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8.14 - Requiem - Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

I don't understand how anybody could have been pleased with this horrible "ending" for Clark and Lana, aside from the outstanding performances by the cast. How was it an ending? If the viewer didn't already know this was Kreuk's last episode, the expectation would be for Clark to save Lana in the next episode - like he always does. Because Superman never gives up, but I guess SV's Clark does.

So while viewers patiently await the formal announcement of a 9th season and pray for yet another retcon, SV canon will leave us with a world where martyr Lana Lang has super powers, Martian Manhunter does not, our future Superman gives up on saving the love of his life, attempts murder because of it, and eventually falls in love with another woman since his first love is physically toxic to him.

This story was dumb beyond belief. The only thing that can save it now is a Clark shower scene, ala Bobby Ewing. :dry:
I don't understand how anybody could have been pleased with this horrible "ending" for Clark and Lana, aside from the outstanding performances by the cast. How was it an ending? If the viewer didn't already know this was Kreuk's last episode, the expectation would be for Clark to save Lana in the next episode - like he always does. Because Superman never gives up, but I guess SV's Clark does.

There is 101 ways the issue could be resolved(Blue K instantly comes to mind, somehow getting Bizzaro back to drain kryptonite out of Lana's suit, etc), so yeah yet another way for Clark's character to look terrible. I think for the Clana fanbase it's a case they know they won't get a happy ending, so they satified with a tragic ending showing Clark does love there girl the best(and they will quit watching after that episode like it was the final).

I understand some peoples comments how it was great acting, or great references to the past but a pile of crap covered in a nice tasty icing still is a pile of crap at it's core.
Not all relationships have to reach a mature, logical conclusion. Lana and Clark are forced apart. Clark is forced to move on. Time passes and he can pick himself up and start again. He can date Lori for a little bit to heal the wounds and have a relationship end in a friendly manner. Then he can move on to Lois. I can imagine that after five years Lana could come back and find Clark a very different person, in a different place in his life and not willing to start again with her. Perhaps its not the finality people wanted but it shouldn't be. Smallville is just the beginning, Lana's story will continue far in the future we won't see. Clark won't stop loving Lana but he won't always be in love with her.
Looks like I was the only one who half liked this episode...

The Toy guy was great was an excellent villian & Lex was surprisingly good & even better he sounded & looked like Rosenbaum to a degree...so from this angle the entier episode was of a good quality

However, the Lana/Clark stuff was really disappointing...it was like taking a massive leap back storywise & altho I never wanted them to end with a video tape, I didnt really want them to be forced apart from each other either the way the show panned out..

However I disagree with alot of people who seem to think that Superman eventually "settles" for Lois as 2nd best, I dont agree with this because theres never been anything beyond sexual tension with them...

Its the same story with any version of Superman, if he & Lana had have worked out Lois wouldnt have a got a look in, however albeit Smallville has done it as if he & Lana are forced apart rather than it just hasnt worked out...

Anyway looking beyond the long overdue break up, the episode was good if we look past the Super-tag team, the last scene between Lana & Clark was superb & a fitting end to the relationship & a good final scene for Kristen Kreuk

Heres a few bad points;

Lana still has Superspeed & Super strength, that needed to be nipped in the bud before she disappeared, I dont mind her radiating Kryptonite...but having Strength & Speed...no :down

Clark snapped too easy, I know everyone has a breaking point...even Superman...but still was was he gonna do..I'd love to see how the show would be if there wasnt someone there to prevent Clark doing something stupid as hes went off on little tantrums like this 2 or 3 times...that there kinda un-did all the good work he had been doing all this season so far, when he then planned to wipe out someone with heat vision :down

Oliver & Chloe...snnnnoooorrrreeee....
How many times does Clark need to tell them no killing, even to protect him!! Was complete contradiction of Clark as well when he apparently was ready to either kill or hurt Lex...he didnt look like he was ready to take him to jail lets put it that way :down

Good Points;

Toyman, awesome villian really fitted in well with the Smallville element :up:

Lex, he was officially a great villian now...was only a pity it wasnt Michael Rosenbaum in all his glory, best bit hands down was when Clark said "Your a coward Lex, come out here & face us" Lex then replied "No Clark, its time for you to face your defining moment"

The entier element of Superman was captured in this episode, what makes Superman, Superman is his self sacrifice :up:

