what about the new punisher movie are you for?


Nov 15, 2007
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I wanted to see who is the most thing your hoping to see in this movie unlike the last 2 previous punisher movies.

For me 3 things

1) are they going to make microchip like the old or new comic micro?

2) are the going to have a huge body count and lead up to jigsaw maybe lead into the next movie with the "kingpin?"

3) I hope they show flash backs know big recaps either.
and make the action non-stop but like I wrote above a good story (like leathal weapon great action and s great story)
Well I hope this scipt lead to the kingpin in the next movie!
I hope that they have a change of heart and stop trying to make "Punisher" movies. Two attempts so far,two abysmal failures !
BTW I really like what I am seeing so far

I hope that they have a change of heart and stop trying to make "Punisher" movies. Two attempts so far,two abysmal failures !
Sometimes I wish people don't give up so easy.
Well I hope this scipt lead to the kingpin in the next movie!

Yes! then daredevil will also come out... in a comics punisher and daredevil had been team up so i hope i could see them in a movie...
Yes! then daredevil will also come out... in a comics punisher and daredevil had been team up so i hope i could see them in a movie...

Not unless Marvel owns the rights two BOTH properties. Until then, studios are apprehensive to team up with other studios just to have two hero's in one picture.

DC has on advantage over marvel in the fact that WB owns all of their properties.
Not unless Marvel owns the rights two BOTH properties. Until then, studios are apprehensive to team up with other studios just to have two hero's in one picture.

DC has on advantage over marvel in the fact that WB owns all of their properties.

that is true. A Superman/batman film might get made before, a Punisher/Daredevil or a X-men/FF.

The the things that I'm really looking forward too are...

1. Jigsaw(not that other clown) on the big screen for the first time

2. It's a max version. No MK stuff like giant squids, or a russian with boobs.

3. The Punisher looks awesome. Jane and Lundgren did a good job for what their films called for, but Stevenson is just awesome from that pic.

4. There are alot of baddies for him to take care of.

5. Different punisher outfits! He could use the in the beginning, or the Bradstreet look, or even the MK look!
The things i'm looking for in this new punisher movie are...

1) Ray Stevenson in action as the Punisher we all wanted

2) ALL the kill scenes

3) How Montreal would look as New York

4) If they will change the skull he will wear

5) If he'll wear it 90% of the movie

6) all the guns he'll be using

7) Jigsaw

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