X-Maniac said:
I really think you are overreacting. I don't really have a problem with most people on these boards.
This is all because I might sometimes say 'it's been three years since the movie, isn't it time to move on?', which to me sounds a perfectly logical viewpoint to add to a debate.
It's logical, but if people want to spend some time wondering about what could have been (And this movie had plenty of potential) then why would they suddenly stop? Especially if no one is getting hurt or bothered by it...Unless, of course, that you are. Is this bothering you, Maniac?
The movie won't be unmade or remade for you, me or anyone else. There are loads of films I loathe, but i don't find forums just so i can go and on about them.
The only person I see "going on and on" about anything here, is you.
But anyway, consider me. When X3 came out, I never even bothered to come to this boards to spew a vitriolic rant. No, I never cared that much. Almost 3 years later, I come here mostly out of curiosity. I hated the FF films, but I hardly ventured in those. I think I have made "one" post in the entirety of the Wolverine board. Not a positive one, but...
I don't attack all 'anti-X3' posts or posters, there are many such threads I've left alone. I come on here to chat/discuss/debate and add my views.
Oh I'm sure, but the only thread active threads sure are filled with your posts, and posts where people discuss your attitude
If someone doesn't like me telling them to move on, then they should explain why they are not going to move on and why they can't let go of the film. Let's hear some logical, intelligent debate about why you shouldn't let go of hating the movie after three years.
I don't know about anyone else, but I pretty much forgot this movie the minute I left the theater. Now, obviously regulars in here have not been able to do that, but why would they? Because it's unhealthy and pointless? The same thing could be said of you, as you seem to have a personal problem with these individuals (and now myself) wishing for something different. It's their time. If they are wasting their time, then so are you by telling them so.
You said 'Is that not why people love you? = isn't that why people love you?
Did you mean 'Is that why people do not love you'?
See what i mean? Did you get your nots in a knot?
You're an intelligent man, I'm sure I don't have to point you to the meaning of the word "sarcasm." Perhaps you're even being sarcastic right now, as I'm sure you knew what I meant.
It's not every time. A helluva lot of bashing goes on without any intervention or response from me.
The way I see it, I'm just adding my views. Even you responded when someone suggested all of X3 be written offf as a dream or an illusion.
Well, that's because it was a dumb idea, or at least unnecessary. Either do a sequel that owns up to what happened in the previous film, or forget everything and start from scratch a couple of years down the line.
And now you are policing me!
You are not wrong...
And you actually believe I am acting lke a mod, as though that is a bad thing to act like. Weird. Are some people here so threatened by common sense?
Common sense? All I see is a petulant man in love with the sound of his own words, oh and the belittling bit. You and I are not so different, perhaps.
Anyway, I suppose we better "cut it out" before a mod becomes involved. Although, considering that this board is all but dead except for you and me these days (but mostly you) ... If you happen to respond, I'll oblige, lest they close the boards and you my friend are left without an X3 board to cling to.