Anyway, thats my "in-depth" review & break down on how I felt this episode was, I felt this was a good episode overall even tho it was more of a sideways step in terms of story progression, was an excellent end to the Lana/Clark saga. :up:

Roll on the return of the ever hot Erica Durance :up:
Not all relationships have to reach a mature, logical conclusion. Lana and Clark are forced apart. Clark is forced to move on. Time passes and he can pick himself up and start again. He can date Lori for a little bit to heal the wounds and have a relationship end in a friendly manner. Then he can move on to Lois. I can imagine that after five years Lana could come back and find Clark a very different person, in a different place in his life and not willing to start again with her. Perhaps its not the finality people wanted but it shouldn't be. Smallville is just the beginning, Lana's story will continue far in the future we won't see. Clark won't stop loving Lana but he won't always be in love with her.


Agree 100%
yea i agree i wished they went the angle where when she sucked up the kbomb it deactived the suit's nanotech stuff and the powers dont work any more. Though all we can hope is if a 9th season is a go they can come up with something that will make this ending work out better. As for clark and lois in smallville's world hard to say how this will go and they will have a deep relationship at this point.
On a personal note, I still believe Lana should have died in season five instead of Jonathan. Wouldn't be having these issues, now would we. If only I was in charge of Smallville.....
Thank you:yay:

And it's like I said, in a very subtle way, Clark and Lana came full circle after eight years. The fact that Clark could not get near Lana in the pilot because of Kryptonite, and now once again can't get near her because of Kryptonite still amazes me. Like I said, they came full circle. Fate did not agree with Clark and Lana, it not once did it ever. There was always something that kept them apart.

And, to look back at the 1st season and remember how much Lex wanted to help get Clark with Lana, and Lex ended up being the one to keep Clark and Lana apart forever is, in my opinion, the definitive moment for Lex becoming the bad guy that he was always going to be. Yea, killing Lionel was also a turning point, but it happened so fast and knowing how awful Lionel had treated Lex softened it up. Forever screwing Clark and Lana, that was the evil Lex Luthor that I know. That was the Lex that could possibly cause a rain full of blood while soaking the drops up on his white tux.
Very well put ... from the moment i saw the necklace featured, i had the feeling that this was the route they were gonna go with. It might not be my favorite way of closing Clark and Lana, but i gotta say i'm ok with it.
Very well put ... from the moment i saw the necklace featured, i had the feeling that this was the route they were gonna go with. It might not be my favorite way of closing Clark and Lana, but i gotta say i'm ok with it.

If you want to get even deeper with it, I kinda see Lana as Clark's figurative Kryptonite. The one person who could keep him from becoming Superman and fulfilling his destiny. Lana would not mean to be of any harm, but she has that power, just like the chunks of Kryptonite mean no harm, they just have that power. The more I think about it, the more I like the fact that he cannot get near her because of Kryptonite.

And I can deff. see where years down the road, with Clark fully established as Superman, something might happen in which Lana loses the suit, and by thta point the wheels are already in motion and Clark is Superman, and then Lana slides back into her mythos place as the girl who makes Clark wonder what might have been. Yes, that was the last time we were going to see Clark and Lana on television together, BUT, in the Smallville universe, I hardly think that will be there last conversation.

This is another reason why, after the end of Smallville and assuming that this cast will not go on to make any form of motion picture, there needs to be a comic book following the Smallville Clark as Superman.

I said previously that I wanted the last scene with Clark and Lana to be on the level of the final scene between Angel and Cordelia in the Angel episode Your Welcome, because you felt all the emotion of all the seasons wrapped up into one scene and your heart just broke at the beauty of it. I got my wish with Clark and Lana, kudos to Smallville yet again.
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And another thing, this season really has been the best of the post High School seasons. As a whole, seasons 1-4 were much better than seasons 5-7, and one good seasons won't change that, but this season has redeemed the promise that Smallville once had, atleast in my eyes.

Season two was by far my favorite season, btw.

Someone seriously needs to make a Clana video that begins with the conversation in the cemetary and ends with the last scene from requiem. I'm feeling a little "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls for the song that accompanies the footage in between the two scenes.
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And another thing, this season really has been the best of the post High School seasons. As a whole, seasons 1-4 were much better than seasons 5-7, and one good seasons won't change that, but this season has redeemed the promise that Smallville once had, atleast in my eyes.

