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X-Men 3 Online - Articles on X3

What caught my attention was...

...the international version is done today, no matter what.

Does he mean it's finished editing wise or FX wise or both? Hmmm.

"X" Marks the Spot

Dish Diva visits the Vancouver, B.C., set of "X-Men: The Last Stand"

By Taylor Johnson
MSN Movies

May 4, 2006

One sunny day in Los Angeles, I got a call beckoning me to visit the set of "X-Men: The Last Stand," which was shooting in Vancouver, B.C. The voicemail said to bring warm clothing. The warmest clothing I had on me was my security blanket: a cashmere sweater. I met our cameraperson in Vancouver, where it was cold -- the kind of cold that would keep even a diehard skier off the slopes at Whistler, B.C. I assumed we would shoot indoors and therefore would be fine without a scarf, coat, hat or gloves. Wrong. Our call time was 11p.m. and we expected to wrap at 4 a.m.

At midnight, I found myself standing on a slippery wet mountain. Buckled asphalt with twisted metal and wrecked cars surrounded me. It was zero degrees, and I was with the cast and crew of "X-Men: The Last Stand" on a giant set outside watching our breath freeze in midair. To my right, Famke Janssen (in blinding red hair as Jean Grey) was about to begin her violent scene. Her dog, Licorice, was at her feet in a warm coat made by Janssen herself. Nearby, director Brett Ratner ("Red Dragon," "Rush Hour") watched with delighted glee as the planned fireballs exploded.

Over a cup of hot cranberry cider, I talked with Hugh Jackman, who was just heading in to get his hair and makeup done. Maybe it was the freezing winds blowing or maybe it was Jackman's blinding-white teeth reflecting the twinkling lights from Halle Berry's trailer, but, yes, Jackman is as dreamy as he seems on screen.

Being a believer in the theory that seeing is better than hearing about the stars, watch our behind-the-scenes on-set interviews with Jackman, Janssen and Ratner and get an insider's look at the upcoming "X-Men: The Last Stand." Then later this month, visit MSN Movies for our exclusive video interviews with the cast when we catch up with them in a sunny and warm exotic top secret location.
is this interview new? please tell me, because i saw it in the cover of a Brazilian newspaper...there's also a Hugh Jackman one, so if its a new article i might translate it.

39 years old, Halle Berry doesnt hide the anxiety of seeing her character onscreen once again. The actress, who has diabetes type 2 and gets envolved in works to ensoul society about the disease and get founds to research, is single at the moment and says that she would love to have a family. This interview was given in her apartment in New York, in a gap between the filming of her new movie with Bruce Willis.

What's Storm's role in this film and how much development will we see on the character this time?
I have a more evident role, but i would be exaggerating if i said the movie concentrates on Storm. Its still a movie about X-men and with a huge cast. There are plenty of new characters. Storm appears more on screen and with more meaning, because she has an identified point of view. She has an opinion and you can understand who she really is. Before, when she expressed, she used to sound empty and ambiguous. Now you understand who she is and where she comes from.

So who is she, what kind of woman is Storm?
I think Storm is a really strong woman who has ethics, moral and fibre. She's a warrior who fights for what she believes, she says what she thinks, even if it doesnt represent the point of the majority. She ends up facing Wolverine, which is very impressing.

What were your challenges on this movie?
I felt very bad for many days, because i had to spin a lot and i found out that my digestive system isnt all that great.

Why do you believe there is so much excitement over the X-men movies?
Everybody can relate to the film's subject. Everybody has felt a little isolated and will always feel so in some way, i think. It doesnt matter if you are white or black or pink, you can relate to that. Everybody has been judged unfairly, epecially for things that are out of your control. To me, as a woman and as a woman of colour, i can understand deep inside what it is like. So, i think this brought me an approximation to people.

As an Oscar winner and one of the most respected actress of the world, is it still easy to identify with common people?
Well, you know what? Everyday i wake up with my dark skin - and it doesnt matter how much money i have, how many movies i make, how many awards i have in my shelf, everyday i have a clear conscience that i am a woman of colour, and there is still some discrimination. This doesnt change. Any money in this world will. What changes is the conscience of people, but have we got there? I dont think we live in a society where racism simply doesnt exist. But i think it is possible for things to get a step ahead. I believe that, someday, colour and race wont make a diference. I hope im here to live this.

what is your criteria to choose roles nowadays, and do you feel a responsability of making films that at the same time inspire and bring fun?
i really feel a responsability in a larger scale, but i also have a lot of conscience that i have a responsability with myself. Everytime i make a movie, i take a new risk and i face the challenge.


by Omar Aviles

There have been a ton of TV spots released for X-MEN: THE LAST STAND recently and, fortunately for us, they've all turned up on YouTube (how did the world cope before YouTube?) (via The Movie Blog) They do have some SPOILER material so if you'd like to remain virginal on all things X3 then you probably shouldn't click HERE, HERE, HERE or HERE. Let me just say, however, that they are worth getting ever so slightly spoiled because they kick unholy ass. But wait, there's more. Famke Janssen recently stopped by "Jimmy Kimmel" and showed a short clip, which you can find over HERE and a Portuguese game show, for some inexplicable reason, recently premiered a clip of Angel trying to be "cured" by his father. Check that out over HERE (the clip is in the first few minutes - the rest is Portuguese people doing wacky things). The SPOILER alert applies to the latter two clips as well. X3 opens May 26th.
Work has started on the X3 dvd.

