Why thank you
That's one of my problems with it. They bit off more than they could chew. I hate stories that are rushed. None of the new characters in SM-3 were given sufficent screen time for me to care about them. They all felt tacked on.
Yeah, i mean Brock, the symbiote, bad spidey, that should have been it's own movie.
But i thought he did quite well juggling it, all things considered.
The thing is Doc Ock and GG are just superior villans to most of the Spidey gallery.
Doc Ock only really gets one scene where we get to know him before he becomes an unthinking standard bank robber villan. It's just that he's such a great villan visually that he maintains great interest I think.
You said there was a thematic link between him and Peter, sure, but he's still just your average bad guy in thought and deed for most of the movie.
Sandman and Brock get just about as much character development as him, and Brock also has the link to Peter's journey.
but, he could have been so much better I know, and I'm not some big Venom fan, I actually preferred the one in the movie to the muscle head stalker guy from the books. I like the idea of a pathetic little whiner getting to be a big super-villan.
Harry was the only villain who worked, and that's because we've been watching his journey since the first movie. Even then I think Harry's story was flawed, with the amnesia thing, his so called Goblin looking like a paintballer on a hoverboard, and his grand revenge scheme after three movies amounted to nothing more than temporarily breaking up Peter and MJ.
The only thing i dislike about the memory thing was that they made Harry a little too goofy to show his good heart.
The Goblin memory loss is a staple of the spiderman stories, and what's so good about it is Pete not knowing when or if his memory will return.
And that was used to great effect in the coffee house scene.
It's not too outlandish for someone to have temporary short term memory loss after a bang on the head, it's the first thing you are questioned about when you wake up in hospital after a concussion.
And I thought Harry going for the mind games through the relationship was a good start to throwing Peter off his game, especially after Peter showing his obviously more experienced ass-kicking skills in their previous fight.
From an action perspective, I understand that the pacing in SM-2 during the Spider-Man no more part may seem off. But for me that was like watching panels from Stan Lee's era on screen. Dumping the costume in the bin, Jameson ending up with it pinned to his office wall, Peter turning his back on crime in progress, his heart wrenching confession to Aunt May about his role in Uncle Ben's death......it was all terrific viewing IMO.
I would have liked to have seen Pete leap in to that mugging, like he did with the fire, it would have made for an interesting scene, maybe like Superman in the diner in SMII.
and I would have loooved to have seen a sequence where he tries to be Spider-man again, with his powers working and shorting out in mid-fight. Yeah, they did this with the 1st Ock fight, but instead of the washing line jump, i would have liked to have seen him to something like that with ordinary criminals.
Just something different from the 1st movie.
Yeah, but they leapt forward to the stories in the 100's in SM-1 with the Green Goblin story, the bridge showdown, Norman dying, Harry blaming Spider-Man etc.
It worked. It's all from the early years.
Yeah, I just meant in the case of the comics we had already had a strong dose of Spiderr-man by issue 50. But here we had just got into the flow of the first full on SM movie and then have his powers and identity taken away.
I don't mind if they mix up issue 1 with issue 123, things happening chronologically like the comics don't bother me.
I wish I could. Aside from a handful of scenes, I just can't watch Spider-Man 3 anymore.
That's a shame. I find some parts funny as they were intended to be, like the 'saturday night Parker' strut, i think it fits with what's happening, and i liked it as it was something i didn't think of happening under those circumstances with teh character, but can see how and why it did.
PP is always doing awkward embaressing things , the symbiote just pushed that aspect of him into obnoxious land.
feet up on Jameson's table as well, classic.
I could do without the jazz club dance scene , though it doesn't bother me that much.
sure, there are parts that are wonky, but I can live with them.
Oh I think you're thinking of the Black Cat idea they were toying with. Chloe Sveigny even said she'd auditioned for the role of "A blonde buxom villain" for it in 2005. Raimi was going to have her in SM-2 at one point, too.
I didn't know she was up for 3, knew they nearly had her for 2. I jut recall Raimi saying they turned as character they had already written to Gwen Stacey when asked for her to be in the movie.