9.22 - Salvation SEASON FINALE Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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I didn't say follow the Lost story format.

I said they should follow the direction of the writers there, e.g. they decided that instead of letting Lost run on forever and degrade in quality/ratings, they set an endpoint and are working towards that. So they can wrap the story up in their own terms.

smallville isn't about that dude, it's about exploiting, and exposing the audience to as many commercials as possible...

maybe they'll take a more serious approach next year.

this season has been great, better than season 8, which was it self light years ahead of the 7 seasons that came before it. So I have hope that you are correct. That maybe finally, after 9 years, the smallville writing crew would pull out all the stops, and deliver (without having to fill in 25% of available episodes with filler.)

hopefully next season, we'll also get a climax to the season, where clark actually uses his powers.

Again, my only negative comment on the season finale: it is poor form to end a season, to bring the season to a climax, with a powered down Superman... it's cheap.

It was a good fight scene, but what in the hell was the point of giving Zod powers in the first place, and not have a real face off? Honestly, what's the point? All they did was waste 4-5 episodes worth of F/X budget on him. And why? so that Clark and Zod could have a powered down fist fight? It just doesn't add up. (hopefully, this is one of the things the production crew takes more seriously next year, budget and delivery). Ironically, it's the same BS climax (in essence) that they used in SII (without the saran wrap suffocating \S/ frisbee)
With S10 being the last, I'm hoping CW gives them the budget to make it the season to end all seasons.

Series Finale: Superman! :D
this season has been great, better than season 8, which was it self light years ahead of the 7 seasons that came before it.

(I, too, am hoping that by accepting the season as the final one, they let go of feeling like they have to keep stretching material and just go, for lack of a better saying, balls to the wall.)
Truth be told, I'm not against shorter seasons. So if they decided to end the show with a 13 episode run, and tighten the focus of the last season, and truly make it an epic "Final road to Superman" I wouldn't be upset about it.

But then again, I don't mind a fun/funny filler episode here and there.
Speaking of the end of "Salvation" ..

Why didn't Clark just toss the Blue K dagger over the edge of the building.. instead of falling intentionally with the dagger still attached to him?

Zod had backed off and if Clark had done that, they both would have ascended into the sky... instead of Clark diving towards his death.

His attempted suicide wasn't necessary.

And even if he pulled the dagger out while he was falling, he would have still ascended... but instead he does the Christ pose :confused:

And why Clark was taking a nap, Superman doesn't need it? And why Clark didn't put on the new suit? And why Zod used a red shirt instead of the black one? And why.....

Enough!! :hehe:
Actually, my biggest 'why' is why Clark didn't ascend with the other Kandorians when the Book of Rao was activated.

Clark still had powers, he supersped towards Zod.. so it obviously wasn't Zod's Blue K keeping him down.
Maybe it's because the script didn't call for Clark to ascend. :p

Seriously though, does it matter? Not really, as the basic thought shown was that Blue K = not ascending. Clark supersped to the Blue K before the effects of the Book of Rao affected him...that's all we need to know.
Al Septien said on twitter that the dagger kept Clark from leaving and it makes sense, that's why Zod used it. It could be kind of confusing for some, but it happens all the time on films and series, is not about perfect logic, is about drama. Is like when heroes always arrive on time to save the day (most of the time), that's not the way life works, but is just entertainment.
Al Septien said on twitter that the dagger kept Clark from leaving and it makes sense, that's why Zod used it. It could be kind of confusing for some, but it happens all the time on films and series, is not about perfect logic, is about drama. Is like when heroes always arrive on time to save the day (most of the time), that's not the way life works, but is just entertainment.

Yeah, but my argument was, Clark wasn't affected by the dagger till he supersped towards Zod (after ALL the other Kandorians had already conveniently ascended)... considering Clark supersped.

Maybe it's because the script didn't call for Clark to ascend. :p

Seriously though, does it matter? Not really, as the basic thought shown was that Blue K = not ascending. Clark supersped to the Blue K before the effects of the Book of Rao affected him...that's all we need to know.

But then why did the Book affect ALL the other Kandorians and not Clark BEFORE he supersped towards Zod and the Blue K?

