I think overall the movie screws the pooch on character selection. From an origin standpoint, I understand his inclusion, and as another pointed out, it makes more sense than Havok and Angel Salvador. Since the movie has little to no regard for continuity, and seems to want to avoid most of the principle cast of the previous four films, I kind of wonder why they didn't choose more popular or more interesting heroes to populate the X-Men. Thunderbird/Warpath (good chance for a death there) would've been a interesting inclusion. Also, why no Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch? It was my understanding they're were available to FOX, and in a movie about Xavier and Magneto, why not? Forge? Fantomex? Northstar? Dazzler (Hello! You're setting it in the 60s) Cannonball? Longshot? Chamber? Sunfire? Boom-Boom? Magma? All of those characters would've been more interesting and far more deserving of film representations than Angel Salvador or whatever other strange characters they've included.