesnt like 'your' film is pretty pointless.

No, it's comments like yours that piss me off. Saying "We all have opinions," then immediately following that with "gullible people like Batman Begins" is about as ignorant as you can get. If you would've just left that out, I'd agree with you.
I wish there was slow mo at points so I could see something clearly.
No it wasn't edited like Michael Bay's movie, I almost hope that it was because I can't see ****. All they have to do is pull back a few feet. I understand the whole concept that Batman works fast, quick, direct, you don't see him that long, like at the first fight at the docks, I can understand it then. But do we really need it in the final fight with Ra's in the train?
The more I watch it, the easier I can follow the fights. The Ra's fight may have suffered from being too short, not too confusing. The fights become clearer and clearer as the film goes on.

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