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Revenge of the Fallen Was Optimus a little TOO brutal in this?

I like Armageddon too. The Rock and The Island as well. But ROTF was pretty crappy...
Mr. Earle. Why did you say that top class actors wouldn't work with Bay?

Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage, Ed Harris, Will Smith, Joe Pantoliano, Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Will Patton, Steve Buscemi, Jon Voight, Tom Sizemore, Alec Baldwin, David Morse, Djimon Hounsou and Sean Bean aren't good enough for you? :woot:
Mr. Earle. Why did you say that top class actors wouldn't work with Bay?

Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage, Ed Harris, Will Smith, Joe Pantoliano, Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Will Patton, Steve Buscemi, Jon Voight, Tom Sizemore, Alec Baldwin, David Morse, Djimon Hounsou and Sean Bean aren't good enough for you? :woot:
I ****ed up! :hehe:
I ****ed up! :hehe:

Damn right you ****ed up. Ed Harris and Steve Buscemi are 2 of the greatest actors on Earth. :woot:

Did you know that the Simmons character was written for Buscemi? I like Turturro, especially in ROTF, but can you imagine Buscemi in this? Maybe they can write another character for him for the 3rd movie. :yay:
Damn right you ****ed up. Ed Harris and Steve Buscemi are 2 of the greatest actors on Earth. :woot:

Did you know that the Simmons character was written for Buscemi? I like Turturro, especially in ROTF, but can you imagine Buscemi in this? Maybe they can write another character for him for the 3rd movie. :yay:
I love Buscemi, but is he considered one of the good actors of Hollywood? What's his status?
I think i prefer Torturro as Simmons. He is perfect for the role! I couldnt imagine anyone else. Btw, did Buscemi turn the role down?
I ****ed up! :hehe:

Tellingly I recall that both Connery and Cage developed their characters without Bay's assistance or indeed sticking to the script. Sean, on signing, brought along some screenwriter friends of his by the names of Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais to rewrite all his dialogue (and they apparently ended up rewriting the whole script) whilst Cage being Cage delivered his then unpredictable, eccentric acting style upon his, on paper, relatively normal character.
Mr. Earle. Why did you say that top class actors wouldn't work with Bay?

Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage, Ed Harris, Will Smith, Joe Pantoliano, Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Will Patton, Steve Buscemi, Jon Voight, Tom Sizemore, Alec Baldwin, David Morse, Djimon Hounsou and Sean Bean aren't good enough for you? :woot:

It's relatively easy to forget as none of those actors have really had anything to work with in that you can say 'Bay helps actors give their best'. All I've seen the guys above do in their work with Bay is 'paycheck' acting.
morrisons, pre infinite crisis batman writing wasn't the same as his post, DC editors wanting to have batman be more "nice"

the best regarded batman novels of the past 30 years must have been written by hacks then

guess not, then again his work with joker and pretty much most non bale realated things in TDK please my inkling:o
and for some reason that film got along better with just about everyone.

no that would be faverau


sam is horny for mikaela, there is no clearer story telling then that, for all the knocks on the story "telling" you would think that would be more obvious

if a monster comes into the city and he's destroying it, and then a second monster strolls bay and bats her pretty lashes, and gasps the first monster stops destroying the city and pursues the pretty monster
I'd say that is an excellent character motivation piece and as good as story "telling" gets.

playing the whole childhood love angle in begins?
sure they were friends as kids, they grew up and now they're in love? wow

I actually find what Raimi did with Peter Parker's childhood love to be far more effective.

I'm defending the second most looked down upon director in the world yes.
I like what I like and try to defend it. better then just joining a forum and saying the cool in thing and leaving it at that.

I'm am dismissing nolan for reasons I have stated, that has nothing to do with bay.

do I like bay more?
depends on the category
you need to stop putting everything in a category together

I'm an fine artist/animator/filmmaker

when it comes to what bay has put on the screen I appreciate the beauty in it at the same time this is a person that puts simple potty humor on the very same palette

I appreciate the contrast present

I also think he is an interesting person, for the industry, for every single one of Kubricks films were received poorly by critics

are they the same quality filmmaker, NO

kubrick made films for himself
bay makes films for his audience

but neither of them made films for the critics

and I respect that.

nolan doesn't interest me, and i think he's overrated
and then I saw TDK and I liked it

I grew up reading batman so i have strong opinions on what I felt that film could have been, and alot of it was there in the script, but to me he pulled a singer with Begins, and it felt flat...TDK felt anything but flat.

