Will "SPIDER-MAN 3" be an epic?

spidermanhero12 said:
i never said that the spider-man movies were not epic. they really are epic. remember the spider-man2 train sequence? that was an epic scene. both movies preety much had an epic feel to them.
Yes, epic fighting, I agree. but again, if epic fighting is all you got, then you can't claim to say that the movie it self is epic... Otherwice you could also call a movie like the UP-coming TRANSFORMERS & INDEPENDENCE DAY epic.. and they surdently aren't. Very good ID4 is.. but epic (despite the beautiful huge airbattles).. I dont think so.
To be honest between Superman Returns, Spidey 1 and 2 and Batman Begins, I dont find any of them epic. Sure there all great movies(SR not as good as the others, but still an ok movie), but definitly not epic.
He should have used different movies to describe what an epic movie is, Superman Returns and Batman Begins are not epic films. Again, I have never looked at Batman or Spider-Man in their comics as epic characters, grand in their iconic status, yes, but not epic.

Superman is an epic icon character, but he has to be written and directed like it, see Donner's cut of Superman 2. Now, if Superman Return's sequel included an epic villain/story, think DARKSEID with his origin story, then you're talking epic.
Just to try and make you guys see that I'm not totally lost (hopefully) and WHY I find SR epic are the following reasons.

1: You have all the Jesus Christ parralels (which I love). Did you guys know that Kal-EL means -send from God-?

2: Superman went away in hope of finding other survivors on Krypton (or what was left of it)... He came back feeling more lost then ever! But the ironic part for me is the fact that he went away for 5 years in hope of finding out that he wasn't the last, while all along he had a son growing back on earth. (to me that's pretty beautiful)

3: Actionwice, the only sequence that got me truely pumped was the airplane sequence, which was almost as good as the trainbattle in spider-man 2, only almost!.. That sequence was truely EPIC. The way he lands that plane, my God, what a return!

4: People think that the last part of superman lifting the continent is weak and a borring way of ending the film. I agree that it was rether borring when looking from a far! But WEAK!!!??? That screams power!.. What other superhero has ever come close to doing something that huge?

5: Just like in Passion of the Christ, when they're torturing Jesus the whole ****ing movie, and he's hanging on that cross looking up in the sky saying "forgive them father, they dont know what they're doing". That's exactly how I felt when Lex and his thugs are beating the **** out of supes. They're freaken killing one of Gods true miracles.. that for me was heartbreaking.

6: Stuff like the speech, the whole "son becomes the father" thing is very beautiful.. how that is passed down.

7: Superman ressurecting, and is gone when the nurse comes in to check on him. just like Jesus ressurected.. I'm sorry, but that to me, is exstremely striking and epic.

8: Superman lifting the daily planet globe!

The plot was weak some say.. I dont think so. Lex has always had a weakness for beachfront property. Lex has learned about the fortress, and the crystals, how they work.. ones superman is out of the picture, Lex is the only one who knows the way of the crystals.. he can control it. He would have had absolute power. I just dont see how that is a weak plot.

The action was minimal in the film, and STILL I find it a lot more epic then spider-man will ever be. That's the best I can explain it. The film took it self 100% serious (you have to remember that they're coming back from superman 4!!!) It had humor, but NEVER over the top, unlike J jonah in spider-man. I love SR, and I can't wait for the sequel.. that beeing said, my favorite superhero franchise is still spider-man.. this is the best I can explain it. Just dont hang me for this.

I can understand many's dissapointment in SR.. But saying that it was flat out a piece of crap.. that is just so ****ing wrong! Wanna call something a piece of crap, I suggest that you point your finger at X-MEN 3!!! Funny how the franchise went to **** as Bryan Singer left the project (you remember, the guy who made SR!). But I guess that's what one can expect when you get the guy who made the RUSH HOUR films to make X-Men!
Visionary said:
He should have used different movies to describe what an epic movie is, Superman Returns and Batman Begins are not epic films. Again, I have never looked at Batman or Spider-Man in their comics as epic characters, grand in their iconic status, yes, but not epic.

Superman is an epic icon character, but he has to be written and directed like it, see Donner's cut of Superman 2. Now, if Superman Return's sequel included an epic villain/story, think DARKSEID with his origin story, then you're talking epic.

