Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. What pairings could we expect?

Nov 20, 2009
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Ok so you put a bunch of attractive characters together on one show. This always happens, nearly all the time, so who do you think will be paired?
aren't Fitz and Simmons Brother and Sister?

They are not. They have different last names (Leo Fitz, Gemma Simmons), and Whedon wouldn't even be writing these characters in if they simply were a brother and sister dynamic. The whole idea is that they're co-workers who hang out together so much that they're seen practically as a single unit - hence the nickname/ near portmanteau "Fitz-Simmons."
Coulson - Ward

May - Fitz

Skye - Random Hot Supervillain

Simmons - Death

That's if I'm doing the pairing up. What we're likely to get:

Coulson - Lola

Fitz - Skye

Simmons - Ward

May - The Quinjet
Coulson will work his way down the entire "F" column on Shield's personnel directory in season 1 alone, and would have to visit the Inhumans on the moon to find new thrills to conquer.
I figured I'd bump this thread back after watching this promo with Skye


So there's a potential pairing with Agent Ward & Skye. lol
I figured I'd bump this thread back after watching this promo with Skye


So there's a potential pairing with Agent Ward & Skye. lol

If they pair Ward & Skye that leaves Fitz & Simmons, which would be disgusting since they're supposed to be like brother & sister.
If they pair Ward & Skye that leaves Fitz & Simmons, which would be disgusting since they're supposed to be like brother & sister.

well they could bring in new characters or one leaves one for another etc or somebody dies as in all Whedon TV shows. :p
well they could bring in new characters or one leaves one for another etc or somebody dies as in all Whedon TV shows. :p

One of the Bobbsey Twins is gonna buy it, no doubt. Whedon likes to make characters into fan favorites and then kill them off, like fattening lambs and giving them pet names before serving them up as a holiday dinner. Fitz & Simmons are allegedly sickeningly adorable, which makes them prime candidates for Whedon-whacking. :hehe:
So there's a potential pairing with Agent Ward & Skye. lol

I felt that was blindingly obvious in the pilot. Perhaps even a little too obvious. As in heavy handed, rather than as a misdirect. Mainly, this is from their snarky antagonism towards one another.

If matched up, I foresee the writers giving them something of a slap-slap-kiss dynamic.
Fitz and Simmons were already all over each other and bickering like a married couple in the pilot. I mean, she's constantly like touching Fitz.

Looks like Skye/Ward is the main pairing from the pilot.
I felt that was blindingly obvious in the pilot. Perhaps even a little too obvious. As in heavy handed, rather than as a misdirect. Mainly, this is from their snarky antagonism towards one another.

If matched up, I foresee the writers giving them something of a slap-slap-kiss dynamic.

Yeah, they laid it on too thick with Ward and Skye. At one point, it seemed like Coulson was being used to push them together. It's too much of a setup.

A real slap-slap-kiss combination would have been Coulson & Ward. The way they were going at it you could see real sparks flying, not the fake kind between Ward and Skye. It's a classic romcom scenario. Just match 'em up, already! :woot:
Yeah, they laid it on too thick with Ward and Skye. At one point, it seemed like Coulson was being used to push them together. It's too much of a setup.

Perhaps. But it is only to be expected as this is after all the pilot episode; which not only serves as an introductory episode for viewers but also for network executives. The latter being an important factor as this means that the episode functions to illustrate the kinds of story elements, humour and character dynamics that the show will contain in order to help sell the concept to the powers that be.
Ward & Skye, come on that was obvious.
Coulson and either May or Hill.
The two nerds (term of affection).
So which episode are we gonna call it when Skye-Ward finally comes to a head? :p
I'm guessing end of season 1 at the latest, though it might start as a casual hook up, then develop over time.
So which episode are we gonna call it when Skye-Ward finally comes to a head? :p

The episode after Skye establishes herself as a fan favourite character, and just before she is subsequently killed off. Because this is Joss Whedon.

You know tis to be true. :woot:
I will be saddened if it doesn't turn out Fitz and Simmons are already a couple. They totally act like one.
So there's definately some movement with SkyeWard in today's episode.

All I could say is: Awww Ward's got feelings.

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