I guess I'll just go with it. Best not to analyze.
I'm thinking that the Book of Rao grabbed the Kandorians who were closest to the disk. They all went in the order based on where they were standing. Clark and Zod were at the back of the line so to speak. Clark wanted to make sure everyone ascended before he could.
Or because the plot needed it to work that way in order to move the story to it's finish. Simple as that, like you said, no need to analyze.
Yea dvd set will probably be out in mid/late aug if its an early release like last season was. Also spiderbyte you could always dl the episodes legally/torrents what ever you do if you want to see episodes now. As for the whole talk about the suit colors as many of us has stated when we first see the fly by the colors are bright and bold, and sure it does look a bit darker on the underside shot, but he was in the shadows of the underside of the plane so that probably caused the colors to be darker like.
as to the ascending bit. if you did notice each person was taken one at a time. so it probably was a sort of order the teleporter took them on.
It's a good way to have Zod convince the others that Clark abandoned them and sent them to the planet by themselves.
doubt he would get the kandorians to be on his side again after they learned he killed foaroa and all that. He probably got beat up badly when he appeared.
Looked to me like the Kandorians stepped forward a little to go up in the beam.
Best bet...among the Kandorians, it wouldn't be a stretch to presume a few of them would sympathize with Zod and over time he is able to build up his own army, take control of the planet and HYPOTHETICALLY, the Kandorians return (led by Faora's sister) to Earth asking Superman for help against General Zod and his army.
i'm glad its ending. at least we will get a proper full blown sendoff instead of mid-story.

while i wouldn't go as far as say going out on top, it is always good to see the end than to end abruptly
Here's some random thoughts on which way they might go. I'm wondering if they are going to throw Lois off of Clarks trail by having her see him stabbed and injured with the blue K knife. If she sees him injured and bleeding that could be his cover for not being the blr, again that's just a thought if they wanted to avoid her knowing for season 10.
As far as th eopening scene where Supes saves the plane and the Planet, I actually believe that this is the worlds first exposure to Superman. 2013 woul dbe set 2 yrs after next season, and that would allow him time to complete his training at the fortress and to tell Lois who obviously knows at that point. The reason I believe it is the first time is because of the way Lois looks when she sees Clarks chair spinning and then yells for Jimmy so he doesn't miss the photo, it just made me believe that was the 1st time and she wanted the photo for her story. Also the way the guy out front says "look up in the sky" he seemed stunned, and yes I understand that's how people get with Supes, but I still believe that he was stunned because it was the 1st tim eanyone had seen him. Only Lois seemed relaxed when she saw Clarks chair spinning, kinda like she knew they were all gonna be OK
Finally saw this episode:

- both of Clark's superpunches to Zod were hilarious and badass
- the way the Kandorians found out about Zod's treachery was kinda dumb, you can't whisper around Kryptonians :whatever:
- I'm really glad Tess died and can't wait to see who that old lady was
- was kinda hoping for a JLA/JSA vs Kandorians fight, but I was pleased just to see Cyborg again :D
- whatever those things were that pounced on Ollie, can't wait to find out what those were
Finally saw this episode:

- both of Clark's superpunches to Zod were hilarious and badass
- the way the Kandorians found out about Zod's treachery was kinda dumb, you can't whisper around Kryptonians :whatever:
- I'm really glad Tess died and can't wait to see who that old lady was
- was kinda hoping for a JLA/JSA vs Kandorians fight, but I was pleased just to see Cyborg again :D
- whatever those things were that pounced on Ollie, can't wait to find out what those were

Tess may not be dead, as we all speculate that the "Old Lady" was Granny Goodness, one of Darkseids elite, and trainer of the Female Furies. she might make Tess into one of her Furies. Also Olliver we speculate may have been taken by Darkseids Parademon troops. Darkseid may be next seasons big Bad villian.
I know those shots looked so good, it was more like watching a film than a television series.

This show has always had excellent cinematography..sure there have been some downgrades in recent years when they had to do more backlot shots than location, but they are still able to pull off some great stuff!
Hey does anyone know, who the last person was when Clark was talking to the rest of the League?
From left to right it looked like
???? Jonn Jonzz, Black Canary, Big Screen, Hawkman, Star Girl and Cyborg
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