Please dont tell me that you think Superman 2 is an epic film??? The film is exstremely corny... Donner's Cut was 100 times better.. yet still that had some cheasy ellements though.
Naite22 said:
Just to try and make you guys see that I'm not totally lost (hopefully) and WHY I find SR epic are the following reasons.

1: You have all the Jesus Christ parralels (which I love). Did you guys know that Kal-EL means -send from God-?

2: Superman went away in hope of finding other survivors on Krypton (or what was left of it)... He came back feeling more lost then ever! But the ironic part for me is the fact that he went away for 5 years in hope of finding out that he wasn't the last, while all along he had a son growing back on earth. (to me that's pretty beautiful)

3: Actionwice, the only sequence that got me truely pumped was the airplane sequence, which was almost as good as the trainbattle in spider-man 2, only almost!.. That sequence was truely EPIC. The way he lands that plane, my God, what a return!

4: People think that the last part of superman lifting the continent is weak and a borring way of ending the film. I agree that it was rether borring when looking from a far! But WEAK!!!???

Forgive me for being the next person to rag on you for your opinion on SR. But your third reason, doesnt make sense. You went on through the entire thread saying that the train battle for SM2 was Epic. And now you compare the plane sequence from SR to that and you say its not as good but almost. And then you say that it is Epic? How does that make sense? Could you possibly explain this to me a lamence terms.
Main Entry: 1ep·ic javascript:popWin('/cgi-bin/audio.pl?epic0001.wav=epic')
Pronunciation: 'e-pik
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin epicus, from Greek epikos, from epos word, speech, poem -- more at [SIZE=-1]VOICE[/SIZE]
1 a : extending beyond the usual or ordinary. b : [SIZE=-1]HEROIC[/SIZE]

I guess you can all compare the movies now with this definition.

In my opinion, the first definition can relate alot to SM3. SM3 is going alot further than the other two. I mean, more than 1 villain this time(Though it might be a little nerve-wrecking), Alot more Darker cause of the symbiote, and more action.

As goes for SR, I have my opinion and I did like the film, but it will not compare to Spider Man 3. Not in any way.
Ultimate_Venom said:
To be honest between Superman Returns, Spidey 1 and 2 and Batman Begins, I dont find any of them epic. Sure there all great movies(SR not as good as the others, but still an ok movie), but definitly not epic.
well spidey2 was probably a little more epic than spidey1 and by what we have seen so far of spidey3 it will most likley be the most epic.
spidermanhero12 said:
well spidey2 was probably a little more epic than spidey1 and by what we have seen so far of spidey3 it will most likley be the most epic.
How so? When I think of epic, I definitly dont think of any of these movies(not saying these movies arent great, because they are).
A film genre characterized by bold and sweeping themes, usually in heroic proportions. The protagonist is generally an ideal representative of a culture-either national, religious, or regional. The tone of most epics is dignified and the treatment is larger than life.
Naite22 said:
The ellements in SR is what makes the film epic... Spider-Man just don't have them, that's all.
The elements in SR are the reasons why it's not an epic.
Naite22 said:
Please dont tell me that you think Superman 2 is an epic film??? The film is exstremely corny... Donner's Cut was 100 times better.. yet still that had some cheasy ellements though.
You mean like corny Lex channeling Heckman's cheese in Returns. Or the corniness of Superman lifting a continent full of Cryptonite into outerspace. Donner's cut was 100 times better than SR, most die-hard Supes' fan will say this to be so.
Ultimate_Venom said:
How so? When I think of epic, I definitly dont think of any of these movies(not saying these movies arent great, because they are).
the train scene was one of the most epic things in spidey2 even the web-swinging was preety much epic. these movies would still be amazing even if they were not epic but they are epic. it may not seem like it but they kind of are.
Naite22 said:
Unbelievable that you people still believe that the glasses is the only thing that hides his identity.. It's Clark's whole personality (the way he sees humans) that draws away the attention of people connecting him with superman! They look at Clark and say "no way, you can't fake that! This could never be superman!"

The fact that the people in DC are dumb enough to believe that Superman cannot act like an average human is even more laughable than the glasses disguise.

I'm glad that you find my logic funny... But that's my point.. J. Jonah is too cartoonish... Some times you need to alter those things to make it fit better cinematickly...