Groove Tracks Heard On Film Marketing Materials

What do Cinderella Man, The Island, The Chronicles of Narnia, , Hostile and Saw II have in common? Their trailers feature tracks from Groove Addicts' trailer scoring series tracks. Selections from both Full Tilt and Trailer Tools are heating up the trailer world. And Groove Addicts Production Music tracks are heard on blockbuster trailers for Memoirs of a Geisha, (Mind Benders) and Yours Mine and Ours (Ignite.)
Movies aren't the only genre getting the Groove. A track from Full Tilt was featured on Fantastic Four's recent internet campaign. Groove Addicts placed selections from the Audio Network library on the X Men 3 DVD plus an ABC Fall Lineup promotional campaign highlighting hot shows.
Retro - how do you find all this stuff?

Iceman/Psylocke said:
Retro - how do you find all this stuff?

I borrowed cerebro. This explains why it's not appearing in the Last Stand;)
But I thought Cerebro is only for tracking/killing mutants and humans. :p
Mr Lex Luthor said:
But I thought Cerebro is only for tracking/killing mutants and humans. :p
I altered it with the help of some 'brothers'.:o
I found this in my post today, what do you think?


The Buzz
By Jeanne Wolf

Wolverine Gets Frisky … Ouch!

I'm here to tell you that when Wolverine gets up close and personal with a fellow female mutant (you don't really expect me to reveal who it is, do you?) in X-Men: The Last Stand, his claws don't get in the way or spoil the passion. But they sure come in handy during the rest of the film, when Wolverine and other mutants discover that a cure may make them all human. As they struggle with the possibility of losing their unique powers, mutant leaders Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart) and Magneto (Ian McKellen) face off in a war to end all wars.

What this means for Wolverine is that he gets smacked around by just about every baddie, from Juggernaut (Vinnie Jones) to Dark Phoenix (Famke Janssen). The man behind the fur, Hugh Jackman, reveals that he's sort of gotten used to fighting back with 9-inch claws.

"It's easier than the first film, when I nicked a few people," he says. "Now, when I swipe past someone's face, it's all done with CGI because I guess nobody trusts me. They didn't want to risk the rest of their cast. Actually, this time you'll see less slicing and dicing and more mano-a-mano fighting, which was brilliantly choreographed. I liked the change of pace, except for all those hours I had to spend in the gym training."

Jackman cheerfully admits that his first appearance as Wolverine five years ago gave him a chance to claw his way to the top. "I was a bum from Australia," he kids. "I was nobody, and I was way too tall for the role. But I was cheap, I mean, what can you say? It worked out so well. I never would have made it to Broadway to win a Tony for The Man From Oz without that career boost from X-Men."

Hugh Jackman, X-MEN: The Last Stand, Twentieth Century Fox Jackman still remembers the defining moment: when he realized he was going to be an X-Men action figure. "I went to Toys 'R' Us to get it myself, because part of the fun is buying your own action figure," he says. "I think the scary thing is that nowadays, they really resemble you. At least, that's the way I felt when I saw the Wolverine doll. Sometimes I look at it and it scares me for another reason, because I know what I did with action figures as a kid. I'd make them do the splits, rip their heads off, swap their arms and shove them in the freezer. I just hope there's not any kids sticking pins into Wolverine."

Jackman, who's currently negotiating a big-screen X-Men spinoff with Wolverine as the star, grins at the thought that he might be wearing those claws for a long time. "I'll certainly need a lot more makeup," he says. "Right now, I get away with an hour and a half, but give me a few years, and I'll need practically a whole day, like Mystique."
7 min. X3 preview

May 11, 2006
Omar Aviles

Not sure why Dell is suddenly getting an exclusive seven minute preview of X-MEN: THE LAST STAND but at midnight tonight, they'll be premiering the brand-spanking new footage. Let's hope to God that no one says "Dude, you're getting a Dell!" and if they do, let's hope they're talking to Wolverine when they say it so that when they say "Dude, you're get…", Wolverine sends three razor sharp adamantium claws through their gut and says "No, I'm not." Click on "Wheels" below to check out the site and make sure to go back at midnight to see seven minutes of X3 goodness. X3 opens May 26th.


COMING FRIDAY X-Men: The Last Stand press event in New York City -- and much more!!!


Patrick Stewart, who returns as Professor Xavier in X-Men: The Last Stand, said the third film is the most ambitious of the three.

"This film is richer from start to finish," Stewart said. "It''ll get you worked up -- and it should! It has an intriguing hook that gets you involved immediately and emotionally with the characters."

In other X-Men: The Last Stand notes:

* Vinnie Jones on playing Juggernaut: "Juggernaut is a mercenary, a fighting machine. He's a member of the Brotherhood but doesn't necessarily share Magneto's intense interest in abolishing the cure. He just lives for battles."

* Fox has released its digital press kit to The Continuum, including numerous new photos. Click on the thumbnails below for larger images.

The image above shows Brotherhood members Juggernaut (Vinnie Jones), Kid Omega (Ken Leung), Magneto (Ian McKellen), Multiple Man (Eric Dane), Callisto (Dania Ramirez), Pyro (Aaron Standford), Arclight (Omahyra) and Jean Grey (Famke Janssen).

X-tra, X-tra, read all about it!
There are so many people in "X-Men: The Last Stand," the nuggets from press day last week keep a comin'.

• Hugh Jackman (Wolverine) said "The Last Stand" gag reel is one of the funniest he's ever seen.

"If you ever see the gag reel, which, actually, you will never see, Kelsey [Grammer, who plays Beast] figures very prominently in it as does Ian McKellen [Magneto]. But there's some stuff that would pretty much ruin the franchise if it ever got out there."
It's SO annoying the way they don't put the gag reel on the DVDs!!:rolleyes:
Hugh-"Haha, James is screwed once again!!!"

Cut to James crying in corner


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