Dragon said:
What difference does it make as long as he got the girl out? He was redeeming himself for turning his back on the mugging victim by risking his life in the fire.
I know it may not seem like much but motivation is everything.
Just like in the comics, peter lets the robber go because he's arrogant while in the film, he lets the robber go as payback for getting undercut out of the profits.
It's very subtle but for a tweak freak like myself, it makes a whole world of difference.
Two relatively equal dangers occur to two innocents, yet his subconcious acts differently as if one requires a greater sense of accepting responsibility than the other when it gives the impression his driven by personal gain, both for the initial loss and the regaining of his abilities.
one can rationalise its because he feels mj's abduction is his fault but a reconciliation scene would uncle ben going on about how he won't make the same mistake twice. would have confirmed this to some extent but there's nothing of the sort.
He still had to defeat Ock physically to get him in a state where he'd listen. Electrocuting him weakened the influence of the tentacles. He could have never talked Ock down in the state he was in prior to this.
again, I would believe this fully but he never tried once, not as ock and not as Pete.
again, if a small scene was there at the bank where peter asked Ock what he was doing and that he needed some help, then yeah
or another one at the cafe but instead he begins to start threatening him, which is never really going to help the situation.
I mean look at harry, harry managed to come to some sort of agreement with him so it's not like OCk was beyond all sorts of logic. You could say harry had a bargaining tool but so does peter, one that he happily used at the end.
so strings and roundabouts.
Yeah, but if the situation degenerated to one that he and the child couldn't escape minus his powers, then the powers would have kicked back in, same as with MJ.
he barely jumped over a collasped part of the corridoor, how much more dire could it have gotten before he should have stepped up and his past experience would have informed him that it could have gone up any second, just like it happened in spidey one when he rescued that baby.
he was flirting with destiny.
Peter wasn't consciously shutting his powers off. His subconscious was giving him an "out". If he had no great power, he'd have no great responsibility. But Peter's learning curve was that he did feel the responsibility powers or not.
having mj as a catalyst doesn't mean it makes his decision conscience
Again, Peter was consciously deciding to shut his powers off. He realized eventually that he was and sought to bring them to the surface. But even then it didn't work. It took a threat that only his full power could deal with for Peter to recover them. And yes, i'm sure it would've happened even without MJ being in danger.
alright i'll drop the whole conscience and subconscious ideas since we both know what happened and its really just coming down to semantics.
If you believe that he would have towed the line if MJ or another loved one he knew was present, than fair enough. Personally i don't think its the case but debating it is just going to go round and round
If his powers didn't fully return until the wal was collapsing, we wouldn't have had the train-fight, which was the film's setpiece. The movie was certainly clunky in some spots. But in the overall I felt it was well-done.
well he could be like he was during the bank fight with it cutting out at parts, different powers at different parts.
Heck personally, it would have added to the scene, not only drammatically but seeing someone at half hog still going out there trying to make a difference but ultimately failing (that is if his plan wasn't to get beat ultimately, but that's a discussion i'm having with DoC OcK at the mo in another thread). The wall would have been his final testimonial of putting everything in order in a master planner arc type fashion.
although saying this, unless he used some aspects of his powers to save that kid in the burning building, i'd still have problems with it but it's nothing really important on the grand scale of things