Jonah Jameson is one thing that should not be altered cinematically. It's why he's one of the most popular characters in the movies.

Jameson is not supposed to be serious, he's supposed to be comedic, unlike the villains in SR, who try to come off as menacing, but come off as a campy cheese fest double act of goofyness.

The ellements in SR is what makes the film epic

If that was true, which it's not, then I hope I never see another epic movie again :D
spidermanhero12 said:
the train scene was one of the most epic things in spidey2 even the web-swinging was preety much epic. these movies would still be amazing even if they were not epic but they are epic. it may not seem like it but they kind of are.
Amazing? Yes
Epic? Nope
Naite22 said:
Just to try and make you guys see that I'm not totally lost (hopefully) and WHY I find SR epic are the following reasons.

1: You have all the Jesus Christ parralels (which I love). Did you guys know that Kal-EL means -send from God-?

2: Superman went away in hope of finding other survivors on Krypton (or what was left of it)... He came back feeling more lost then ever! But the ironic part for me is the fact that he went away for 5 years in hope of finding out that he wasn't the last, while all along he had a son growing back on earth. (to me that's pretty beautiful)

3: Actionwice, the only sequence that got me truely pumped was the airplane sequence, which was almost as good as the trainbattle in spider-man 2, only almost!.. That sequence was truely EPIC. The way he lands that plane, my God, what a return!

4: People think that the last part of superman lifting the continent is weak and a borring way of ending the film. I agree that it was rether borring when looking from a far! But WEAK!!!??? That screams power!.. What other superhero has ever come close to doing something that huge?

5: Just like in Passion of the Christ, when they're torturing Jesus the whole ****ing movie, and he's hanging on that cross looking up in the sky saying "forgive them father, they dont know what they're doing". That's exactly how I felt when Lex and his thugs are beating the **** out of supes. They're freaken killing one of Gods true miracles.. that for me was heartbreaking.

6: Stuff like the speech, the whole "son becomes the father" thing is very beautiful.. how that is passed down.

7: Superman ressurecting, and is gone when the nurse comes in to check on him. just like Jesus ressurected.. I'm sorry, but that to me, is exstremely striking and epic.

8: Superman lifting the daily planet globe!

The plot was weak some say.. I dont think so. Lex has always had a weakness for beachfront property. Lex has learned about the fortress, and the crystals, how they work.. ones superman is out of the picture, Lex is the only one who knows the way of the crystals.. he can control it. He would have had absolute power. I just dont see how that is a weak plot.

The action was minimal in the film, and STILL I find it a lot more epic then spider-man will ever be. That's the best I can explain it. The film took it self 100% serious (you have to remember that they're coming back from superman 4!!!) It had humor, but NEVER over the top, unlike J jonah in spider-man. I love SR, and I can't wait for the sequel.. that beeing said, my favorite superhero franchise is still spider-man.. this is the best I can explain it. Just dont hang me for this.

I can understand many's dissapointment in SR.. But saying that it was flat out a piece of crap.. that is just so ****ing wrong! Wanna call something a piece of crap, I suggest that you point your finger at X-MEN 3!!! Funny how the franchise went to **** as Bryan Singer left the project (you remember, the guy who made SR!). But I guess that's what one can expect when you get the guy who made the RUSH HOUR films to make X-Men!
GOD: Superman Returns was not epic.
Ultimate_Venom said:
it says that epic is sometimes based on quests that characters embark on. in the spider-man movies peter parker embarks on more adventures and defeating criminals. spider-man2 is sort of epic. imagine spider-man3...that will probably be epic but that is not what makes a film great but it is still a good thing. if spider-man3 will not be epic it will still be the best superhero movie ever. we won't know until may 4th.
spidermanhero12 said:
it says that epic is sometimes based on quests that characters embark on. in the spider-man movies peter parker embarks on more adventures and defeating criminals. spider-man2 is sort of epic. imagine spider-man3...that will probably be epic but that is not what makes a film great but it is still a good thing. if spider-man3 will not be epic it will still be the best superhero movie ever. we won't know until may 4th.
God you dont know anything. If you go by that alone, almost every movie would be an epic, including your much hated Superman Returns.

spider-man2 is sort of epic.
Sort of epic does not mean the movie is epic.
From thefreedictionary.com

ep·ic (pk)
1. An extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, celebrating the feats of a legendary or traditional hero.
2. A literary or dramatic composition that resembles an extended narrative poem celebrating heroic feats.
3. A series of events considered appropriate to an epic: the epic of the Old West.
1. Of, constituting, having to do with, or suggestive of a literary epic: an epic poem.
2. Surpassing the usual or ordinary, particularly in scope or size: "A vast musical panorama . . . it requires an epic musical understanding to do it justice" Tim Page.
3. Heroic and impressive in quality: "Here in the courtroom . . . there was more of that epic atmosphere, the extra amperage of a special moment" Scott Turow.