I also have strong beliefs in what a director should get credit for.

as for your closing comparison?
how can someone compare any two art pieces

for example, has nolan ever made a better comedy then judd apatow?
what is a comedy?
is comedy better then drama?

what is better film?

has nolan ever made a better film then apatow?

people do different things within the medium, comparisons of that nature are kinda dumb.

LOL!! Every single Kubrick film wasn't received poorly by critics. Where are you getting that from? DR STRANGEGLOVE, 2001 and A CLOCKWORK ORANGE were all critically acclaimed, Oscar Nominated movies. In fact Kubrick may not have made films for audiences as well as critics but the aformentioned movies (plus SPARTACUS) were received very well by contemporary cinemagoers.

2001 was the second biggest hit of it's year (1968) whilst ACO,despite the controversy, was in the top ten domestic grossing films of 1971.

When Bay can make a film where people don't have to defend it's vapidity with 'he makes films for the blue collar'(when everyone knows that the best blockbusters are made for EVERYONE and not the working class stereotype you're bizarrely coming up with) I'll be impressed.

Spielberg praises him for his action setpieces which are indeed spectacular but in the long run he doesn't get the 'acclaim' you feel he deserves not just because all critics are elitist snobs but because once the explosions stop there isn't ANYTHING there.
When you think about it, what Sideswipe did to Sideways in Shanghai was probably a little more disturbing, even if he was in vehicle mode. :p
So how many sunflares did Bay shoot in ROTF? For the love of God they were thousands! Goddamn! Does he think its artistic?
So how many sunflares did Bay shoot in ROTF? For the love of God they were thousands! Goddamn! Does he think its artistic?

half as many as star trek
then again again when the story is as good as that, who cares.
LOL!! Every single Kubrick film wasn't received poorly by critics. Where are you getting that from? DR STRANGEGLOVE, 2001 and A CLOCKWORK ORANGE were all critically acclaimed, Oscar Nominated movies. In fact Kubrick may not have made films for audiences as well as critics but the aformentioned movies (plus SPARTACUS) were received very well by contemporary cinemagoers.

most were not recieved very well by critics upon release and in the later months or years in some cases were considered classics.
when they came out, in a lot of cases critics either didn't know what to make of them or were offended.

either way he and critics didn't get along as well as one would think they should have.
2001 was the second biggest hit of it's year (1968) whilst ACO,despite the controversy, was in the top ten domestic grossing films of 1971.

the general public ate his films up.

When Bay can make a film where people don't have to defend it's vapidity with 'he makes films for the blue collar'(when everyone knows that the best blockbusters are made for EVERYONE and not the working class stereotype you're bizarrely coming up with) I'll be impressed.

are you implying that kubricks films did not have to be defended?

no film can be made for everyone, some films can be more for the simple viewer some for more the intelligent. As great as raiders of the lost ark is, as for everyone as you may think it was, a film like boys in the hood even without it's moral commentary may hit home with the "blue collar" folks living in the world of compton.

as relatable a hero as dr indiana jones appears to be, there are a lot of people that find themselves relating to a man named harry that works the oil rig in the heart of america.

Spielberg praises him for his action setpieces which are indeed spectacular but in the long run he doesn't get the 'acclaim' you feel he deserves not just because all critics are elitist snobs but because once the explosions stop there isn't ANYTHING there.

Spielberg, not to put words in his mouth, praised him for his eye with the camera.
"one of the best eye's in the biz"
now that can mean his set pieces are great, or that can mean, the substance of his material not withstanding, he can shoot it really well.

he doesn't just shoot explosions well.
So how many sunflares did Bay shoot in ROTF? For the love of God they were thousands! Goddamn! Does he think its artistic?

The only reason it sells is because of the robots, their design and those setpieces. And Megan Fox. Plot, direction, script are non existent at best.

Mr. Earle, do you remember when I said you spoke in hyperbole?

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