It's really hard to rate the seasons. I found earlier seasons(1-4) had much more consistent story telling, but later seasons(5-7) had alot of really cool gimmicks mixed with terrible storytelling at times. Season 6 to me for instance was a mix of some of the best stuff ever(Phantoms, Justice) mixed with the worst(Clexana triangle).

Season 8 for the most part has been great in the sense up until the last 2 episodes we don't see angsty depressed Clark that has been a huge hinderence the past few seasons(of coarse the second Pink Kryptonite takes center stage in the story telling that all goes to hell).
It's really hard to rate the seasons. I found earlier seasons(1-4) had much more consistent story telling, but later seasons(5-7) had alot of really cool gimmicks mixed with terrible storytelling at times. Season 6 to me for instance was a mix of some of the best stuff ever(Phantoms, Justice) mixed with the worst(Clexana triangle).

Season 8 for the most part has been great in the sense up until the last 2 episodes we don't see angsty depressed Clark that has been a huge hinderence the past few seasons(of coarse the second Pink Kryptonite takes center stage in the story telling that all goes to hell).

My biggest problem with the later seasons was that it almost became all about the gimmicks and the storytelling was neglected. Thats when I started hating Gough and Millar. I partially blame the WB movie studio because I'm sure many restrictions were placed on Gough and Millar once Returns was up and the movie franchise was at the forefront again, but creative showrunners can work around that.
Again, it's my contention that this was the only way to end it short of them actually killing her off. Within the confines of the SV universe, this was the only option that made sense. Seeing how they gave so much weight to the "Clana" relationship since the very first episode, and their subsequent growth throughout the seasons, there was no reason whatsoever why they shouldn't have ended up together.

I had always been a proponent of going the route of the comics, i.e. Clark leaving Smallville and Lana to go off and become Superman, and maybe if the show had only went 4-5 seasons they could've done that. But here we are 8 years later and the writing just kept making Clana closer and closer and more perfect. Even last year when they had Lana saying she didn't want to be a distraction and hold him back, I just didn't buy it, and I think a lot of the audience felt the same way.

The stuff in Power where Clark said it was a dream and dreams don't normally come true was also very significant. I thought that pretty much summed up the whole relationship. They really were the perfect "dream" match for each other. Lana said there was always something getting in their way. Again, I just really like what they did with it and it made sense. There's a lot of interesting symbolism there with the necklace and what not. I applaud them.

I don't think it takes away from Lois either, it's just a different animal.

MJZ I love you for this post. You've said everything that I thought about Clana, but just didnt have the effort to write here, because I knew very few would see it the way I did. :applaud

I just thought that ending was beautifully tragic and I applaud them for giving us a meaningful ending rather than Clark thinking that Lana wasn't good enough or right for him or he couldnt be Superman with her right next to her. :yay:

And I love what Melly has also said, that Lois wont be second best to Lana because Lois wont feel like she has to put on a suit to be Clark's equal. :applaud After all Lois is Lois and Clark will move on to Lois with a far better understanding on how to be in a relationship and that is going to be one of the foundations of making their relationship so right.

I love what Clark said in this episode, that he's always dreamed of having someone he loves working right beside him. That will come true with Lois.

And now onto what I didnt like about this episode and I do have the effort to write about. With all the accolades that Chloe/Allison fans bestow upon her, you would think that after eight years on this show, she could give us a better display of acting skills when it comes to fainting. She is the worst fainter I have ever seen on TV. (It cant be that hard) The actress playing the nurse did a job 100 times better than what she did. :whatever:

This episode for me, is going to go down as one of my favourites.
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My biggest problem with the later seasons was that it almost became all about the gimmicks and the storytelling was neglected. Thats when I started hating Gough and Millar. I partially blame the WB movie studio because I'm sure many restrictions were placed on Gough and Millar once Returns was up and the movie franchise was at the forefront again, but creative showrunners can work around that.