I think BB, SR, and the Spiderman movies could all constitue as epic, given a successfull argument. In my eyes, the Spiderman movies are epic, they are the chronicaling of Peter Parker's struggles and tormoils -both on a personal level and on a wider, more community level.

I would say, that the birds-eye-view shot of Spiderman, unmasked, being carried as the people's hero, by the people he just rescued on the train, certainly elicits an archetypal feel of "epicness" in me.
NimbleBimble said:
From thefreedictionary.com

ep·ic (pk)
1. An extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, celebrating the feats of a legendary or traditional hero.
2. A literary or dramatic composition that resembles an extended narrative poem celebrating heroic feats.
3. A series of events considered appropriate to an epic: the epic of the Old West.
1. Of, constituting, having to do with, or suggestive of a literary epic: an epic poem.
2. Surpassing the usual or ordinary, particularly in scope or size: "A vast musical panorama . . . it requires an epic musical understanding to do it justice" Tim Page.
3. Heroic and impressive in quality: "Here in the courtroom . . . there was more of that epic atmosphere, the extra amperage of a special moment" Scott Turow.

I think BB, SR, and the Spiderman movies could all constitue as epic, given a successfull argument. In my eyes, the Spiderman movies are epic, they are the chronicaling of Peter Parker's struggles and tormoils -both on a personal level and on a wider, more community level.

I would say, that the birds-eye-view shot of Spiderman, unmasked, being carried as the people's hero, by the people he just rescued on the train, certainly elicits an archetypal feel of "epicness" in me.
i don't agree about BB or SR being epic but i defenitle agree with about the birds veiw of spider-man and him rescuing people on the train having an epic feeling. i have an epic feeling everytime i watch that scene. i am guessing if spider-man3 is epic then the most epic scene will be the final battle. epic r not the spider-man movies will remain phenominal.
You guys can say what you want, and that's fine.. but my opinion is that SR is really epic, unlike spidey (which there's nothing wrong with; they just aren't)
The Symbiotic said:
Forgive me for being the next person to rag on you for your opinion on SR. But your third reason, doesnt make sense. You went on through the entire thread saying that the train battle for SM2 was Epic. And now you compare the plane sequence from SR to that and you say its not as good but almost. And then you say that it is Epic? How does that make sense? Could you possibly explain this to me a lamence terms.

I said that the trainbattle in sm-2 was epic fighting yes, that's absolutely true.. and the plane sequence in SR is not quite as good as that one, but it's damn near close though... I thought the plane sequence in SR was epic, because it was superman bringing that plane down savely to the surface; His reveal as he had just returned... I dont see why that's hard to understand? YES, the train batlle in sm-2 was epic, and yes, the plane sequence in SR is not quite as good, but STILL good enough for me to find it epic.
Superman Returns never felt epic to me..the closest it came was when he was lifting the continent and everyone was watching, that gave me goosebumps.

Pirates 2 has the epic feel during the kraken battles.

Spider-man movies just are not epic...the action in spider-man movies is always very personal, there is nothing large scale and epic about it. It works better for Spider-man I think.
We all have different opinions towards what movie's we find epic or not... But the main question was simply, how will Spidey 3 be epic, IF at all!?? Could we get back on that track please?
Secret_Riddle said:
Superman Returns never felt epic to me..the closest it came was when he was lifting the continent and everyone was watching, that gave me goosebumps.

Pirates 2 has the epic feel during the kraken battles.

Spider-man movies just are not epic...the action in spider-man movies is always very personal, there is nothing large scale and epic about it. It works better for Spider-man I think.
I ALWAYS say, -every one has a right to their own opinion- and that's true, even in this case.... But it's a sad world when people begin to say that the pirates-movies are epic... in ANY way.:(

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