I don't blame the WB. It's Gough and Millar's fault for driving the Clana relationship into the ground and making it a focal point of the show from Season 5-7. If they were planning long term(which it was obvious they weren't) they would have made Clark go to College and that would open up a whole new set of storylines without seeming like the show was stalling. The probably would have been better off not bringing Lois on in Season 4(other then (maybe) the 4 episode arc at the beginning) and doing a cast overhaul in Season 5(Keep the Kents and Luthors and everybody else goes)
I don't blame the WB. It's Gough and Millar's fault for driving the Clana relationship into the ground and making it a focal point of the show from Season 5-7. If they were planning long term(which it was obvious they weren't) they would have made Clark go to College and that would open up a whole new set of storylines without seeming like the show was stalling. The probably would have been better off not bringing Lois on in Season 4(other then (maybe) the 4 episode arc at the beginning) and doing a cast overhaul in Season 5(Keep the Kents and Luthors and everybody else goes)

Cannot argue with that. The whole college thing still bothers me. And in my world, where I'm the Smallville writer, Lana dies instead of Jonathan in season five, so that falls right in line. I would have let Clark and Lana be together for a long period of time, perhaps a whole season or season and a half, and then she bites the dust.

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Cannot argue with that. The whole college thing still bothers me. And in my world, where I'm the Smallville writer, Lana dies instead of Jonathan in season five, so that falls right in line. I would have let Clark and Lana be together for a long period of time, perhaps a whole season or season and a half, and then she bites the dust.

For me Season 4 is the year of full blown Clana if I am the writer(by full blown I mean actually show them dating for more then 3 episodes in a row), by Season's end Clark realizes that it was not ment to be and moves on
For me Season 4 is the year of full blown Clana if I am the writer(by full blown I mean actually show them dating for more then 3 episodes in a row), by Season's end Clark realizes that it was not ment to be and moves on

Agreed. In season four I would have featured Clark and Lana together for the entire season, living in happiness. Lana fully aware of Clark's secret, Clark finally being truthful with her. I would have shown them as all but living in a perfect world with each other.

I've always said I would have stripped Clark of his powers and let him live his normal life much longer than they did in season five, I'm talking quite possibly half a season. It would fall in line with Clark and Lana only being able to be together if Clark where an everyday guy. She then dies, and Clark gets his powers back.
Another thing I don't like about the later seasons is that Clark has already fought alot of his Superman villians. Braniac, Bizzaro, Zod, Toyman, MM, and now he will be fighting Doomsday. Who the hell is left to battle once he becomes Superman? Obviously going up against Lex does not bother me because Lex is more than just a villian to Superman. But I would have used Smallville as a way to feature lesser known DC villians in general, such as Neron, Deathstroke, and because we will more than likely never see him on screen, I'd have used Lobo. I also had zero problem with Clark battling other Kryptonians, although I might have presented them in the form of Daxamites.
Another thing I don't like about the later seasons is that Clark has already fought alot of his Superman villians. Braniac, Bizzaro, Zod, Toyman, MM, and now he will be fighting Doomsday. Who the hell is left to battle once he becomes Superman? Obviously going up against Lex does not bother me because Lex is more than just a villian to Superman. But I would have used Smallville as a way to feature lesser known DC villians in general, such as Neron, Deathstroke, and because we will more than likely never see him on screen, I'd have used Lobo. I also had zero problem with Clark battling other Kryptonians, although I might have presented them in the form of Daxamites.

You forgot the Prankster:woot:

I guess when you writing is suspect(Seasons 5-7), you need alot of cheap gimmicks to pass of as entertaining TV(although I have to admit I am sucked in by the gimmicks from later seasons)
You forgot the Prankster:woot:

I guess when you writing is suspect(Seasons 5-7), you need alot of cheap gimmicks to pass of as entertaining TV(although I have to admit I am sucked in by the gimmicks from later seasons)

I did forget the Prankster:cwink:

If Metallo shows up in Smallville, I'm going to be furious. Same with Parasite. I'm ruling out the Eradicator at this point.

I was one off those fas that was not sucked at all by the gimmicks, I got more and more annoyed with each passing one, the whole Supergirl incident really irked me. That was the biggest and worst gimmick of all, and is a prime example of why I dislike G&M so much. I've always thought they needed to bring in a great writer to become showrunner, I was holding out for Jeph Loeb or Tim Minear for the longest time.
Liek other episodes, it had it's pros and cons for me.

The biggest two issues.

The con, Lana was in it.

The pro, Lana shouldn't be in it anymore.

Anyone know who the blond girl was that Oliver and I were checking out?
Looks like I was the only one who half liked this episode...

The Toy guy was great was an excellent villian & Lex was surprisingly good & even better he sounded & looked like Rosenbaum to a degree...so from this angle the entier episode was of a good quality

However, the Lana/Clark stuff was really disappointing...it was like taking a massive leap back storywise & altho I never wanted them to end with a video tape, I didnt really want them to be forced apart from each other either the way the show panned out..

However I disagree with alot of people who seem to think that Superman eventually "settles" for Lois as 2nd best, I dont agree with this because theres never been anything beyond sexual tension with them...

Its the same story with any version of Superman, if he & Lana had have worked out Lois wouldnt have a got a look in, however albeit Smallville has done it as if he & Lana are forced apart rather than it just hasnt worked out...

Anyway looking beyond the long overdue break up, the episode was good if we look past the Super-tag team, the last scene between Lana & Clark was superb & a fitting end to the relationship & a good final scene for Kristen Kreuk

Heres a few bad points;

Lana still has Superspeed & Super strength, that needed to be nipped in the bud before she disappeared, I dont mind her radiating Kryptonite...but having Strength & Speed...no :down

Clark snapped too easy, I know everyone has a breaking point...even Superman...but still was was he gonna do..I'd love to see how the show would be if there wasnt someone there to prevent Clark doing something stupid as hes went off on little tantrums like this 2 or 3 times...that there kinda un-did all the good work he had been doing all this season so far, when he then planned to wipe out someone with heat vision :down

Oliver & Chloe...snnnnoooorrrreeee....
How many times does Clark need to tell them no killing, even to protect him!! Was complete contradiction of Clark as well when he apparently was ready to either kill or hurt Lex...he didnt look like he was ready to take him to jail lets put it that way :down

Good Points;

Toyman, awesome villian really fitted in well with the Smallville element :up:

Lex, he was officially a great villian now...was only a pity it wasnt Michael Rosenbaum in all his glory, best bit hands down was when Clark said "Your a coward Lex, come out here & face us" Lex then replied "No Clark, its time for you to face your defining moment"

The entier element of Superman was captured in this episode, what makes Superman, Superman is his self sacrifice :up:

Anyway, thats my "in-depth" review & break down on how I felt this episode was, I felt this was a good episode overall even tho it was more of a sideways step in terms of story progression, was an excellent end to the Lana/Clark saga. :up:

Roll on the return of the ever hot Erica Durance :up:

Wow, I really never thought about it in that way with that scene! Good review, I love how you really capture the ideas that the writers were trying to develop even if some of them were poorly executed.
Another thing I don't like about the later seasons is that Clark has already fought alot of his Superman villians. Braniac, Bizzaro, Zod, Toyman, MM, and now he will be fighting Doomsday. Who the hell is left to battle once he becomes Superman? Obviously going up against Lex does not bother me because Lex is more than just a villian to Superman. But I would have used Smallville as a way to feature lesser known DC villians in general, such as Neron, Deathstroke, and because we will more than likely never see him on screen, I'd have used Lobo. I also had zero problem with Clark battling other Kryptonians, although I might have presented them in the form of Daxamites.

There's still Metallo, Imperiex, Eradicator, Darkseid, The Female Furies, Kalibak, Live Wire, Parasite, The Legion of Doom and probably dozens of other versions of Brainiac and Bizarro that will pop up just like in the comics. Don't worry, Clark will have his work cut out for him by the time his Superman.
Agreed. In season four I would have featured Clark and Lana together for the entire season, living in happiness. Lana fully aware of Clark's secret, Clark finally being truthful with her. I would have shown them as all but living in a perfect world with each other.

I've always said I would have stripped Clark of his powers and let him live his normal life much longer than they did in season five, I'm talking quite possibly half a season. It would fall in line with Clark and Lana only being able to be together if Clark where an everyday guy. She then dies, and Clark gets his powers back.

Woah, woah, woah...

Alright, I agree with you on him losing his powers for a little bit longer, but HALF A SEASON? No freakin' way. He lost his powers for, like, what? 3 episodes? 5-6 episodes would be the absolute tops for me.
Woah, woah, woah...

Alright, I agree with you on him losing his powers for a little bit longer, but HALF A SEASON? No freakin' way. He lost his powers for, like, what? 3 episodes? 5-6 episodes would be the absolute tops for me.

I would have had a half season of nothing but character episodes, creating the illusion of a normal life not only for Clark, but the audience.

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